"It stopped!"

A shout full of surprise and surprise sounded from a corner of the command center.

After hearing this, Lu Yongchang, who was still a little depressed, suddenly perked up and quickly raised his head to look at the holographic projection.


After the spherical detector "captured" the two-dimensional debris, it stopped in place.

In the images returned by the camera, the gravitational lens effect appears again around the spherical detector.

Obviously, after "capturing" the two-dimensional debris, the spherical detector once again activated the extremely strong gravitational shield.

This scene also reversely verified the guesses of Lu Yongchang and others when they studied two-dimensional fragments before - two-dimensional fragments are affected by gravity, but extremely strong gravity is needed to have a large enough impact on them.

This is why the gravity shield of the Rathore civilization's flagship is ineffective in front of two-dimensional debris.

The gravity shield it creates is too weak.

"So... the purpose of this detector is two-dimensional fragments?" Gao Yang, who was sitting near Zhao Zijie, raised his eyebrows, a hint of excitement flashing in his eyes.

"If that were the case, this crisis might have..."

Zhao Zijie's expression suddenly changed. He didn't have time to think about it, so he shouted loudly: "Gao Yang! Shut up!"

"It's passed?"

Obviously, it was too late, Gao Yang still said the last half of the sentence.

"It's over..." Zhao Zijie slumped in his chair with a dejected expression, "Professor, think of countermeasures now."

"I guess the mission of this detector is not that simple."

Even Lu Yongchang has never seen such a scene.

He was stunned and cast a doubtful look at Zhao Zijie: "What's going on?"

"I didn't see you so frustrated when the anti-matter electromagnetic gun failed just now?"

Zhao Zijie reached out and rubbed his stiff cheeks, glared at Gao Yang fiercely and sighed: "Professor, you may not know the power of Gao Yang's mouth."

After the words fell, there was a burst of slight laughter in the command center.

The originally tense atmosphere was diluted a bit.

Lu Yongchang turned his head and glanced around.

Those who laughed were mostly military personnel.

He raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise: "How do you say that?"

"His bad mouth..." Zhao Zijie once again glared at Gao Yang, who was scratching his head and laughing, and shook his head helplessly, "I don't know what to say, it's quite evil anyway."

"You get what you say, just like a causal weapon."

"That's not true..." Lu Yongchang glanced at Gao Yang with a strange look, then reached out and patted Zhao Zijie on the shoulder, "Humanity has entered the fourth level of civilization, you have to believe in science."

Zhao Zijie nodded feebly: "I hope..."

Facing the strange looks from Lu Yongchang and the scientific researchers, Gao Yang lowered his head with some guilt and made a gesture of shutting up.

Lu Yongchang laughed dumbly, shook his head and withdrew his gaze.

He is a staunch materialist, and such mysterious remarks cannot affect him.

Although he said this, he still turned his attention to the scientific researchers on the side: "Commander Zhao is right. Let's take this opportunity to discuss the solution as soon as possible."

"You can't pin your hopes of survival on the other person, right?"


Mo Zeyang was the first to speak: "I have an idea."

"Say it." Lu Yongchang nodded.

Mo Zeyang subconsciously glanced at the spherical detector that remained stationary in the holographic projection, organized some words, and said.

"Professor, based on my observations just now, the core program controlling this detector should be a Type I artificial intelligence."

"Just like our weak artificial intelligence one."

"Due to its low level of intelligence, without artificial or strong artificial intelligence intervention, it can easily receive external images and make wrong judgments."

"Simply put, it can easily be misled by outside information."

Speaking of this, Mo Zeyang paused slightly and observed the reactions of the people around him.

Seeing no one objected, he continued: "Therefore, we can use this characteristic to lay a trap for it."

With that said, he reached out to unlock the electromagnetic adsorption switch on his seat and stood up under the gaze of everyone.

Mo Zeyang stretched his hand across the air, and a new holographic projection appeared.

He quickly sketched something on the projection in front of him.

After a few minutes.

Following Mo Zeyang's gesture, under Zero's control, the holographic projection quickly enlarged.

"First of all, its mission target is two-dimensional fragments, so we can use the two-dimensional fragments to make a fuss."

"Secondly, when it 'captures' two-dimensional debris, it will briefly close its gravitational shield and use gravity to pull and capture the two-dimensional debris, which gives us the opportunity to carry out an attack."

"However, there is a problem. Even type I artificial intelligence has the function of self-learning and self-improvement."

Speaking of this, Mo Zeyang's expression became more solemn: "According to my guess, the last time it stopped taking action, it should have been reporting the situation to its superiors. This so-called superior may be a relevant person in the Sweeper civilization. , or it may be a more advanced artificial intelligence.”

"Of course, I prefer to report information to the person in charge." Mo Zeyang shrugged and added, "After all, artificial intelligence will not show such arrogance."

He took a deep breath and said again: "If my judgment is correct, it won't take long for this detector to start moving again."

"Because of the experience of stopping last time, this time, its reaction speed will be greatly increased."

"Everyone, if the above scene comes true, it means we only have one chance."

"Even Type I artificial intelligence can't fall into the same trap!"

Lv Yongchang nodded thoughtfully: "Then the next step is the problem of attack intensity."

"It's a big problem to solve this detector in one go!"

Lv Yongchang frowned, staring at the holographic projection in front of him, and his right knuckles unconsciously tapped the armrest of the seat.

In the holographic projection, the weapons and equipment that human civilization now possesses slowly emerged.

Electromagnetic cannon...cross it out.

Even if it is an electromagnetic cannon with antimatter inside, it is difficult to destroy this small detector in one shot.

Plasma weapon?

This is even more impossible.

At present, humans want to destroy this detector made of strong interaction force material in one shot. In addition to two-dimensional fragments, there are only antimatter weapons left.

The two-dimensional fragments, the ultimate killer, have been ruled out.

The only thing left is the antimatter weapons.

Lv Yongchang shook his head and was about to cross out a series of plasma weapons.

Suddenly, his finger stopped in the air.

Lv Yongchang looked at the picture in the holographic projection and fell into deep thought.

A crazy plan slowly emerged in his mind.

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