
As a subordinate institution of the Academy of Sciences, the Resource Management Bureau governs all the resources of the People's Union, and mineral resources are just a relatively large category among them.

And they, mineral prospectors, are the smallest grassroots.

To say that they are a member of the Academy of Sciences is really flattering.

Hansen's lips trembled slightly: "But, but..."

That's a giant ice planet!

The fear of unknown things is deeply engraved in human DNA.

Thinking of the beautiful giant planet with crystal blue all over, Hansen felt a chill on his back.

On Earth, in the solar system, in the universe...

No matter where you are, beauty often means danger.

Hope shook his head slowly: "No buts."

"Opportunities always coexist with risks."

"At least, I don't want to be an unknown mineral prospector anymore."

Looking at Hope's firm eyes, Hansen felt a trance.

It seems that when they first met, Hope also held the same firm look and vowed to himself that he would work in the Academy of Sciences one day.

Decades passed in a flash.

Hope is still the same Hope.

But what about him?

Hansen subconsciously reviewed his ordinary life.

There is nothing worthy of praise.

He was silent for a moment, and his originally dull eyes gradually became sharp.

"Have you decided?"

"Yes." Hope nodded firmly without any hesitation, "Sorry, the future mineral exploration mission may have to be completed by you alone."

Hansen did not speak, but turned and walked towards the inner room.

Looking at Hansen's back, Hope's eyes showed a bit of guilt.


He lowered his head and murmured again.

Then, he turned around and walked towards the door resolutely.


A crisp reminder sounded, and the door opened.


Just as Hope was about to go out, Hansen's voice suddenly came from behind him.

Hope turned his head subconsciously.

When he saw the suitcase in Hansen's hand, he couldn't help but stand there.


"Why are you standing there?" Hansen strode to Hope's side and pointed to the direction of the Academy of Sciences headquarters with his chin, "Let's go!"

"Wait, wait!" Hope said with a stutter, "You, how come..."

"You're right." Hansen took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"I don't want to be this unknown mineral prospector anymore."

"I also want to take this opportunity to bet on a future."

"I think Professor Lu won't let us die, right?"

As he said that, Hansen smiled self-deprecatingly.

Hope's eyes, which were originally a little dim, became bright at this moment.

He didn't say anything, but raised his hand, hugged Hansen's shoulders, and shook them vigorously.

Everything is self-evident.


Academy of Sciences.

"Zero, how is the registration?"

Lv Yongchang's voice sounded in the biological laboratory.

"Professor, so far, no one has signed up for the project." Zero responded quickly, and at the same time unfolded a holographic image showing statistical data.

When seeing the hundreds of millions of readers displayed on the statistical interface, Lv Yongchang couldn't help but frown.

"What's going on? Why didn't anyone sign up?"

Mao Zhengzhi leaned over and glanced at the holographic image in front of Lv Yongchang, and lightly sighed.

"The requirements are too high."

"There are not many mineral prospectors with more than 50 years of work experience."

"And it's such a life-threatening job, it's probably hard to find such people."

"How about...lowering some requirements?"

Lv Yongchang shook his head and refused without hesitation: "No!"

"Entering the ice giant planet for exploration is an extremely dangerous operation. Without sufficient mineral exploration experience, it will only lead to an extremely bad ending in the end!"

"Then...what about unmanned driving?" Mao Zhengzhi pondered for a moment and added again, "If no one signs up."

Hearing this, Lv Yongchang's eyes showed some entanglement.

The reason for choosing real people is that compared with robots and artificial intelligence, humans have more flexible self-judgment ability.

When encountering some extreme situations that have never occurred before, experienced old drivers can rely on their own experience to deal with emergencies.

This is something that Zero can't do anyway.


"If no one really signs up, then choose unmanned driving."

At this point, Lv Yongchang sighed helplessly, and then cast his eyes again on the holographic projection in front of him.

In the projection, there is a picture of an independent gravity cabin.

In the picture, four well-proportioned men live naturally.

At the top of the picture, there is a small red font.

[Equivalent gravity: 2g]

Lv Yongchang carefully checked each physical examination data, and a little satisfaction appeared in his eyes.

The effect of Magna's visceral retinal gene and Magna's body strengthening hormone is very good.

At least, it seems that the people who have undergone this human enhancement experiment can live easily on the surface of Dawn Star without the help of exoskeleton armor and medical cabins.

As for the problem of atmospheric pressure...

After testing, these genetically enhanced personnel can live normally under 10 standard atmospheres.

Although the current external environment of Dawn Star is far from meeting the standard,

but Lv Yongchang believes that as time goes by, Atmosphere Transformer No. 1 will sooner or later transform the atmosphere of Dawn Star into an environment suitable for human habitation!

"Professor, someone has signed up."

Zero's voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Lv Yongchang's thoughts.

"Oh?" A hint of joy flashed across Lv Yongchang's face, and he said repeatedly, "Who is it? Are the qualifications up to standard?"

"After a comprehensive inspection, it meets the requirements you set."

"Good! Great!" Hearing Zero's response, Lv Yongchang rubbed his hands excitedly, "Show me their information."

"By the way, Zero, let them come to the biological laboratory to find me!"

"If you want to enter the ice giant planet for exploration, this physical fitness is not enough!"


The first floor lobby of the Academy of Sciences.

Hope stood there with a nervous look, staring at the introduction of the ice giant planet in the holographic projection on the side.

"Hansent, do you think we can be selected?"

"Will someone sign up before us?"


Compared with Hope, Hansent seemed much more normal.

He rolled his eyes helplessly: "Brother, be normal."

"Look around, is there anyone else in this hall besides us?"

"Besides... which mineral prospector with fifty years of work experience would be so stupid as to volunteer?"

Hope laughed awkwardly and was about to say something when he was interrupted by a familiar electronic synthesized voice.

"Mr. Hope, Mr. Hansent."

"Please follow me."

"Professor Lu is waiting for you two in the biological laboratory."

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