Bosa flagship.

Looking at the screen on the monitor, Commander Bossa's small eyes revealed some doubts.

"Commander, the enemy has stopped retreating!"

A sharp report came from behind.

Commander Bossa snorted coldly, and while his mouthparts moved quickly, he raised his two pairs of forelimbs and gestured: "I have seen it!"

"It's nothing more than wanting to keep this last defensive area, a stupid move!"

"As a fourth-level civilization, it actually limits its vision to a small planet, which is extremely stupid!"

"Continue to attack! Break through their defense line for me!"

Not long after the voice fell, an extremely sharp and piercing alarm sounded in the command room!

Then, an extremely gorgeous explosion flashed outside the porthole!

This fire illuminated the entire dim starry sky, reflecting all the details!

At the same time, a line of text appeared in front of Commander Bossa.

[The α-sub flagship has lost its signal]

"Crazy! They are crazy!!"

"Lord... this is crazy!"

"No, no, no... how dare they do this?!"

The fragmented voice was filled with fear!

"What's going on?!" Commander Bossa quickly stabilized his emotions and increased the volume of his voice, trying to drown out the discussions of the crew members.

"Commander." A crew member stammered, "The α-sub flagship was, was destroyed..."

"Of course I know!" Commander Bossa suppressed his inner anger and asked loudly, "I mean, how was it destroyed?!"

"The power of that plasma weapon can't break the composite shield of α!"

"...Self-explosion." The crew swallowed hard, and said with two pairs of forelimbs trembling slightly, "Five warships self-exploded at the same time."

"They detonated all the antimatter in the warships!"

The command room suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Commander Bosa turned his head with difficulty to look at the fireball outside the window that had not yet completely extinguished, and muttered to himself in disbelief.


"Crazy, they must be crazy!"

Before the voice fell, several [Golden Crow] battleships were surrounded by ship-borne drones and rushed straight towards the Bosa flagship!


"Retreat immediately!!"

Commander Bosa gave the order without any hesitation, with a look of horror on his face.

"Damn it, how could there be such a crazy race?!"

"This is their main battleship. Do all their battleships grow out of the ground?!"

"Self-destruction of a battleship, how much loss will it cause, do they know!"

"Does their commander know whether he can fight!"

Commander Bosa cursed loudly in exasperation.

The Bosa fleet began to retreat slowly, and while retreating, it also randomly fired weapons to intercept the pursuing [Golden Crow] battleships.

No one wanted to try the power of [Golden Crow] self-destruction.

After all, the example of the α-class secondary flagship was right in front of them.

"Commander, the detector detected an abnormality."

As the fleet retreated, a crew member's voice came from the side: "We found the antimatter supply ship of human civilization."

The moment the voice fell, the image sent back by the detector appeared in front of the large stick insects.

Looking at the huge starship in the picture, Commander Bossa's eyes flashed with a gleam.

The picture sent back by the detector continued to switch.

Finally, it stopped on a terrifying picture.

A planet with turrets and weapons on its surface.

The next second, the detector signal disappeared.

"OK, planet fortress!!!"

Commander Bossa let out a soul-piercing scream!

Its body trembled violently, and infinite fear rose in its eyes: "This, this is a planet fortress!"

It completely understood!

Why is human civilization, as a fourth-level civilization, so obsessed with an ordinary planet!

That's a planet fortress!

One of the most powerful weapons in the interstellar battlefield!

The Sweeper civilization has a planet fortress.

Almost all subordinate civilizations knew about this, and they were also aware of the power of the planetary fortress.

Therefore, the moment they saw the Light Moon, the fear from the depths of their souls instantly broke out in the hearts of all the Bothans!

"No, it's impossible. A mere level 4 civilization can never have a real planetary fortress..."

Commander Botha struggled to control his trembling body, and comforted himself repeatedly.

After a brief panic, Commander Botha gradually regained his composure.

He realized the problem at the first time.

The target of these antimatter supply ships is probably that huge pseudo-planetary fortress!

Thinking of the power that a planetary fortress can exert in a defensive battle, Commander Botha's eyes rose with fear!

"Immediately destroy those antimatter supply ships!"

It gave the order directly without any hesitation: "Send two secondary flagships, they must be destroyed!"


"Professor, the drone group has successfully found the enemy ship's antimatter storage unit."

The electronic synthesized voice sounded in the command center: "Currently, the disassembly and transportation tasks are being carried out."

The rare good news diluted the sadness brought by the self-explosion of [Golden Crow] in the command center.

Lv Yongchang's spirit was slightly lifted: "Speed ​​up the recovery speed!"

Before he finished speaking, an alarm sounded from Zhao Zijie's seat: "Beep! Beep! Beep!"

Zhao Zijie checked the holographic image in front of him and frowned.

"Two secondary flagships have left the fleet?"

"What do they want to do?"

He muttered to himself while subconsciously importing various data into Zero's computing module.

The moment he saw the route, Zhao Zijie's breath suddenly choked!

Without any hesitation, he directly pressed the communication button.

At the same time, he quickly glanced at the battlefield star map.

"Third Fleet, First and Second Teams!"

"Withdraw from the battlefield immediately and keep up with the opponent's secondary flagship!"

"They found the antimatter transport ship!"

"Stop them!"

"The antimatter transport ship must not be in trouble!!!"

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