Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 563 Andrew: This time, it's my turn

Outside the porthole, the originally fierce gunfire has become extremely sparse.

At the beginning, the secondary flagship of the Botha civilization tried to attack the three [Golden Crow] ships of the second team.

Under Zero's auxiliary control, the [Golden Crow] battleship flexibly avoided each round of attack.

Soon, the secondary flagship found the problem.

It was basically impossible to hit the three cunning [Golden Crow] battleships with just the attack of a single battleship.

Instead of wasting time and ammunition on these insignificant [Golden Crow] battleships, it would be better to rush to the target area as soon as possible and directly attack the antimatter transport ship.

Therefore, it gave up the idea of ​​attacking and began to concentrate on the journey.

As for the [Golden Crow] battleship, it had already stopped attacking.

The reason is also very simple.

Although the attacks they launched could hit the Botha secondary flagship, these insignificant attacks could not break the shield of the enemy ship at all.

So, the warships of both sides just kept their heads down and flew towards the target area as if they had agreed.

Of course, all this was based on the premise that the Botha secondary flagship did not start the curvature engine.

Once it showed signs of entering curvature navigation, Andrew and others would not hesitate to drive the [Golden Crow] battleship to launch a suicide attack.

The Botha people naturally knew this.

After the first secondary flagship was injured, they gave up the idea of ​​curvature navigation.

Andrew and others were naturally happy to see this scene.

In this way, the warships of both sides briefly formed a strange and fragile balance.

[Antimatter transport ship signal detected, please be prepared for reception. ]

A bright white message appeared in the holographic projection in front of Andrew, stirring up his originally somewhat depressed mood.

‘Attention, all units, immediately approach the target starship! ’

‘Release the ship-borne drones and build the first layer of defense barrier! ’

Messages were sent out from the brain wave reader.

The hatch on the side of the [Golden Crow] battleship quickly opened, and the ship-borne drones swarmed out like a swarm of bees, rushing straight towards the antimatter transport ship not far away!

A sharp alarm sounded at the same time, breaking the not-so-long tranquility in the [Golden Crow] ship.

The Bosa secondary flagship took the lead in attacking the antimatter transport ship!

The flames of war began to burn in this remote corner!


Antimatter cannon.

This is the main attack method of the Bosa secondary flagship.

The [Golden Crow] battleship can't withstand such an attack, and the antimatter transport ship naturally can't withstand such an attack.

But there is a tricky evasion method.

Use a large number of ship-borne drones to build a thick material barrier to buy a certain amount of evasion time for the starship.

This is also the most commonly used defense method in the main battlefield.

Accompanied by bursts of explosions and extremely strong gamma-ray bursts, the number of ship-borne drones decreased rapidly!

Against the backdrop of the explosions, the antimatter transport ship and the [Golden Crow] battleship gradually approached the sixth planet of Gliese - Dawn Star.

Looking at the increasingly obvious blue planet outside the porthole, Andrew's eyes became more and more uneasy.

Being on the battlefield, he experienced it better than anyone else - as time went on, the frequency and power of the enemy's attacks were rapidly increasing.

Obviously, these Botha people were also a little anxious.

[This is the second team, No. 3 Jinwu! ]

[All our shipborne drones have been exhausted, repeat, all shipborne drones have been exhausted! ]

[No. 2 Jinwu, all shipborne drones have been exhausted! ]

The flashing words in the holographic projection made Andrew's expression dim again.

Like the two friendly ships, the [Jinwu] he led also exhausted all the drone stocks.


Boom! !

Boom! ! !

One after another, flames lit up outside the porthole.

The originally dense array of shipborne drones gradually became sparse.

[Support drones will arrive at the battlefield in five minutes! ]

Looking at the information from [Earth], Andrew took a deep breath of deep sea liquid.

‘Everyone, the support drone is about to arrive, hold on for the last five minutes.’

He sent a message to the two friendly ships.

As time went on, the “shield wall” built by the ship-borne drones became thinner and thinner.

[Warning! ]

[Antimatter cannon attack detected! ! ]

[Expected impact area: …]

Looking at the data in the holographic projection, Andrew’s breathing suddenly became rapid.

The impact area was near him!

Just as he was about to order [Golden Crow] to make an emergency maneuver, he suddenly stopped his action and stared at the holographic image in front of him.

There are not enough ship-borne drones!

Although he had not made a perfect calculation, he saw the problem at a glance with his experience.

The number of ship-borne drones in this impact area is not enough to buy enough time for the antimatter transport ship!

What to do? !

What to do? ! !

Mobilize more drones from the side?

It’s too late, too late! !

His pupils slightly dilated, his heartbeat was agitated, and a slight smell of blood spread in his dry mouth.

An order was issued.

The shipboard artificial intelligence carried out his order with great sincerity!

Boom! !

The antimatter engine began to operate at overload!

Driven by countless mesons, the [Golden Crow] battleship rushed forward and filled the "gap".

[Golden Crow No. 1, you have entered the attack area, evade immediately! ]

[Golden Crow No. 1, evade immediately! ! ]

[Andrew! ! What are you doing? ! ! ]

[Andrew! ! ! ]

In the holographic projection, the information from the friendly ship flashed quickly.

Andrew took a deep breath, letting the cold deep sea liquid fill his lungs, and then closed his eyes.

‘Everyone, this time, it’s my turn. ’

The moment the information was sent, a large amount of plasma gushed out from the side of the [Golden Crow] battleship!

At the same time, all magnetic field generation units began to work overloaded!

In a very short time, these high-temperature plasmas built an extremely strong plasma shield!

Boom! !

The antimatter cannon arrived as promised.

The extremely brilliant flames flickered in the dark universe.

A few seconds later, the ellipsoidal plasma shield exploded, and the antimatter cannon, which had lost its resistance, slammed hard on the [Golden Crow].


The flames of the explosion became more and more intense, completely illuminating this dim universe!


[Earth] Command Center.

Looking at the picture in the holographic projection, everyone fell into silence.

"Golden Crow No. 1... The signal has been lost."

Zhao Zijie's slightly trembling voice broke the tranquility of the command center.

Bai Yixuan and the other two sitting in the distance had slightly trembling lips, looking at the holographic image in front of them with disbelief.

Andrew is dead?

All the things that happened in the Earth era flashed quickly in his mind.

Unconsciously, hot tears fell on the side of his cheek!

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