The voting is over.

The most critical issue has been resolved, and the voting results have also changed dramatically.

86.1% of the votes in favor, 11.2% against, and 2.7% abstentions.

Exceeding the two-thirds voting standard.

The vote is valid.

Lv Yongchang looked at the voting results in front of him, then looked at the votes he cast in favor, and took a deep breath: "I declare that the implementation location of the [Tail Cutting Plan] is changed to Proxima b."

"[Home Ship] departs today!"


The meeting is over.

The Academy of Sciences and the parliament left one after another.

The next interstellar voyage requires a lot of preparation, and everyone has their own things to do.

In the conference room, only Lv Yongchang was left.

"Why bother?" Lv Yongchang sighed softly.

Ren Feng's chuckle came from the loudspeaker: "For the continuation of human civilization."

Lv Yongchang did not speak, but looked at Ren Feng in the holographic projection with regret.

After a moment of silence, he shook his head: "You will become a sinner."

"The biggest sinner in the history of human civilization." Lv Yongchang emphasized, "You could have been a hero of Proxima human civilization!"

Ren Feng still kept a faint smile on his face.

"It doesn't matter."

"When I made this decision, I didn't care about these things."

"What's more, I didn't lead Proxima human civilization to glory, but let it decline."

Speaking of this, Ren Feng lowered his eyelids slightly, hiding the loss in his eyes.

"...This is not your fault." Lv Yongchang sighed again.

Ren Feng did not reply.

The meeting room fell into silence.

"That's right."

Lv Yongchang said softly: "The infrastructure of Proxima b is too weak, which will become another flaw of the [Tail Cutting Plan]."

"I will send some [Taotie] material storage ships and engineering ships to build some necessary infrastructure in the shortest time."

"These infrastructures can greatly improve the quality of life of the 500 million Proxima people. At least, they don't have to squeeze in such a small space..."

"Okay." Ren Feng's eyes moved slightly, and he said softly, "I thank you on behalf of the Proxima people who have not yet been born."

Lv Yongchang swallowed the half sentence that he had not yet said: Although this quality of life can only be maintained for a very short time.

The atmosphere in the conference room returned to silence again.

"I will record the history of Proxima human civilization truthfully."

Lv Yongchang broke the silent atmosphere again: "As for you and Zhang Zhengqing...I will include your names in the monument to the pioneers of human civilization."

"Others...right and wrong, merits and demerits, let future generations judge, I can't interfere too much."

Ren Feng was stunned, as if he didn't expect Lu Yongchang to say such words.

His eyes were slightly red, and he slowly lowered his head and said in a very sincere voice: "Thank you, professor."

"That's enough."


Earth calendar year 2506.

The human fleet has completed all preparations.

The fleet split into two and sailed in two directions.

One of the fleets, which was slightly smaller, consisted of [Home Ship], [Taotie] material storage ship, engineering ship and a few [Golden Crow] battleships. Under Zero's control, it slowly left the Gliese 555 star system and drove directly to Proxima b 17.55 light years away under the propulsion of the antimatter engine.

The other fleet, full of hope for human civilization and carrying a large amount of antimatter seized from the Botha civilization, sailed to the target star system 42.3 light years away.

After a short repair there, the fleet will set sail again and head for the nearest small black hole.


Fifty years later.

Earth calendar year 2556.

Lv Yongchang's face turned slightly pale. He walked out of the hibernation cabin and came to the command center of the Earth.

The command center was extremely deserted.

He sat down slowly in his seat, staring blankly at the almost unchanging dark starry sky outside the porthole.

"Professor, the fleet successfully arrived at Proxima b a year ago."

"Currently, the surface infrastructure of Proxima b has been completed."

A cold electronic synthesized voice sounded in the command center, and at the same time, a holographic picture appeared in front of him.

Looking at the dense fleet around the white planet, Lv Yongchang couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart.

He took a deep breath, suppressed the discomfort in his body, and gave an order.

"[Tail Cutting Plan], start execution."

Perhaps because he had just woken up from hibernation, he felt that the tone of his words was very strange.

It was as if it was not spoken from his own mouth.


The electronic synthesized voice was the same as before, without any change.

Lv Yongchang slowly got up and walked to the porthole.

Looking at the stars outside the porthole, a line of hot tears slid down his cheeks.

The huge holographic projection behind him was playing real-time images of Proxima b.

Proxima b.

A year ago, Ren Feng woke up from hibernation and looked at the faint text in the holographic projection, with a relieved smile on his face.

The engineering ship and the material reserve ship brought a large amount of materials to Proxima b, which directly changed the extremely scarce state of materials on Proxima b.

The energy generated by the antimatter engine is far greater than the old fusion reactor they use.

In just over six months, Proxima b has changed its appearance.

With countless robots running at full power, tall surface cities stand on the ice field.

At the same time, Proxima humans born in the nurturing center woke up from mild hibernation.

Of course, those Proxima humans who were forced into hibernation were also awakened one by one.

Then, when they learned about the [Tail Cutting Plan], they were sent to brand new surface cities.

This caused a lot of confusion.

After all, in the minds of Proxima humans, almost no one is willing to sacrifice their lives for another human civilization dozens of light years away.

For a time, the promoters of this plan, Ren Feng and Zhang Zhengqing, were nailed to the pillar of shame.

They suffered all kinds of abuse day and night.

As Lu Yongchang said, crimes against humanity are no longer enough to describe the crimes of the two.

For this reason, the Parliament and the Academy of Sciences, which have recovered from hibernation, specially set up a new crime for the two - crimes against civilization.

On the day of the trial, Ren Feng and Zhang Zhengqing did not make any excuses for themselves.

Under the rebuke and roar of countless people, the two were charged with this crime and sent to the execution ground at the same time - according to the latest law, they will be executed on the spot.

Before the execution, Ren Feng looked at the excited crowd, his mouth slightly raised, revealing a faint smile.

When the execution order was issued, the change happened.

Zero took over the control of all equipment.

At the same time, under the command of some human coalition forces who voluntarily participated in the [Tail Cutting Plan], the [Golden Crow] battleship aimed its guns at Proxima b.

The farce is over.

ps: Thanks to the great god certification of Yiyi Guanguan!

Ahem, add more chapters... Wait until the Chinese New Year, I will try to write more during the Chinese New Year

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