
Before the words could be finished, bursts of bright light erupted from the human fleet.

"Commander, the warp bomb has been successfully detonated."

A slight report sounded in his ears, and Commander Botha showed a fanatical smile on his face.

He did not look up at the scene of the curvature bomb exploding on the screen, but just whispered softly:

"Thank you again to the Lord for the technology you have given us..."

a few minutes ago.

Inside [Earth].

Seeing the shrinking distance between the two fleets, everyone present secretly sweated.

Although they are not on the front line, every order they give determines the life and death of countless soldiers on the front line.

"It always feels... a little weird."

A weak voice sounded from the side.

Before Lu Yongchang could react, Zhao Zijie on the side trembled suddenly as if he had been electrocuted!


Zhao Zijie looked at Gao Yang, who was sitting next to him, with a horrified expression, and shouted in a low voice: "Gao Yang, please stop!"

Hearing this familiar name, Lu Yongchang felt his heart skip a beat.

He still vividly remembered the last time Gao Yang spoke.

"I..." Facing Zhao Zijie's stop, Gao Yang's lips trembled a few times, trying to defend himself.

Zhao Zijie, who was originally serious, couldn't stand it anymore: "At this critical moment, please stop talking, okay?"

"Ahem!" Looking at Gao Yang, whose eyes were full of anxiety, Lu Yongchang's eyes flashed with helplessness, and he coughed slightly to interrupt the communication between the two, "Gao Yang, please tell me first, where is the problem?"

"Professor, the other party has not come up with anything new except gravity bombs so far. Don't you think it's a little strange?" Gao Yang hurriedly expressed his doubts.

Hearing this, Lu Yongchang was stunned.


Is that what happened?

As a fifth-level civilization, so far, except for the short-lived gravity bomb some time ago, the Botha fleet has used similar weapons and equipment to the human fleet.

"Maybe there is a limit to the distance at which gravity bombs can be used?"

Fang Xu interjected from the side: "The Bosa fleet used gravity bombs just now when the drone group was close to their faces."

"We have reason to suspect that this kind of gravity bomb is not very stable and cannot support long-distance launch missions."

Lu Yongchang did not reply, but frowned and looked at the real-time picture in the holographic projection.

The fleets on both sides were trying their best to charge forward despite the other's firepower.

Everything looks so normal.

"Fang Xu, have you observed any abnormal gravitational phenomena?"

Lu Yongchang pondered for a moment and then asked.

"Not yet..." Fang Xu said as he turned his gaze to the holographic projection beside him, "Wait a minute!"

Looking at the data in the holographic projection, the expression on his face gradually became serious.

"Something's wrong!"

"What a problem!"

Fang Xu's words lifted everyone's spirits.

In less than a second, the atmosphere in the command center had become tense.

"What's going on?!" Lu Yongchang frowned and his tone suddenly became more serious.

"The detector has just discovered abnormal gravitational fluctuations in the Botha fleet." As he said that, Fang Xu projected the picture in the holographic projection in front of everyone.

Lu Yongchang looked at the gravitational fluctuation data on the screen with deep doubts in his eyes.

"No, that's not a reaction to a gravity bomb."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and swiped the holographic projection in front of him a few times to call up some data.

"Everyone can take a look."

"The gravitational fluctuations caused by gravity bombs are more severe and rapid than that."

"The two are not of the same magnitude at all."

"This pattern of gravitational fluctuations..." Lu Yongchang raised his hand and touched his chin, and said thoughtfully, "It's a bit like the gravitational fluctuations before the Latour civilization entered curvature navigation..."

At this point, Lu Yongchang was already stunned on the spot.

A crazy idea suddenly flashed through his mind.

Without any time to think about it, he turned around and shouted loudly at Zhao Zijie on the side:


"Evacuate the fleet!!"

"Let all the battleships disperse!!!"

Zhao Zijie was stunned.

Based on his trust in Lu Yongchang, he directly pressed the fleet communication button without any hesitation.

"Attention all units, evacuate the fleet!"

"Repeat, disperse the formation immediately!"

Not long after he finished speaking, an extremely dazzling light appeared in the [Golden Crow] battleship group!

Almost at the same time, a piercing siren sounded in the [Earth] command center!


"Abnormal gravitational fluctuations detected!"

"Abnormal areas: 1, 3, 9, 16..."

The ever-increasing bright red fonts jumped into the eyes of everyone present, accompanied by dazzling lights, shocking everyone's hearts.

"Fuck!" Looking at several gravitational anomalies soaring instantly in the holographic projection, Lu Yongchang hit the console in front of him with an ugly expression, "Gravity bomb!"

On the side, Zhao Zijie turned slightly pale, pressed the communication button for the entire fleet, and shouted loudly in a slightly hoarse voice.

"Attention all units, disperse your formation immediately!"

"First Fleet, Fourth Fleet, Seventh Fleet, please reply when you receive it!"


"Yong, Yongchang..." Fang Xu's pupils trembled slightly, and he murmured in a low voice, "What on earth is going on?"

"All detectors have not found any traces of gravity bombs reaching the fleet!"

"How did they do it?!"

Lv Yongchang looked at the holographic projection in front of him with a bitter face. In the projection, there were those inconspicuous gravitational fluctuation data.

He was silent for a while and said softly.

"Curvature navigation technology."

"They used curvature navigation technology on artillery shells."

"I should have thought of it earlier." Lv Yongchang's eyes were full of regret, "This kind of attack method that exceeds the speed of light is the biggest gap between the fifth-level civilization and the fourth-level civilization!"

"Shh..." A noisy sound came from the loudspeaker next to him.

"First Fleet, First Fleet received, please speak!"

"Fourth Fleet, Fourth Fleet received..."


"Familiar voices rang out in the command center, restoring a lot of color to everyone's faces.

Outside the porthole, the dazzling light slowly dissipated.

The tragic situation of the [Golden Crow] fleet was also clearly presented to everyone.

"Zero, report the battle situation."

Lv Yongchang said with difficulty.

Zero's electronic synthesized voice was as calm as ever.

"First Fleet, 23% loss rate."

"Fourth Fleet, 19% loss rate."


"Total loss of warships, 623."

In the command center, there was a dead silence.

In just a few seconds, the human fleet lost more than 10% of its warships!

PS: It shouldn't be Xiaoyang people, so it's not a big problem.

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