Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 515 Dyson Sphere Phase II Project and Antimatter Engine

As Wang Mingyuan dragged, the holographic introduction interface quickly reached the bottom.

But his eyes were fixed on an entry at the bottom of the holographic projection.

[Megastructure Project - Dyson Sphere Phase I Project]

Although he was born on Proxima b, he still had some knowledge of this theoretical project born in the Earth era.

His face flushed, and the trembling amplitude of the fingers that swiped the holographic projection became more and more intense.

"Sir, your heart rate fluctuations are detected to be abnormal..."

An electronic synthesized voice sounded at the side.

"No, I'm fine!" Wang Mingyuan did not look back and directly interrupted the robot's inquiry, "I need all the public information of the Dyson Sphere Phase I Project!"

At this time, Wang Mingyuan was extremely excited, even more excited than when he first saw the Guangwei Planetary Fortress!

The reason is also very simple.

Dyson Sphere Phase I Project.

These simple Chinese characters reveal extremely important information.

Since there is a Phase I project, then there is naturally a Phase II and even Phase III project!

As a large-scale engineering architect, Wang Mingyuan naturally could not miss the opportunity to realize his dream!

Soon, lines of text and images appeared in the holographic projection in front of him.

[After thirty years of full construction, the Dyson Sphere Phase I project has come to an end. ]

[At present, the Gliese 555 Dyson Cloud Antimatter Production System can fully meet the current human civilization's demand for antimatter. ]

[Considering the growing energy demand in the future, the Academy of Sciences will launch the Dyson Sphere Phase II project at the right time...]

Looking at the few lines of text at the bottom of the project introduction interface, Wang Mingyuan's eyes suddenly lit up!

As expected!

"How should I sign up for the Dyson Sphere Phase II construction project?"

Without any hesitation, he turned his head and asked the robot beside him.

This robot was only allocated a little computing power of the ship-borne artificial intelligence one, so in the face of Wang Mingyuan's inquiry, it "hesitated" for a few seconds before giving an answer.

"According to the query, you meet the project standards."

"After completing human body enhancement and various adaptive courses, you can go to the Academy of Sciences official website to sign up."

"Adaptive courses?" Faced with this new term, Wang Mingyuan frowned and asked again.

"The adaptive course is a one-month comprehensive training."

"Through it, you will have a rough understanding of the current social situation..."

A few minutes later.

Wang Mingyuan's eyes showed some surprise.

Social public welfare system...

It seems that the Academy of Sciences and the Parliament have done a lot during this period!


Two months later.

A city on the surface of Dawn Star.

"Dear Mr. Wang Mingyuan, congratulations, you have successfully passed all tests."

"The Dyson Sphere Phase II project is about to start. Please prepare your personal belongings and go to Dawn Star's synchronous orbit Port No. 1 to board the plane..."

Seeing this message in the holographic projection, Wang Mingyuan, who was originally lying on the sofa to rest, suddenly jumped up and uttered a series of meaningless weird cries.

After venting his inner excitement, he raised his hands, rubbed his face vigorously, and forced himself to calm down.

"Boarding at Port No. 1!"

He said to himself excitedly: "Yes, yes, I should pack my luggage!"


The surface of Dawn Star, the first laboratory of the Human Union Academy of Sciences.

After three decades of research, under the leadership of Lv Yongchang, the Academy of Sciences finally broke through the key technology of the antimatter engine.

Lv Yongchang stood in front of the huge holographic projection, looked up, and looked at the huge propulsion device and nozzle in the projection, with a strange light flashing in his eyes.

As long as this experiment is successful,

human civilization will officially cross the threshold between the third-level civilization and the fourth-level civilization, and get rid of the title of low-level civilization!

The antimatter engine uses antihydrogen atoms and hydrogen atoms as fuel.

Theoretically, when it starts working, antihydrogen atoms and hydrogen atoms will be injected into the reaction chamber under the action of the magnetic field.

Then, under the precise control of the control system, these antihydrogen atoms will contact with hydrogen atoms and produce annihilation reactions.

When antihydrogen atoms annihilate, in addition to high-energy gamma rays, they will also produce some mesons.

Among them, neutral mesons will quickly transform into high-energy gamma rays, but charged mesons have a certain life span.

The normal half-life is 28 nanoseconds.

These mesons carrying more than 60% of annihilation energy fly at a speed close to the speed of light.

Therefore, their half-life will be extended to 70 nanoseconds.

Although the time is extremely short, they can still fly a considerable distance with their ultra-high flight speed close to the speed of light.

Under the constraint of the magnetic field, these charged mesons close to the speed of light will be ejected directly from the nozzle of the antimatter engine!

Thus, it brings an extremely huge thrust to the starship equipped with the antimatter engine!

This is the propulsion principle of the antimatter engine.

It is very simple, but the benefits it brings are many times stronger than the Hall thruster!

"The first antimatter engine propulsion test starts now."

After all the preparations were completed, Lv Yongchang calmly issued an order: "Prepare to inject antimatter."


Near the Dawn Star.

A strangely shaped spaceship quietly stayed in the cold and empty space.

The test starship was equipped with a small fusion reactor.

Its function is to provide the most basic energy supply for the starship when the antimatter engine has not yet started.

For example, the magnetic field confinement device, the central main control system...

With the order of Lv Yongchang, under the control of Zero, a point of antihydrogen atom was slowly injected into the reaction chamber through the magnetic field.

At the same time, at the other end, an equal amount of hydrogen atoms also entered the reaction chamber.

The two quickly came into contact under the action of the magnetic field.

Annihilation began.

At this moment, the mass of positive and antimatter was completely converted into energy.

Among them, a small part of the energy was released in the form of high-energy gamma rays, and then converted and absorbed by the devices around the reaction chamber for use by the starship.

Most of the energy was released in the form of mesons.

Within 70 nanoseconds, these charged mesons have not decayed.

In this short 70 nanoseconds, they were deflected by the magnetic field and gushed out from the nozzle of the antimatter engine!

At this moment, a dazzling light appeared at the nozzle of the antimatter engine!

The next second.

Driven by these mesons that are close to the speed of light, the starship rushed forward at a very high acceleration!

Inside the laboratory.

“The test was successful.”

Zero’s voice rang out in the laboratory.

After a short silence, a burst of warm applause and cheers came from all directions!

Standing in front of the huge holographic projection, Lv Yongchang’s mind had already been turned upside down at the moment the test was successful!

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