Dawn star synchronous orbit.

An extremely large man-made object floats quietly in space.

The man-made object is in the shape of a giant disk.

It was a giant space city newly built by mankind.

Under the light of Gliese 555, this huge disk-shaped man-made object is slowly rotating around the center of the circle.

The same principle as the gravity chamber.

This approach can provide the space within the disk with a gravity equivalent to that of the Earth.

Not far from it, there is a half-built giant space city with the exact same shape and structure.

The purpose of these space cities is not to dock starships or to build starships.

Their main role is to nurture human newborns.

The gravity on the surface of Dawn Star is too great, so it is not particularly friendly to children who have not yet fully developed.

Even babies who have just been born and whose bones have not yet developed will have great difficulty standing and walking under such gravity.

You can't put an exoskeleton armor on your newborn baby, right?

In order to ensure the normal reproduction of human beings, the Academy of Sciences made preparations a few years ago to build several giant space cities in the synchronous orbit of the Dawn Star as nurturing centers.

Once pregnant, both parents can travel to the giant space city at the same time and enjoy twenty years of pregnancy leave.

Seems like a lot.

But compared to the current life span of human beings, which can easily range from eight to nine hundred or even a thousand years, this little time is nothing.

When the newborn becomes an adult, parents and children can return to Dawn Star again to lead normal lives.

Although this measure seems very humane, the time cost of twenty years and countless hidden costs still deter many people.

Therefore, since the establishment of the giant space city, very few people have chosen to give birth to the next generation, and the huge space city also appears empty.

On the outer edge of Dawn Star are equally huge buildings.

That is the spaceport for the human fleet.

As the core area for daily maintenance and manufacturing of starships, there are many fleets docked near the space port.

The flagship [Earth] was docked there quietly.

The core area of ​​the spaceport.

"Researcher Li Yuntian, Dawn Star has sent a communication request. Do you accept it?"

Zero's electronic synthesized sound echoed in the huge room.

Then, a male voice sounded: "Accept."

The holographic projection unfolded, and Lu Yongchang's image appeared in front of Li Yuntian.

"How is [Poseidon] doing?"

Lu Yongchang asked directly without any nonsense.

Li Yuntian, who was familiar with Lu Yongchang's style, was not surprised at all and quickly reported the latest progress to Lu Yongchang.

He first reached out and adjusted the angle of the camera so that it could capture [Poseidon] on the other side, and then spoke.

"Professor, [Poseidon] has been completed and is currently undergoing performance testing."

Through a huge glass, Lu Yongchang could clearly see the true appearance of [Poseidon].

As a specially-made ice giant planet mineral exploration ship, [Poseidon] is extremely different from normal mineral exploration ships in shape.

In order to withstand the huge pressure and harsh environment inside the ice giant planet, [Poseidon] was designed into a standard sphere.

There are several large or small nozzles "underneath" the sphere. This is the tail of [Poseidon], where the Hall propulsion unit is placed.

"Above" the sphere are several pieces of glass made of transparent aluminum.

This is the porthole of [Poseidon].

In order to ensure the overall strength of [Poseidon], the porthole glass was greatly thickened and the area was reduced as much as possible.

Each porthole allows only one person to look out.

Behind the porthole is the cockpit of [Poseidon].

Compared with the entire starship, the cockpit is extremely mini.

The entire cockpit area is less than fifty square meters.

After installing various instruments and equipment, there was only a dozen square meters of space left for the driver.

The conditions are very difficult, but compared with the entire mineral exploration ship, the safety level of the cockpit is undoubtedly the highest.

In a sense, the cockpit is even equivalent to a miniature starship.

In the design, once the starship is irreversibly damaged, the cockpit will be ejected as a whole.

With the help of the fuel and small Hall propulsion device that comes with the cockpit, it can even rush into the low-Earth orbit of an ice giant planet!

Of course, that's all.

It is unrealistic to want to use it to leave the ice giant planet and return to Dawn Star.

As for the driver, the moment he encounters danger, he will enter the deep-sea cabin in the cockpit.

When the cockpit enters the low-Earth orbit of the ice giant planet and sends out a distress signal, they will enter hibernation and wait for the rescue of the human fleet.

This is the safest measure that Lu Yongchang can think of.

In addition to the cockpit and the Hall thruster nozzle, there are two huge, closed hatches on the rear side of the Poseidon.

That's where the robots and warehouses are.

Once potentially useful mineral resources are discovered, under the control of the driver, the robot can perform sampling work and place the ore into the warehouse.

In addition, there is a small laboratory inside [Poseidon].

It can perform the most basic testing on the mined ore samples, which can greatly improve the work efficiency of the prospecting ship - the two drivers will not make a trip in vain.

Although there are so many structures inside, compared with the rest of the starships in the human fleet, [Poseidon] still looks particularly "small".

The entire starship is less than 100 meters in diameter.

"How is the compressive strength?"

Lv Yongchang asked in a deep voice.

For [Poseidon], compressive strength is the most important data.

Just reaching the surface of the liquid ammonia sea, the pressure around it has reached 60 standard atmospheres. Once it goes deep into the bottom of the liquid ammonia sea, the pressure will increase rapidly!

"The test results show that its maximum pressure resistance reaches 100,000 standard atmospheres." Li Yuntian glanced at the holographic projection on the side and answered quickly.

Lv Yongchang did not speak, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

100,000 standard atmospheres.

It can be said to be very high.

In the Earth era, the deepest part of the Mariana Trench was only thousands of standard atmospheres.

Even so, at that time, the Mariana Trench was still an abyss that humans could not conquer.

But for the ice giant planet, this pressure resistance is still not enough.

According to the model, the pressure inside the ice giant planet can even reach millions or even tens of millions of standard atmospheres.

Carbon atoms will be compressed into small diamonds by this terrifying pressure, and countless diamond rain will even fall in the "air"!

Of course, the [Poseidon] mineral exploration ship does not need to go to such a terrifying area.

Theoretically, the pressure strength of 100,000 standard atmospheres is enough to support it to go to the depths of the liquid ammonia ocean.

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