Hope's extremely terrified voice made Hansen stunned.

The water in the water area is flooding?

Are you kidding?

Although City No. 1 is built on the water, it is hundreds of kilometers away from the nearest water area.

In addition, some small hills along the way block the view. How can the camera capture the picture on the other side of the water?

With a full heart of doubts, Hansen subconsciously turned his head to look at the small holographic projection in front of Hope.

It was a small holographic image from Hope's watch. In terms of image quality and viewing experience, it is naturally not as good as the huge holographic image on the square.

In addition to the interference of the storm, the picture of the small holographic image appears very blurry.

Even so, Hansen recognized the location in the picture at the first time.

"Is this...Area A3?"

He frowned and asked in a low voice.

Hope nodded quickly: "Yes, this is the camera picture of Area A3."


Hansen, who got the confirmation, took a breath!

How did the A3 area become like this? !

"Isn't that a hilly area over there?" Hansent stared at the screen with his eyes wide open, muttering to himself, "How did this become... a lake?!"

The A3 area of ​​Dawn Star is adjacent to the A1 and A2 plains. It is a hilly terrain, close to the water, and the terrain is relatively low.

But now, the scene in the holographic picture is a lake with turbulent waves and many islands!

No, perhaps, it should not be called a lake.

If the area of ​​water farther away is included, what is in front of them should be the first ocean on Dawn Star.

Under the blowing of the unique storm of Dawn Star, waves of huge waves have been raised on the ocean!

These huge waves, driven by the strong wind, hit the islands exposed above the water surface fiercely.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the area of ​​these islands, which are mostly weathered rocks, is rapidly reduced under the impact of the huge waves.

Obviously, Hansent was unable to accept the ultimate accelerated version of the evolution process of the sea and the land in front of him for a while.

"Are you sure this is the A3 area?"

"You didn't call up the camera in the A4 area?"

Area A4, adjacent to area A3, is the area closest to the water, with lower terrain and a standard coastal landform.

Relatively speaking, Hansen is more willing to believe that this is the camera image of area A4.

Facing Hansen's doubts, Hope was silent for a moment, then raised his finger and pointed at several reefs with a metallic luster.

"Here, do you see it?"

Hansen nodded subconsciously.

Under the constant beating of the waves, the fragile weathered rocks on the surface of the reefs basically disappeared, revealing the metal veins in them.

"This is the highest peak of the Andrew Mountains."

"If I remember correctly, there are many copper mines in this area, and the mineral prospector is Andrew from the Hongfan team."

Hansen's mouth twitched slightly.

After this reminder, he also vaguely recognized the appearance of this reef.

"As for area A4..." Hope stretched out his hand to operate on the watch and switched the holographic image.

"It's the underwater world now."

The holographic projection flickered for a while, and then projected a "quiet and peaceful" picture.

Hansent: "...The quality of the camera is really good."

He sighed weakly.

Hope shrugged and cut the holographic screen back to area A3 again.

In just a few minutes, the distance between the sea surface and the camera was shortened again.

"According to the current rainfall, it is estimated that it will not be long before area A3 will be completely submerged."

Hope's eyes flashed a little worry: "Then, it will be the turn of City No. 1."

"I don't know if the dam can withstand it..."


Science Academy Headquarters, Command Hall.

"Warning! Yellow flood warning!"

"The water level is expected to rise to the guaranteed water level."

As Zero's electronic synthesized sound sounded, dozens of red-marked areas appeared in the huge holographic projection in front.

Fang Xu looked at the holographic projection worriedly: "Yongchang, the situation is a bit beyond expectations."

"The water level rises too quickly, our dam..."

Fang Xu didn't say anything else.

But everyone in the command center knew the consequences of this.

Once the water level exceeds the dam, City No. 1 will become the first underwater city of mankind.

Although City No. 1 is well sealed and designed to withstand this not-so-strong water pressure.


The city ports are all built near the ground!

Once it becomes an underwater city, the port will definitely not be opened.

At that time, they may have to spend a lot of effort to transfer all the supplies.

Lu Yongchang naturally knew this.

He frowned and looked at the numbers that kept jumping in the holographic projection.

"It shouldn't be a big problem."

"In Zero's simulation calculation, the amount of water brought by Nero is not enough to flood our dam."

"Just wait."

Although he said so, he couldn't help showing a little anxiety on his face.


One day later.

The rainstorm that swept the entire planet gradually stopped.

The melting of the ice comet absorbed a lot of heat, and the surface temperature of Dawn Star also dropped a lot.

Looking at the slowly rising average atmospheric temperature curve, Lu Yongchang breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, with the joint efforts of Gliese 555 and the planetary climate control satellite, the surface temperature of Dawn has not dropped below freezing.

Of course, the main contributor is Gliese 555.

Compared with the light and heat brought by stars, the energy provided by humans is just a drop in the ocean.

That is why the climate control satellite can only guide on the existing basis.

If Dawn does not have periodic global storms, then even if the power of human climate control satellites is multiplied several times, it is estimated that it will not have much impact on the climate of Dawn.

Lv Yongchang glanced at the sensor data in the holographic projection, and a long-lost relaxed smile appeared on his face.

It is basically the same as the calculation result.

The dam successfully blocked the flood.


The six surface cities of mankind are now like six isolated islands in the vast ocean.

Looking at the pictures sent back by the camera, Lv Yongchang shook his head helplessly.

"Yongchang, what should we do next?" Seeing the endless sea around City No. 1, Fang Xu's mouth twitched, and he asked in a low voice, "Build a new closed city?"

Lv Yongchang pondered for a moment and shook his head slowly.


"This time, build an open city directly."

"When the city is built, it is estimated that the environmental transformation of Dawn Star will be basically completed."

"By then, humans who have awakened from hibernation can live directly on the transformed Dawn Star."

Speaking of this, Lv Yongchang's voice paused slightly.

He turned his head and looked at the camera next to him.

"Zero, prepare to send out a group of drones to conduct high-altitude reconnaissance of the surface of Dawn Star!"

"Shooting images are synchronized to all holographic terminals."

As described in the Bible,

In order to detect whether the flood outside has receded, Noah released the dove.


In order to observe the effects of the flood caused by Comet Nero, Lv Yongchang ordered the release of a group of drones.

New Era Cyber ​​Bible.jpg

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