Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 481 Highly intelligent life?

"No...something's wrong..."

Hope looked at the world outside the porthole with an ugly face and muttered something.

"What? What happened?"

Hansen on the side looked anxiously like a giant monkey, looking up at the porthole in front of him, trying to find what Hope said was "wrong".

"There is one missing..."

Hope's muttering came from the side.

"Wha, what?" Hansent froze on the spot and quickly cast his gaze into the distance.

The flickering orange-red light is particularly bright in the dark deep sea.

One, two, three...

What about another one? !

Hansent felt his heart tremble slightly.

Something big happened!

"I said, there is a giant fish missing!!"

Hope's tone was restless.

He raised his hand and quickly called up all the running camera images around the ship.

In the continuous impacts just now, many cameras were damaged. Currently, only those cameras that have received heavy protection are still working.

It is also true that when the active sonar detection function is not turned on, the simulated 3D images provided by Zero also have some blind spots in the perspective.

"The first giant fish is gone!"

Hope quickly explained to his teammates: "There are only three giant fish outside now, and the full giant fish is no longer there!"

At this time, the atmosphere in the Dawn Star command center, thousands of miles away, was extremely tense.

Where did that giant fish go?

Just when everyone was confused, an orange-red light flashed from the camera on the belly of the exploration ship.


Lu Yongchang, who observed this scene, blurted out: "It hasn't left! It's right next to you!"

The next moment.


"Collision warning!"

Electronic synthesized sounds rang in everyone's ears.

Before Hope and Hansent could react, the familiar vibration came again with a loud noise.

"'s here again!!" Hope said with difficulty, resisting the dizziness, "What does it want to do?!"

As he spoke, he cast his gaze toward the porthole.

Outside the porthole, the orange-red light slowly faded away and stayed quietly in front of them. The sonar device displayed regular ultrasonic waves one after another.

It seems like it is "staring" at the [Poseidon] exploration ship.

The exploration ship gradually regained its balance and the propeller started again.

The orange-red light approached quickly.


Another violent impact!

"Zero! Shut down the power system!!"

In the midst of the whirlwind, an incredible idea flashed through Hope's mind. He didn't have time to think about it carefully and shouted loudly.

The exploration ship regained its balance again.

Hope and Hansent sat on the chairs, breathing hard and recovering their little physical strength.

After shutting down the power system, the exploration vessel hovered quietly in the ocean of liquid ammonia.

The giant deep-sea fish did not launch a third attack.

Outside the porthole window directly ahead, orange-red light flickered slowly in the distance.

Hope reached over and turned up the power of the headlights.

Under the light beam, the majestic deep-sea giant fish was floating quietly in front, "staring" at the [Poseidon] exploration ship.

"Hope, why did you stop the powertrain?"

Lu Yongchang's voice came from the speaker.

"Professor, I think it doesn't seem to want us to leave." Hope swallowed and explained while panting.

"As long as the power system is turned on, we will be attacked."

Lu Yongchang fell into silence.

Obviously, judging from the current situation, Hope's judgment is correct.


Why does it prevent exploration ships from leaving?

Just when this question came to Lu Yongchang's mind, the situation changed again.

It personally answered Lu Yongchang’s doubts.

The sonar device showed that the giant deep-sea fish ahead emitted a series of dense ultrasonic waves.

After just a few dozen seconds, three orange-red light spots in the distance gave up the "delicious food" in front of them and quickly approached the exploration ship.

It didn't take long for them to arrive near the exploration ship.

"Teach, Professor..." Hope's voice trembled slightly, "They, they seem to be surrounding us."

As Hope said, in the camera footage, four giant deep-sea fish were slowly circling around the exploration ship.

One after another very similar ultrasonic waves echoed in the sea water.

"Professor..." Hope said the guess that had long appeared in his mind.

"Do you think they use the exploration ship as a feeding machine?"

Inside the command center.

Lu Yongchang was stunned by Hope's words.

Afterwards, the expressions of Lu Yongchang and Mao Zhengzhi turned gloomy.

Being used as a feeding machine is a small thing.

The truth hidden behind it is the top priority!

If this giant deep-sea fish can react and make a series of judgments and choices in such a short period of time, then its level of intelligence is definitely not low!

Thinking of the scene where the giant fish only cared about swallowing cesium chloride and rubidium chloride at the beginning, and then thinking of the scene where the three giant fish decisively gave up the "delicious food" in front of them and chose to outflank them, Lu Yongchang's face became even more ugly.

Now that I think about it, that must be a way to confuse the opponent!

"It can also use tricks!!"

Mao Zhengzhi beside him obviously also figured out the key point: "They are highly intelligent life!"

"Whether they are highly intelligent life or not is still uncertain." Lv Yongchang took a deep breath, stabilized his mind and said, "At least, their intelligence is not low."

"Let's do a test first."

"Zero, throw the last bait out, the farther the better!"


Surrounded by four deep-sea giant fish, the side hatch of the exploration ship slowly opened, and a manipulator stretched out from it.

Then, the manipulator swung hard.

The bait was thrown out.

Time passed by.

"Open the bait."

When the bait was about to leave the control range, Lv Yongchang gave the order.


The hatch of the bait opened quickly, and a large amount of cesium chloride and rubidium chloride gushed out of it.

A few minutes later, one of the deep-sea giant fish noticed the presence of cesium chloride and rubidium chloride.

It subconsciously swung its body and swam towards the bait.

There was a hole in the encirclement net.

But the next second, a strong ultrasonic wave came from the first giant fish!

The deep-sea giant fish that had just left the encirclement formation stopped moving.

"It is urging its companions." Mao Zhengzhi said softly, "The first giant fish seems to be their leader."

Seeing that the giant fish that left did not come back, more intensive and strong ultrasonic waves came out.

Facing more urgent urgings, the giant fish that left the formation slowly returned to their positions.

"The level of intelligence is not high." Lu Yongchang concluded, "It can't be considered a truly highly intelligent creature."

"The leader should be the best among them, so he can master the basic means of deception."

ps: Thanks to Jiuli 乄 for another great god certification... No, I really can't write anymore...

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