Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 49 Human Deep Space Fleet Plan

The four characters on the projection screen glowed with a little light gold, which made everyone's pupils shrink suddenly!


In the legend of Xia country, Heaven is the highest ruling center in mythology!

In the hearts of every Xia countryman, Heaven has irreplaceable significance!

"Heaven Project, full name of the Human Deep Space Navigation Fleet Project."

"The project will complete preliminary construction within 15 years."

"The first target planet of the Heaven Project is Proxima Centauri, 4.22 light years away from us!"

Lv Yongchang's faint words echoed in the Xia country's Great Hall.

At the same time, the PPT screen on the projection screen kept switching, and the main content of the Heaven Project kept appearing in front of everyone.

The academicians and professors in the audience were so shocked that they couldn't speak at this time!

Everyone couldn't help but have an idea in their hearts.

This... How dare Lv Yongchang? !

Colonize extrasolar planets within 15 years?

Science fiction novels don't dare to write like this! ?

At the back of the Great Hall, the flash lights were flashing more and more frequently, almost forming a dazzling white light!

The shutter buttons of the cameras in the hands of the reporters were almost broken!


More than ten minutes later.

Lv Yongchang stood on the stage and slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, the three major plans were briefly introduced.

He lowered his head and scanned the faces of the people below the stage.

Sure enough, almost every academician and professor had a look of disdain and suspicion on his face.

He pulled the corners of his mouth, revealing a faint smile on his face, and then said to the microphone again: "This meeting ends here."

"Please leave first, reporters."

Lv Yongchang's words caused a slight commotion in the Great Hall of Xia.

Reporters leave first?

There was no such saying originally!

The doubts in the eyes of everyone in the Great Hall became stronger.

Lv Yongchang was obviously not going to make any explanation, but just stood quietly on the stage, looking at the reporters in the last row of the Great Hall of Xia with a serious expression.

However, in such a meeting, no one wanted to touch Lu Yongchang's bad luck.

After all, as the first director of the Space Agency, Lu Yongchang holds real power!

Five minutes later.

When all the reporters left the Xia State Hall, Lu Yongchang winked at the soldiers standing at the door to guard.


The four doors of the hall were closed together, making a uniform and dull sound!

Seeing this scene, all the academicians and professors' pupils shrank!

This is... something big happened? !

"Everyone, what I'm going to talk about next is related to national security!"

Lu Yongchang said meaningfully: "Therefore, please sign a confidentiality agreement!"

As he spoke, several soldiers began to distribute confidentiality agreements to the academicians and professors in turn.


"I actually have to sign a confidentiality agreement!"

"It's related to national security... What happened?!"

As soon as Lu Yongchang finished speaking, a group of young professors couldn't hold back their breath and whispered with their companions around them.

Some senior academicians sitting in the front row had a gleam in their eyes.

"Academician Yang, this should be the truth you just told me, right?" While signing his name on the confidentiality agreement, Mr. Qiu glanced meaningfully at Yang Jianchuan beside him.

Yang Jianchuan signed his name solemnly and said softly: "Mr. Qiu, I can tell you the truth now."

"If I tell you that Xiaguo... no, humans, have less than fifteen years to survive, do you believe it?"

The pupils of the white-haired Academician Qiu Tianzhong suddenly shrank. Even he couldn't suppress the shock in his heart and exclaimed in a low voice: "What did you say?!"

Seeing that everyone around him was looking at him, Qiu Tianzhong hurriedly squeezed a forced smile on his face and waved his hand and said: "It's okay, it's okay..."

When everyone around turned their heads away, Qiu Tianzhong hurriedly pulled Yang Jianchuan's sleeve and whispered: "What did you mean by that just now!?"

"What do you mean that humans still have 15 years?!!"

Just as Yang Jianchuan was about to answer, Lv Yongchang on the stage interrupted him.

"Since everyone has signed a confidentiality agreement, I'll speak directly."

"Everyone, humans have the last 15 years to escape!"

"To be precise, all creatures on Earth have the last 15 years to escape!"

Lv Yongchang's words were like dropping an atomic bomb on the peaceful venue!

In just a moment, the originally quiet Xia State Assembly Hall became as noisy as a noisy vegetable market!

Lv Yongchang stood on the stage, looking at the people below quietly, without saying a word.

He knew in his heart that such shocking news really needed some time for everyone to digest.

Gradually, the discussion in the assembly hall gradually disappeared, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Lu Yongchang on the stage.

Until then, he gently pressed the mouse and switched the PPT projected by the projector.

"I believe everyone here is familiar with a paper published in Nature some time ago."

"The recent activities of the sun should have caused a lot of trouble for many people, especially the global aurora last night, which violated all the laws summarized in the past."

"After rigorous calculations and deductions, we found that the sun has entered the aging period ahead of schedule."

"And its aging speed is far beyond our expectations."

"According to the model prediction, the sun will enter the red giant stage within ten years, during which time the sun will engulf Mercury and Venus at once."

"Within fifteen years, the sun will explode a helium flash!"

"At that time, as the planet closest to the sun, the earth will be completely melted by the light of the helium flash!"


There was a dead silence in the Great Hall of Xia State.

Qiu Tianzhong sat in a chair with a blank look in his eyes, his dry and thin hands tightly grasping the armrests beside the chair.

"This, how is this possible..."

"This, this is not in line with common sense!"

Qiu Tianzhong roared in a low voice like crazy.

As a great physics expert in Xia State, Qiu Tianzhong could not accept this fact for a while.

In just over ten years, the sun will consume most of its energy in a plain way!

According to common sense, this energy is enough to support the sun's burning for billions of years!

Where did this energy go? !

"This does not conform to the law of conservation of energy!!"

Qiu Tianzhong stood up suddenly, his dry hands trembling slightly, and roared sharply!

If such a thing really happens, it will be a disaster!

Not only a disaster for Earth civilization, but also a disaster for the human knowledge system!

Looking at the old man who was staggering on his seat, a trace of pity flashed in Lv Yongchang's eyes.

He had seen too many such scenes in his previous life.

The higher the knowledge, the more unacceptable it is for the sun to have such an accident!

Because it violates all the laws of human cognition!

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