Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 527: Migration plan restarted

Gliese 555 main star Dyson Sphere Phase II Engineering Construction Base.

Wang Mingyuan sat in the office, staring at the porthole on the side of the office in a trance.

The base was built near the main star, and the porthole was covered with a layer of extremely effective shading film.

Through the porthole, you can see that there are extremely large structures distributed around the dark red Gliese 555.

Each structure is 10,000 meters long.

But they are just a small part on the Dyson ring.

One by one, the "petite" engineering ships fly in an orderly manner among these behemoths.

With the help of powerful mechanical arms, the engineering ships move these "small parts" to the designated area and splice them.

Just like building blocks.

However, the final product is a huge Dyson ring orbiting Gliese 555!

Wang Mingyuan sighed with satisfaction and walked back to his desk.

Above the desk, a holographic image with azure blue as the background appeared.

It was an extremely complex set of drawings.

But anyone working at this construction base can easily recognize the content of this set of drawings - the single-ring structure drawings of the Dyson ring.

Wang Mingyuan carefully reached out and moved the drawings in front of him, and zoomed in on the details to observe carefully.

He needed to ensure that there would be no accidents in the area he was responsible for.

Suddenly, the tightly closed office door suddenly opened.

"Old Wang, something happened."

Wang Mingyuan's body trembled slightly, and the drawings in the holographic projection also trembled.

He retracted his gaze and raised his head to look at the person who came.

"Qin Sheng?"

Qin Sheng was his colleague and the engineering architect responsible for the Dyson Sphere Phase II project.

Looking at his colleague who looked so panicked, Wang Mingyuan frowned slightly, and a bad idea flashed through his mind.

He lowered his voice and asked hurriedly: "What? Is there a problem with the Dyson Ring?"

"No, it's not the Dyson Ring."

Hearing this, Wang Mingyuan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, waved his hand and said: "Well, it's not the Dyson Ring that's causing the problem, why are you so panicked?"

"...The Dyson Ring project has been terminated!" Qin Sheng's face flushed slightly, and he shouted in an extremely suppressed voice.

"What?!" Wang Mingyuan's face changed drastically, and he ran to Qin Sheng in two steps, staring at Qin Sheng in front of him, "The project has been terminated? Why?!"

"The Dyson Sphere Phase II project has been officially launched, why would it be terminated for no reason?!"

"Where is Academician Tang? I want to find him!"

As he said, Wang Mingyuan bypassed Qin Sheng who was blocking him and ran towards the office door.

"Wait!" Qin Sheng stretched out his hand, grabbed Wang Mingyuan, who was excited, and shouted, "It's an order from the Academy of Sciences!"

Wang Mingyuan's footsteps suddenly stopped: "Academy of Sciences?"

A trace of confusion rose in his eyes, and he muttered to himself: "Why would the Academy of Sciences order the termination of the Dyson Sphere Project..."

"I don't know the specific situation, but I guess the official notice will be issued soon." At this point, Qin Sheng sighed slightly, "I also heard the news from Academician Tang's office. It is said that..."

"Ding Dong!"

A crisp prompt sound interrupted Qin Sheng's words.

Accompanied by the azure particle special effects, a brand new holographic projection slowly emerged above the desk.

Looking at the big words at the top of the holographic projection, Wang Mingyuan's expression was slightly solemn, and he hurriedly turned and walked towards his desk.

"It's an announcement from the Academy of Sciences." Qin Sheng followed Wang Mingyuan's footsteps and said in a deep voice, "Maybe something big has happened."


"Letter to All Citizens of the People's Federation"

Dear citizens of the People's Federation, I am Chief Scientist Lv Yongchang.

With the joint efforts of all of us, mankind has overcome numerous hardships and arrived at the Gliese 555 star system.

After hundreds of years of transformation, Dawn has become our ideal home.



The announcement is not long, but the amount of information in it is extremely huge.

Wang Mingyuan and Qin Sheng stared at the text in the holographic projection in a daze and swallowed hard.

"Migration plan..."

"Restart hibernation..."

"Advanced civilization..."

Wang Mingyuan's lips trembled slightly, and a trace of resentment rose in his eyes: "Fuck!"

He slapped the desk in front of him hard, his face flushed, and whispered: "Another damn advanced civilization!"

"Migrate again!!"

"We have just lived a peaceful life for so long, why do we have to migrate again?!"

"We are already a level 4 civilization!" Wang Mingyuan walked to the porthole excitedly, pointing at the behemoth outside the porthole, "Look at that!"

"Give us enough time, we can even control the stars!"

"Isn't this still better than that damn advanced civilization?!"

"Old Wang..." Qin Sheng looked at Wang Mingyuan in front of him with complicated eyes, and sighed again, "Calm down."

"The Academy of Sciences must have considered various factors before issuing the order."

"Abandoning Dawn Star should be an extremely difficult decision for the Academy of Sciences."

Wang Mingyuan's body trembled slightly, and his eyes stared straight at the scene outside the porthole.

In the cold and silent universe, the dark red Gliese 555 burned quietly, emitting insignificant light and heat in all directions.

"Two years." Wang Mingyuan's eyes were slightly red. "I hibernated for 225 years, and I only woke up for two years."

"Yes, brain activity basically stopped during hibernation, and I have no memory of this."

"But 225 years ago, I lived in the surface city of Ross 154 and the surface city of Proxima b. At that time, I had never seen the real blue sky and white clouds!"

"Do you know how I felt when I first arrived at Dawn?!"

Qin Sheng looked at Wang Mingyuan with more and more complicated eyes.

What Wang Mingyuan said was not his inner thoughts.

Although they have only been awake for a short two years, the Human Union has brought them endless surprises!

Thinking that these surprises will soon turn into bubbles, and they will lie in the cold hibernation cabin again, Qin Sheng subconsciously clenched his fists.

"Don't blame the Academy of Sciences."

A familiar voice sounded at the door: "Professor Lu was forced to give the order."

"Academician Tang?!" Wang Mingyuan and Qin Sheng were slightly startled and said in unison.

"It's not very clear in the announcement, it just says advanced civilization." Academician Tang cast a deep gaze at the holographic projection on the desk, "This is to avoid causing panic."

"Today's human beings are only level 4 civilization."

"But we may be facing level 7 or even level 8 civilization."

"They may be the most powerful civilization in the universe."

"Today's human beings have no choice but to escape."

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