Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 46 Is the foundation of astronomy shaken?

Xia State Assembly Hall.

The top physicists and astronomers of Xia State took their seats.

The chairman of the assembly sat at the front of the assembly hall with a serious face.

There was a deep worry in his eyes.


The chairman of the assembly reached out to straighten the microphone and cleared his throat.

Seeing that everyone in the audience was looking at him, Councillor Li pondered for a moment and spoke.

"Dear professors and academicians, I called you all here in a hurry today because I just got a piece of news."

As he spoke, Councillor Li reached out and turned on the projector in the Xia State Assembly Hall.

A paper appeared on the huge projection screen.

Seeing this paper, all the professors and academicians present frowned.

A slight discussion followed.

"Is this... the paper published in Nature a few days ago?"

"Yes, I have a good impression of this paper."

"What does Councillor Li want to say by bringing out this paper at this time?"

"I don't know... maybe the sun has really entered the aging period?"

"Nonsense! How is this possible?!"


Looking at the discussion in the audience, Councillor Li's expression became more serious again: "Quiet!"

"Based on the data in the paper and the observation data of the Xiaguo Observatory in the past month."

"Professor Lu Yongchang has come to a conclusion after calculation."

"The sun is aging at an unprecedented rate. According to the model prediction, the sun will become a red giant within ten years and explode a helium flash within fifteen years!"

Councillor Li's voice paused slightly, and he added again: "This calculation data has been verified by Ye Nangeng of the Xiaguo Observatory."


After the voice fell, the huge Xiaguo Assembly Hall was silent.

The pupils of all the participants instantly shrank into needle-like shapes!

More than ten seconds later, there was an uproar!


"How is it possible!"

"Professor Lv Yongchang? Isn't he studying controlled nuclear fusion? Why is he suddenly studying astronomy?!"

"I heard that he is still a sophomore undergraduate student. This... this is not a joke!"

"But... Mr. Ye actually recognized Professor Lv's calculation results. Doesn't that mean..."

"Don't make random guesses. Let's wait for the chairman to explain!"

A few minutes later, the discussion gradually dissipated.

Councillor Li glanced at the people in the audience and spoke again: "To be honest, I don't believe this conclusion."

"Today, I called you all together for a verification."

As he spoke, the picture on the projection screen changed.

Looking at the neat rows of deduction formulas above, every professor frowned deeply.

"This is the latest solar model established by Professor Lv Yongchang. Let's take a look and see if you can find any loopholes."

"In addition... According to this model, at around 22:50 tonight, extremely strong aurora phenomena will occur around the world."

The moment they heard this, everyone turned their heads and looked out the window.

The sky outside was pitch black, with no sign of the aurora.

The councillor raised his wrist and looked at his watch.


There was less than an hour left before the predicted time.

"Academician Yang Jianchuan, what do you think of this statement?"

Councillor Li asked quietly with a calm face.

Academician Yang Jianchuan, who was named, frowned and muttered to himself: "It's impossible..."

"Although there was an extremely strong aurora event in 1958, it was when the solar activity was intensively erupted."

"According to the latest observation data, the solar activity is far from reaching this standard!"

Councillor Li nodded slightly: "That means that the possibility of a global aurora is extremely small at present, right?"

Seeing Academician Yang Jianchuan nod, Councillor Li took a deep breath: "That means that once a global aurora really occurs in an hour..."

Having said that, Councillor Li did not continue.

Everyone present was not a fool, and naturally heard the meaning of the councillor's long words.

After a moment of silence, Councillor Li spoke again with a serious face: "Professors, it's still early, let's first verify Professor Lu's model!"


22:35 in the evening.

All professors and academicians frowned and looked at the page of deduction process on the projection screen.

"Mr. Yang, do you see any problems?"

An academician showed some worry in his eyes and asked Yang Jianchuan beside him softly.

Yang Jianchuan shook his head slowly: "I... I can't see the problem."

"In fact, after looking at this model, I think there is something wrong with the star model we built before."

"What?!" The academician was shocked and said repeatedly, "This... Mr. Yang, this joke can't be made!"

As a leader in the astronomical community of Xia Country, Mr. Yang's judgment in astronomy is rarely wrong.

It is precisely because of this that Mr. Yang's views will directly affect the judgment of most people!

Mr. Yang looked solemn and sighed deeply: "I hope not."

"Human history is too short and the level of technology is too low."

"The only star we can really contact is the sun, so... it is normal even if the model is wrong."

When seeing the unacceptable expressions on the faces of several professors around him, Mr. Yang slowed down his tone a little.

"Of course, maybe our model is correct, but there are some problems in the sun that we don't know about, which led to this strange phenomenon..."

Hearing this, the expressions on the faces of the professors eased a little.

After all, once the basic model of stars is wrong, it means that the foundation of human astronomy has been completely shaken!

This is unacceptable to every researcher!


The voice of the councillor clearing his throat came from the stage: "Everyone, have you found any loopholes?"

"Or, does anyone have any objections to this deduction result?"

Time passed slowly bit by bit.

The huge Xia State Assembly Hall was silent.

Hundreds of professors and academicians lowered their heads, not daring to look at the councillor on the stage.

Several senior academicians of astronomy and physics also sighed and shook their heads helplessly.

Seeing this scene, a trace of disappointment flashed in Councillor Li's eyes.

He slowly closed his eyes and sighed deeply.

"In that case, then..."

Before he could finish his words, a cry of surprise came from the audience!


"The aurora really happened!"

Member Li suddenly opened his eyes and turned his head to look out the window!

A brilliant red light appeared over the capital!

The red light gradually spread across the sky.

Under the reflection of the aurora, the originally bright moon was also stained with a layer of blood, as if foreshadowing the future of mankind!

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