As researchers arrived at the No. 1 laboratory one after another, more and more parts and functions were added to the detector.

Fortunately, all detectors are modular in design, and adding or removing functions does not take too much time.

Three days later.

When the black hole observation network was successfully built, the first batch of black hole detectors left the manufacturing platform built by several engineering ships, driving the antimatter engine and flying straight towards the extremely bright accretion disk.

When the black hole observation network was started, a large amount of data rushed into the central computer located in the Earth like a flood.

Even though the optical quantum supercomputing center has been upgraded several times, it also had a brief freeze in the face of such a huge amount of observation data.

Fortunately, humans have zero.

It saves countless data processing time for human civilization!

In the laboratory, Lv Yongchang was carefully checking the processed detection data in the holographic projection, trying to find what he wanted from these complicated data.

"Professor, the 9PL67 detector has found an abnormal phenomenon."

The electronic synthesized sound interrupted his thoughts.

Lv Yongchang still stared at the holographic image in front of him and nodded nonchalantly.

As he moved, a holographic projection appeared beside him.

The next moment, he "reluctantly" withdrew his gaze from the data and turned his head to look at the picture beside him.


His eyes lit up slightly and he uttered a light "huh".

"I didn't expect that there is a planet in this place!"

The laboratory was very quiet, and Lv Yongchang's mumbling was clearly heard by the people around him.

"What? Planet?!"



For a moment, the quiet laboratory became lively in an instant.

A group of scientists put down their work like children who saw a lollipop, and quickly came to Lv Yongchang, raising their necks and looking at the holographic image beside him with curiosity.

A planet with several rings of stars is slowly orbiting the black hole outside the black hole accretion disk.

Under the light of the black hole accretion disk, these rings are obviously light purple-pink.

This fantastic picture did not attract the attention of the scientists.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the planet with light white clouds on its surface.

The yellow-green continent and the blue waters...

The laboratory fell into a brief silence.

But then, the discussion became more and more heated!


"This tm is actually a habitable planet!"

"I... it actually has liquid water and vegetation on it!"

"Land! Land immediately! I want to see what the creatures living around the black hole look like!"


Perhaps because of being too surprised, a series of national quintessences suddenly sounded in the laboratory.

It's no wonder that these scientists couldn't hold their breath.

Even Lv Yongchang opened his mouth slightly, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

"Zero, send some probes alone to try to land on this planet!"

Lv Yongchang suppressed his excitement and gave an order to Zero.


Looking at the planet in the holographic projection, Lv Yongchang's heart suddenly moved.

"It seems that there is no need to look for other evidence."

"This black hole is indeed devouring a star, and this planet should be a member of the star system."

He murmured to himself: "This planet is really lucky. It didn't fall into the accretion disk of the black hole."

"Lost Star." Lv Yongchang smiled and stretched out his hand to point at the holographic projection, "Let's call it the Lost Star."


It will take a long time for the detector to reach the Lost Star.

Lv Yongchang and others naturally would not waste time waiting. After sighing, everyone once again put their attention back on the data sent back by the ring black hole observation network.

"Professor, the first batch of black hole detectors are about to enter the accretion disk."

The electronic synthesized sound sounded again, pulling everyone's attention back again.

In the huge holographic projection, real-time images from the black hole detector quickly appeared.

Different from the images sent back by ordinary detectors, the images sent back by these black hole detectors seemed a bit stuck.

"Mo Zeyang, report the working status of the super-distance communication device."

Lv Yongchang immediately asked Mo Zeyang who was not far away.

This is an additional experiment in the process of exploring black holes.

Re-verify the so-called [Event Form] theory.

Although the quantum entanglement effect will not be affected by the gravitational field of stars and planets, the super-strong gravitational field of black holes is the real test for quantum communication.

After all, the curvature engine will also create an extremely strong gravitational field.

Once it is confirmed that quantum communication will be affected by the strong gravitational field, the research and development of new communication technology will need to be put on the agenda.

"Professor, the super-distance communication device is in normal condition."

"All photon entanglement is in normal condition!" Mo Zeyang's voice came from a distance.

Lv Yongchang nodded thoughtfully: "At present, the [Event Form] theory has not been confirmed."

"Maybe the gravitational field is not strong enough." He Bilin on the side added in a low voice, "According to my calculations, entangled quantum pairs will be lost within the event horizon of the black hole."

"Event horizon..." Lv Yongchang frowned slightly, "In this case, we can't study the inside of the black hole."

Speaking of this, Lv Yongchang changed the subject: "However, compared with the [Event Form] theory, I think what we should pay more attention to is the time deceleration effect."

In order to determine the change in the speed of time around the black hole, one of the black hole detectors is equipped with a precise cesium atomic clock, which sends a confirmation message to the fleet every second.

Under normal circumstances, the interval for the fleet using the long-distance communication device to receive information should also be 1 second.

But now, the interval for receiving this confirmation message has reached 2 seconds.

It seems that the increase is not much, but this is the edge of the black hole after all.

If the detector continues to approach, the time deceleration phenomenon will become more and more obvious!

"One day on the ground, one year in the sky" may become a reality.

By then, the fleet will need 6 minutes to receive the data transmitted by the black hole detector in just one second!

Even as the detector gradually approaches the event horizon of the black hole, the speed of time will slow down to an even more exaggerated degree!

There is no doubt that this will bring great difficulty to data analysis!

Lu Yongchang didn't pay much attention to the accretion disk material running fast in the stuck picture. His energy was mainly focused on the various boring data sent back by the detector.

After observing for a long time, he frowned and shook his head.


"The gravitational field is not strong enough."

"Zero, control the detector and continue to approach the black hole."

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