No response.

The picture in the holographic projection continues, and the electronically synthesized sound does not pause at all.

"...In the year 2501 of the Earth's calendar, [painting] has made a comeback."

"In the year 2503 of the Earth's calendar, the Sweeper civilization probe arrived at Gliese 555, and the war broke out."

"In the year 2505 of the Earth's calendar, the Botha civilization arrived and war broke out again."

"In this war, the human fleet lost more than 2,600 [Golden Crow] battleships..."

I stared blankly at the cold lines of text, and my originally extremely exciting mood quickly cooled down.

Then a bad thought emerged in my mind.


The purpose of this awakening was not what I imagined.

The holographic projection screen was slightly dim.

After a few seconds, several conspicuous Chinese characters appeared in front of my eyes.

【Tail docking plan】

Looking at these four big characters, I just felt my heart skip a beat.

Being born on earth, I naturally understand the meaning of tail docking.

The emotionless electronic synthesized voice introduced the contents of the tail docking plan in a calm tone.

A chill slowly ran down my spine.

I shivered violently!

Even though the temperature in the hibernation chamber was kept constant, I couldn't feel any warmth!

One billion people!

This so-called tail docking plan actually costs a billion lives!

Damn it, is the Academy crazy? !

Is Parliament crazy? ! !

I banged on the transparent cover of the hibernation cabin, trying to escape from this cold coffin!

Obviously, this thing is locked.

I collapsed and looked at the Chinese characters on the holographic projection, cursing the Academy of Sciences and the Parliament crazily.

"According to the joint proposal of the Academy of Sciences and the Parliament, participants in the tail docking project will be included in the Monument to the Pioneers of Human Civilization..."

"Next, please make your choice."

"Are you willing to become a member of the tail docking project and make your own contribution to the continuation of human civilization?"

Electronic synthesized sounds echoed in the small hibernation chamber.

Damn it! Damn it! ! Damn it! ! !

No wonder the hibernation cabin has not been opened for a long time!

I looked at the still words in the holographic projection in horror. They were like sharp knives, slowly reaching towards my throat!

"Chuck, cluck, cluck..."

I opened my mouth, but couldn't speak for a while. The only sound in the hibernation cabin was the sound of my teeth colliding up and down!

a long time.

"Can I choose no?"

I gasped and struggled to squeeze out a sentence through my fighting teeth.

"Of course, that's your right." The electronic synthesized voice quickly answered.

"Then I choose..."

I shouted loudly without any hesitation.

But when the last word was about to come out, I hesitated.

Now that I think about it, maybe this is fate.

[What were you thinking at the time? 】

What? You ask me what I was thinking at that time?

Haha... I have thought about it a lot. From the moment I can remember, everything is rushing through my mind.

But what impressed me most was the scene where the disaster really began.

I still remember that at that time, almost all the old people on the earth voluntarily gave up their qualifications to escape.

The reason... is just to slightly increase the success rate of escape for future generations.

By the way, I was almost 50 years old at that time.

I'm not afraid of your jokes, I'm afraid of death.

【It’s human nature. 】

Haha, fear of death is just fear of death, nothing common or unnatural.

At that time, I boarded the escape spaceship, left the earth, and headed for Proxima b.

On Proxima b, life-span technology has made a breakthrough, and I can continue to survive.

[Yes, according to the physical examination report, you can live for at least 300 years now. 】

I know that I still have hundreds of years to live, and I don’t need you to remind me.

Three hundred years... I am just an ordinary person, and my three hundred years are not worth anything.

What's more, I've been hibernating for so long. I'm old and can't keep up with the changes of the times.

[Do you hate the Academy of Sciences and Parliament? 】


It might be a bit annoying at first, but I soon stopped hating it.

【Why? 】

I heard that the tail docking plan was proposed by Professor Lu.

【Yes. 】

From the age of the earth, to the age of Proxima Centauri, and now...

Without Professor Lu, human civilization would have perished a long time ago.

I can imagine how he felt when he made this decision.

I can understand his choice, really, I can understand it.

I also support his choice.

【You are a hero. 】

hero? No, I'm not.

I just... thought of the choices of the older generation in the Earth Age.

After hundreds of years of going around in circles, human civilization seems to have returned to its original starting point.

And I also became the older generation at that time.

Inheritance, this is the inheritance of mankind, and the inheritance cannot be interrupted.

Those old men could sacrifice themselves at that time, and of course I could sacrifice myself too.

As long as this inheritance exists, human civilization cannot be destroyed!

【Do you have children? 】


I have a son and a daughter, both in the human fleet.

【Dragon and phoenix twins? Are they all crew members? You are so blessed. 】


Haha, go to tnd for luck!

I later found out that both of them died in the war with the Botha civilization!

【……Feel sorry. 】

There is nothing to be sorry about. These two bastards just had bad luck.

...By the way, I have always wanted to ask, how many people chose to participate in the Tail Cutting Plan?

[...According to the data provided by the Academy of Sciences, about 3.5 billion people chose to participate in the Tail Cutting Plan. ]

Look, take a look.

3.5 billion, that's more than half.

[Close to half. ]

How was it selected in the end?

[According to the Academy of Sciences, it was selected based on age, contribution value and a series of data, and selected by zero comprehensive evaluation. ]

[Even Professor Lu could not change the final result. ]


This damn universe.

[...Yes, this damn universe. ]

Let me continue with the topic just now. Where was I?

[You haven't told me your final choice yet. 】

The last choice...


"...Yes, I will participate in the Tail Cutting Plan."

"Please confirm again, are you willing to participate in the Tail Cutting Plan?"

"Yes, I volunteer to participate."

"The willingness has been confirmed."

"The Human Union Academy of Sciences and the Parliament pay you the highest respect and thank you for your efforts."

"May the glory of mankind last forever."

Two streams of heat suddenly slid down both sides of my cheeks.

My vision has long been blurred, but I don't know why, the panic in my heart has dissipated.

Suddenly, I heard an extremely strange and hoarse voice.

I couldn't even believe that it was the voice coming from my mouth.

"May...humanity last forever."

ps: Happy New Year, dear readers!

It's not too much to ask for a gift in the new year.JPG

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