Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 555 Gamma Ray Cluster Cannon

‘Lao Liu! ! ! ’

Andrew suddenly widened his bloodshot eyes.

A familiar name and appearance emerged in his mind, and then, in the flames of an explosion, the face with a faint smile began to twist until it turned into debris all over the sky.

A sense of emptiness that he had not experienced for a long time instantly swept his heart.

The next moment, this sense of emptiness was driven away by a surge of anger.

[Attention, all units. ]

[The attack came from the enemy's secondary flagship, and the attack type was initially determined to be an antimatter weapon. ]

[The power of the attack is unknown. It is initially determined that its power is close to the antimatter torrent emitted by a giant battering ram! ]

[After comprehensive judgment, it is a greater threat and is listed as the first target of attack! ]

In the holographic projection in front of the deep-sea cabin, information from the command center of [Earth] emerged continuously.

‘Andrew, we are locked! ’

‘Andrew! ! ’

In addition to the information from the command center, there is also information from the deputy captain.

Andrew opened his bloodshot eyes with all his strength, and tears naturally gushed out from his tear glands, and then fell into the pale yellow deep-sea fluid around him.

Through the tears that spread around his eyes, Andrew saw the words in the holographic projection clearly.

He came to his senses and pulled his mind out of the grief of the death of his old friend.

‘Maneuver and evade immediately! ’

He quickly gave the order.

A strong recoil came along the deep-sea fluid, causing his body suspended in it to shake violently several times.

Even though the deep-sea fluid greatly reduced the burden of huge acceleration on the human body, even though they had a body transformed by genetic enhancement technology, the acceleration of [Golden Crow] when performing maneuvering and evasive actions was not so comfortable.

Looking at the rising utilization rate of the antimatter engine, Andrew bit his back teeth fiercely.

[The attack has been successfully evaded. ]

Looking at the reminder text in the holographic projection, a trace of hatred ignited in Andrew's eyes!

‘Lock on the Bosa secondary flagship that fired the antimatter cannon! '

'Fire the gamma ray cluster gun! '

The voice fell.

A buzzing sound came from the deck along with the deep sea fluid.

A large number of anti-electrons were injected into the reaction chamber, and then annihilated with electrons.

The next moment.

Extremely violent gamma rays gushed out from the huge muzzle in the central area of ​​the [Golden Crow] battleship, shooting directly at the secondary flagship not far away.

[Successful hit! ]

A line of faint text emerged in the holographic projection.

Andrew's eyes suddenly flashed with a hint of joy.

Unlike ordinary weapons, the high-energy gamma rays emitted by the [Gamma Ray Cluster Gun] have extremely high penetration and can cause great damage to carbon-based life forms!

However, it does not take effect immediately.

For humans, it takes about ten seconds to take effect.

For these large stick insects...

Who knows?

But one thing is certain, as long as they are carbon-based organisms, the gamma rays that hit them directly will inevitably put their lives into countdown!


Twenty seconds have passed.

Damn it, why is that secondary flagship still in action? !

Andrew used brain waves to issue various orders while cursing the enemy ship that took his friend's life in his heart.

At the same time, he struggled to control the [Golden Crow] battleship to avoid the surrounding attacks and approach the secondary flagship that was constantly releasing antimatter cannons.

All around, various small Botha battleships blocked the [Golden Crow] battleship's approach as if they were risking their lives.

The same scene happened in the other nine areas of this battlefield - ten Botha secondary flagships were using the extremely powerful antimatter cannons to continuously carry out precise attacks on the human fleet!

At such a close distance, even zero could not avoid this antimatter cannon that was close to the speed of light.

Therefore, every shelling meant the fall of a [Golden Crow] battleship.

Whether it was for the victory of human civilization or revenge for his friends, Andrew's goal at this time was to eliminate the ten secondary flagships that served as fixed artillery positions.

However, no matter how many gamma rays they fired, it seemed that they could not affect the life forms inside them.

Andrew's heart trembled slightly, and a bad idea emerged.

Could it be that... they were not afraid of high-energy gamma rays?

The next moment, a small battleship of Botha was overloaded and disappeared under various attacks from [Golden Crow].

Looking at the huge gap caused by the continuous attacks after the magnetic shield disappeared, Andrew suddenly woke up.

'Anti-radiation layer! '

'Their battleships are also equipped with anti-radiation layers! '

Almost at the same time, information from [Earth] appeared in the holographic projection.

[The latest test results show that the enemy ship has a thicker anti-radiation layer, and the lethality caused by gamma rays is extremely limited! ]

[Change the target, give priority to attacking small starships, use gamma ray attacks after destroying the anti-radiation layer, and try to ensure the integrity of the enemy ship as much as possible while ensuring your own safety! ! 】

Looking at the order from the command center, Andrew bit his back teeth hard and issued an order to shift the target of attack!

He could understand the command center's approach.

In Andrew's opinion, these Bosa small warships are like risking their lives. Even if they are going to be destroyed in the next second, they will try to get as close as possible to the [Golden Crow] battleship in the last second and use their weapons to cause some damage to [Golden Crow].

If this continues, not to mention whether the [Golden Crow] battleship can successfully carry out the decapitation mission, these "future spoils of war" may be consumed!

'It's just... just like a ship-borne drone. '

As this thought flashed through his mind, Andrew shuddered slightly.

Human civilization has not made any aggressive behavior against them!

He couldn't imagine what made an individual of a level 5 civilization so fanatical!

ps: I guess I will resume two updates the day after tomorrow. My condition is too bad after Yang...

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