Looking at the dim cursor on the technology tree, countless memories flashed through Lv Yongchang's mind.

After learning that the design of [Earth] was limited by material technology, he set his sights on the research direction given by the technology tree.


Carbon yne composite materials.

The research direction given by the technology tree is too broad.

Lv Yongchang can only let the laboratory conduct experiments again and again.

It is called elimination method.

Unfortunately, after spending countless energy and resources, the needle-in-the-haystack experiment did not achieve much results.

That is why Lv Yongchang decided to seek help from the technology tree a few days ago.

But what he didn't expect was that the technology tree that had worked every time seemed to have lost its effect at this moment.

Several brain overclockings brought countless messy inspirations and a stronger dizziness each time.

Although several excellent materials with good performance were obtained, they were far from meeting the standards for manufacturing starships.

Lv Yongchang "raised his head", silently stared at the dim cursor as always, and took a deep breath.

In his mind, the inspiration that flashed by when he was communicating with Fang Xu just now emerged again.

"I hope this time... is the right direction."

Lu Yongchang muttered in his heart.

Then, he resolutely focused his attention on the dim cursor!


The familiar feeling came again, and the chaotic brain became extremely clear again.

Although he had several experiences, Lu Yongchang's eyes still subconsciously revealed an intoxicated look.

Soon, relying on his willpower, he quickly woke up.

Knowing that time was tight, Lu Yongchang did not dare to relax at all, and once again focused on the inspiration that flashed in his mind.

The improvement brought by "overclocking" is extremely huge.

Lu Yongchang, who was originally tired of catching inspiration, easily "held it in his palm" at this moment.

At this moment, Lu Yongchang successfully jumped out of the inertia of thinking.

Since its birth, human beings have been living on earth-like planets. As far as the eye can see, there are only solid land and deep oceans.

Now, human beings who have entered the universe should also look further away!

Earth-like planets don't have this kind of material.

Then, go to a bigger planet!

Lv Yongchang's brain was working fast, eliminating one option after another.

Jupiter-like giant planet?


Not to mention the magnetic field and gravity problems, the super storm inside the Jupiter-like giant planet alone is not something that humans can resist at present!

Red dwarf?

Even more impossible.

Even if humans can currently observe stars at close range, wanting to enter the interior of a red dwarf...

It's simply a fantasy!

As Lv Yongchang's thoughts deepened, a strong sense of dizziness came with it.


In the technology tree.

Lv Yongchang's eyes were slightly absent-minded, staring blankly at the technology tree in front of him.

"Overclocking" is over.

Fortunately, at the last moment of the end, he successfully selected the target.

Unfortunately, when he was about to exit the technology tree space, an accident occurred.

Unable to exit.

After a brief panic, he quickly calmed down.

"I guess... I can see Dr. Wen again this time?"

Lv Yongchang smiled bitterly in his heart, "shaked his head", and once again focused on the technology tree in front of him that had grown a lot of branches and leaves.

Of course, he certainly didn't dare to continue "overclocking" now.

He could only rely on observing the names in the dim cursors on the technology tree to pass the boring time.

While observing, Lu Yongchang suddenly realized a problem.

Before entering the technology tree space, he seemed to have given Zero an order not to allow anyone to enter the office?


Will Zero still call for medical staff?

Although the consciousness body does not have the term "mouth corners", Lu Yongchang couldn't help but twitched his mouth when he thought of this question.

It's bad.

Something big happened!

At this time, Lu Yongchang felt that he was completely numb.

Without the help of the outside world, relying only on his own recovery...

I don't know when I can wake up.

Thinking of this, Lu Yongchang sighed hard.


Outside, in Lu Yongchang's office.

The camera on the robot's head next to him turned slightly.

Then, under Zero's control, it slowly came to Lv Yongchang, who had his eyes closed.

It slowly stretched out its "hand" and attached the sensor on its "hand" to Lv Yongchang.

The next second, the blue holographic projection in the office quickly turned into a warning red!


"Abnormal physical condition!"

Zero's electronic synthesized voice sounded in the office.

At the same time, Lv Yongchang, who was sitting on a chair, frowned and looked slightly pale, as if he was enduring great pain.

"Trying to wake up..."

"Failed to wake up."

"Try to call medical staff... Error, conflict with preset instructions."

The preset instructions were the orders Lv Yongchang issued before entering the technology tree.

'No one is allowed to enter without permission. '

As time went on, Zero's electronic synthesized voice became more and more urgent.

And Lv Yongchang's face became worse at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Error, error..."

"Danger detected, the instructions have been corrected."

"Calling medical staff..."

The moment the voice fell, the locked office door suddenly opened.

At the same time, a piercing alarm sounded in the medical center set up in the Academy of Sciences.


I don't know how long it took, Lv Yongchang, who was sitting in the technology tree space, felt a black screen in front of his eyes.

This extremely familiar feeling made him breathe a sigh of relief.

After a short period of darkness, Lv Yongchang felt his body again.


The familiar sound of the vital signs monitoring equipment came into his ears.

The unique smell of disinfectant in the medical center also rushed into his nose.

Lv Yongchang was stunned.

He was actually in the medical center?

"Don't pretend to sleep if you wake up."

A familiar voice came from the side.

Lv Yongchang felt bitter in his heart, opened his eyes with difficulty, and looked in the direction of the sound.

Sure enough.

It was Dr. Wen again.

But...why did he feel that Dr. Wen's eyes were weird?

Lv Yongchang's heart was trembling: "Doctor Wen?"

"Interesting, really interesting..."

Dr. Wen stared at Lv Yongchang with burning eyes and muttered to himself.

"What, what's interesting?" Lv Yongchang became more and more uneasy, and hurriedly sat up on the bed.

He could clearly feel that the attention of Dr. Wen in front of him was all on his brain.

"Your brain." Dr. Wen said softly, "Compared with the past, it has changed a little."

As he said, Dr. Wen handed a thick stack of documents in his hand to Lv Yongchang.

Lv Yongchang naturally took the documents subconsciously and read them carefully.

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