Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 478 Warning, a small amount of neutron radiation detected


In the simulation image provided by Zero, the originally excited movements of the deep sea beast were a bit slower.

It stayed there quietly, seeming to realize something.

"It's done!"

Mao Zhengzhi's eyes lit up and he laughed loudly: "It seems that this amino life also has a cellular structure."

The scene in front of him has already confirmed Mao Zhengzhi's conjecture just now.

Hope and Hansent also took this opportunity to quickly adjust [Poseidon]'s posture and start the motor again.

The propeller at the tail started moving again.

Hope raised her head and looked at the narrow porthole ahead.

At this time, [Poseidon]'s posture has been adjusted, and the cockpit is facing the deep sea beast.

In the sight of the two of them, in the dark ocean, the flickering orange-red light was slowly spinning in place.

"It didn't chase it." Hope said softly, "Academician Mao is right. Cesium chloride and rubidium chloride attracted its attention, and we are safe for the time being."

He was silent for a moment, then murmured again.

"It's like breathing..."

"What?" Hansent was stunned and asked Hope with some doubts.

"Look at that orange-red light, it's like our breath." Hope said softly.

The next moment, before Hansent could reply, the orange-red light quickly disappeared.

"It found the bait!" Lu Yongchang's voice came from the speaker, "Follow it quickly!"

"Get as close to it as possible."

"I need to see its anatomy."

Hope and Hansent looked at each other, swallowed, and then gritted their teeth and controlled [Poseidon] to drive towards the orange-red light.

Incompatible with its huge size, perhaps because it lives in a low-density liquid ammonia ocean, the giant beast's movements appear particularly flexible.

In just ten seconds, it dived next to the two baits.

"It stopped." Hope glanced at the simulated image and then turned his attention to the sonar device on the side again. "The bait should have been found."

Although the active sonar device has been turned off, the receiving device is still working.

On the holographic interface, ripples flashed one after another, and each ripple represented a burst of strong ultrasonic waves.

As for the source of the ultrasonic waves, it is naturally the deep sea monster not far away.

"It seems to be very excited." Hansen nodded and said softly, "Compared to just now, its shouts are more urgent."

Under the control of the two men, the [Poseidon] exploration ship quickly sailed towards the deep sea monster.

"Shut down the power system."

Lu Yongchang's command sounded again, "Slide to it by inertia."

"Be careful. If the situation goes wrong, retreat immediately."


After hearing this, Hope reached out and skillfully shut down the power system of the exploration ship.

After the propeller stopped turning, the exploration ship was like a ghost in the deep sea, slowly drifting toward its destination.

Inside the Dawn Star Command Center.

Seeing the distance between the two in the holographic projection getting closer, both Lu Yongchang and Mao Zhengzhi broke into a cold sweat.


At this time, the deep-sea monster was attracted by the dissolved cesium chloride and rubidium chloride in the seawater, and did not even notice the uninvited guest not far away.

"Front searchlights running at full power!"

Lu Yongchang issued the order in a deep voice.


The most powerful front searchlight lights up.

Two bright beams of light suddenly appeared in the deep dark water.

The light beam shone directly on the giant beast, and the camera faithfully recorded the scene in front of it.

The rough, cracked dark brown "skin" and streamlined body exude a wild atmosphere.

"This should be its back." Mao Zhengzhi said softly, "Change the direction and look elsewhere."

The camera screen moves slowly.

Gradually, its full picture appeared in front of everyone.

A "fish".

Just looking at the appearance, the shape of this "fish" is very similar to that of a shark on Earth, except that it has no eyes on its head.

At this time, this "fish" was opening its mouth wide and continuously swallowing the surrounding liquid ammonia seawater.

Apparently, liquid ammonia seawater mixed with cesium chloride and rubidium chloride has a fatal attraction for it.

"Where's the orange-red light?" Mao Zhengzhi suddenly asked, "Where did the orange-red light we saw just now come from?"

"It seems to be the abdomen." The moment Hope's voice sounded, the "fish" changed its position and exposed its abdomen.

Like the back, the belly is covered in dark brown cracked "skin."

In the center of the abdomen, there is a circular area shining with orange-red light.

"This thing..." Mao Zhengzhi suddenly frowned tightly, "It doesn't look like a predatory organ."

"Hope, can you take a closer look?"

Through the porthole, Hope looked carefully and nodded: "It should be OK. To be on the safe side, I need to launch two more decoys."


Lu Yongchang agreed to Hope's application.

Under Zero's precise control, the sealing device thrown by the robotic arm opened on the beast's head.

The suddenly rich cesium chloride and rubidium chloride made it excited - this can be seen from the increasing ultrasonic signal.

The [Poseidon] exploration ship also took advantage of this opportunity to quickly close the distance.

"Zero, have you found any patterns in these signals?"

Lu Yongchang suddenly asked.

"Insufficient samples, no clear pattern has been found yet." Zero's electronic synthesized voice sounded from the side.

At the same time, a new holographic image quickly unfolded in front of him.

In the holographic projection, there are thousands of different audio samples.

Lu Yongchang frowned and looked carefully, then slowly shook his head.

None of these thousands of signals is repeated.

Moreover, the number of audio signals continues to increase over time.

"It's outrageous..."

Lu Yongchang murmured to himself.

The ultrasonic signals emitted by this thing are not only different in strength and length, but also in various frequencies.

"It's just like yelling."

Lu Yongchang gave his own evaluation.

A precise and efficient language system does not require so many complex syllables.

Then, he turned to Mao Zhengzhi and asked: "Academician Mao, do you think it has its own language system?"

Mao Zhengzhi frowned and nodded hesitantly: "Although there are currently no repeated syllables, we still cannot rule out the possibility of a language system."

"Regardless, there are significant differences in the strength, length and frequency of these signals."

"Even if you are just yelling...with so many syllables, there should be a few that are repeated."

"Let's accumulate samples first. When the number of samples increases, we may discover the secrets hidden in them."

"Warning, high intensity magnetic field detected!"

"Warning, small amount of neutron radiation detected!"

Zero's warning interrupted the discussion between the two.

Lu Yongchang was stunned for a moment, and quickly turned his attention to the holographic image aside.

In the picture, the [Poseidon] exploration ship has arrived near the orange-red circle of light.

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