Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 570: The man is innocent, but guilty of possessing a treasure

The war is over.

When the fire of the explosion gradually dissipated, the young star system once again returned to its original tranquility.

The wreckage of countless dilapidated battleships floats slowly in the star system, seeming to tell the story of the bloody and tearful process of this war.

The Botha fleet was wiped out.

But apart from a large amount of antimatter and battleship wreckage, they left nothing to mankind.

Warp engines, anti-matter cannons... all key areas were equipped with anti-matter bombs, leaving almost no residue after the explosion.

As for human civilization... although it won this war, it also paid a huge price.

Most of the [Golden Crow] fleet was damaged, and the [Light Guardian Planetary Fortress] was almost scrapped, not to mention all kinds of weapons and equipment.

Even the [Dimension Strike Ship] only has the last thirty ships left.


[Earth], in Lu Yongchang’s office.

Lu Yongchang looked at the data in the holographic projection and sighed softly.

“I don’t know how long it will take to get back to the state it was in before the war.”

Zhao Zijie sat aside and shook his head with a bitter look on his face: "Professor, we have no time to develop."

"Have you forgotten what the Bothans said?"

"The sweeper civilization is likely to continue sending affiliated civilizations to the Gliese 555 star system."

Lu Yongchang nodded seriously.

"Of course I know that."

"I suggest we set off as soon as possible." Zhao Zijie took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "The Gliese 555 star system is too dangerous. We must set off immediately to find the next safe zone."

"Only by leaving Gliese 555 can we have a chance!"

Lu Yongchang slowly closed his eyes and sighed again: "I'm afraid, it's not that simple."

"According to the Botha civilization, the sweeper civilization has many subsidiary civilizations."

"The current human civilization must have become the hunting target of these subsidiary civilizations."

"The dimensional fluctuations caused by the two-dimensional fragments are the clues for them to find us." Lu Yongchang's face became increasingly ugly, "Unless we don't use these two-dimensional fragments in the future."

"No, it's useless."

"Every man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade!"

As he spoke, Lu Yongchang thought of the information he learned from [Hua], and his face turned livid: "Even if we don't use these two-dimensional fragments, they will still attract the attention of the sweeper civilization."

"Then, according to what you say, doesn't it mean that human civilization has no way to survive?"

Zhao Zijie's eyes were filled with confusion, and he murmured to himself: "Is there no place for human beings in this huge universe?!"


There was a long silence.

"No, there is still a way to survive."

Lu Yongchang's eyes flashed with confusion: "It's just..."

"Forget it, let me think about it again."

"You go and prepare for the interstellar voyage first."

Zhao Zijie's eyes became even more confused, but he still responded, turned around and left Lu Yongchang's office.


The sound of the door closing sounded in the quiet office, but Lu Yongchang didn't react at all. He just stared blankly at a small holographic projection in front of him.

In the holographic projection, an image material from the Earth Era is being played.

A gecko, when danger approached, resolutely "cut off" its tail and successfully escaped.

The outer reaches of the Milky Way.

The number of star systems is extremely rare, and most of them are thin interstellar matter.

Farther away is the open space between river systems.

There are no star systems here, and even interstellar matter has become extremely rare.

Of course, that doesn't mean there's nothing in the area.


Or called dark matter halo.

This is a natural barrier between river systems.

The mass and volume of this dark matter far exceed the mass and volume of the river system.

Like an unbeaten egg.

The Milky Way is the yolk embedded in the egg white, and the dark halo is the surrounding ring of egg white.

Due to the extremely stable nature of dark matter, most civilizations can only detect their existence and cannot use them at all.

Therefore, for most civilizations in the universe, the vacuum zone between river systems is a natural barrier that they can never cross!

However, there are always exceptions to everything.

I don't know when, a slender belt appeared in this natural barrier, connecting two river systems 2.54 million light-years apart.

This is the galactic bridge that connects the Milky Way to the Andromeda Galaxy.

This galaxy bridge built of neutral hydrogen is a veritable material-rich area among the vast river systems.

Such galaxy bridges are distributed among many river systems.

But even so, only a small number of civilizations can rely on this galaxy bridge to travel to other river systems.

In the area where this galaxy bridge connects with the edge of the Milky Way, spherical battleships rich in technology are hovering quietly in the empty space, as if waiting for something.

Suddenly, a mysterious wave slowly appeared on the galaxy bridge.

At the same time, there was some distortion in a certain area on the galaxy bridge.


Without any waiting, almost at the same time, the explosion of fire illuminated the dim starry sky!

The surfaces of these spherical warships emitted bursts of faint light, seeming to be actuating some device.

Under the action of these devices, all the matter in the star field, even the dark matter that should have been extremely stable, turned into extremely violent energy at this moment!

Not only that, even the three-dimensional space, like snow under the sun, melted rapidly, revealing a series of extremely deep black marks!

Around the black marks, there is an extremely strong light!

It seems that these black marks are releasing the huge energy contained in them in a strange way!

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