The drawings of the second-generation exoskeleton armor soon appeared in the holographic projection above Lv Yongchang's desk.

Looking at the powerful full-coverage humanoid armor drawings, Lv Yongchang smiled faintly.

In fact, in his opinion, the practicality of this second-generation exoskeleton armor is not very high, and it can only play a role in specific occasions.

After all, no matter how powerful the exoskeleton armor is, can it withstand the ship guns on the starship?

Planetary landing battles are extremely rare after all.

If it weren't for those precious tree resources, Lv Yongchang could have ordered to plow the surface of this planet with antimatter bombs.

He didn't believe that the life forms living on the planet could use their bodies to resist the damage of antimatter bombs!

What giant creatures, carnivorous forests...

Under the coverage of large-yield artillery fire, they are all floating clouds!

But if you want to use those trees to study the more powerful starship radiation protection layer... Planetary landing battles have become an indispensable part.

It must be said that Zhu Ziwen's transformation has come in handy just right!


“Planetary explorer, Xia Zhou, welcome to the year 2921 of the Earth calendar. Currently, the Human Fleet is at the edge of a black hole…”

The slightly stiff electronic synthesized sound echoed in his ears. Xia Zhou slowly opened his eyes. Before the choking feeling came, he coughed hard to clear the deep-sea fluid remaining in his trachea.


The confusion in Xia Zhou’s eyes gradually dissipated. He exerted a little effort and got out of the deep-sea cabin: “This hibernation time is really long…”

As he spoke, he turned his head and looked at his side.

The neatly arranged hibernation cabins were quietly fixed on the starship, looking like rows of exquisitely crafted coffins.

In the distance, several hibernation cabins lit up with warm orange-yellow lights.

He squinted slightly, trying to see the words in the holographic image above the hibernation cabin.

“Zhong Wenhao…He Bolun…”

He whispered the familiar names in the holographic projection.

"Only the planetary explorers were awakened?" Xia Zhou murmured in a low voice with some doubt, "Strange, isn't the fleet in the black hole area now?"

"Did the fleet find something near the black hole?"

"...Explorer Xia Zhou, please report to Conference Room No. 6 in two hours."

Zero did not answer Xia Zhou's muttering.

Xia Zhou frowned slightly and turned his head to look at the porthole not far away.

Just one glance, he suddenly widened his eyes.

"Is this the black hole?"

"It's really spectacular..."

Suddenly, his face changed slightly and he shuddered violently.

The gaze on the black hole also changed from admiration to a faint fear.

"No, no, no..." Xia Zhou shook his head vigorously and threw away the unreliable thoughts in his mind.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"The Academy of Sciences would not issue such an order...right?"

But this kind of thing...

The more you don't think about it, the easier it is to emerge in your mind!

"Xia Zhou!"

A shout came from behind.

Although it was an extremely familiar voice, it still made him tremble violently.

"I say, what are you thinking about?"

A big face with a bright smile appeared in front of him.

As if he noticed the fear on Xia Zhou's face that had not yet dissipated, the smile on his big face faded a little, replaced by a bit of confusion: "Hey, Xia Zhou, what are you thinking about?"

"Speak? Are you sleeping stupid?"

"Hey, hey, hey?"

There was a little more worry on his big face, and at the same time, a slightly rough palm kept shaking in front of his eyes.

Xia Zhou lightly tutted, and impatiently slapped away the palm that kept shaking in front of his eyes.

"I say Su Daizi, do you have so much energy just after waking up from hibernation?"

Su Daizi, real name Su Pengfei.

Because he often does some stupid things, he is nicknamed Su Daizi by Xia Zhou and others.

"Hey, hey, hey..." Su Pengfei's big face showed a pair of big buck teeth, "That's right, you don't even look at who I am!"

"You don't think I'm praising you, do you?"

Xia Zhou said weakly.

"Hmm? Isn't it?" Su Pengfei was stunned for a moment, and asked back in confusion.

Xia Zhou: "...Ah, right, right."

"So, Brother Zhou, what were you thinking about just now?" Su Pengfei asked again with a smile, "Thinking about life?"

Although he was full of worries, Xia Zhou still patiently explained.

"Why did the Academy of Sciences call us up?"

"Is there any need to ask? Of course it's to explore planets!" Su Pengfei looked at Xia Zhou with a look like a fool.

Xia Zhou: "..."

He could accept being despised by anyone, but he absolutely could not accept being despised by Su Pengfei!

"You idiot!" Xia Zhou raised his hand and gave Su Pengfei in front of him a big slap, "Look outside the porthole!"

"The fleet is now next to the black hole! Do you know what a black hole is?!"

"What kind of planet are you exploring?!"

Su Pengfei turned his head blankly and looked in the direction of Xia Zhou's finger.

"Fuck... it's really spectacular..."

Xia Zhou's face froze: "Did I make you sigh at this?!"

"So... Brother Zhou, what do you want to say?" Su Pengfei straightened his face and asked back with some confusion.

"..." Xia Zhou was silent for a while, then lowered his voice and said, "Do you think we will be sent to explore the black hole?"

"This is a deadly business!"

"So what?"

Su Pengfei showed his usual honest smile: "If this is the order of the Academy of Sciences, if the People's Federation needs us to do this, if this can bring human civilization to a higher level..."

"Then we just have to execute it."

"I have been prepared for this from the day I became a planetary explorer."

Xia Zhou fell into silence.

After a long time, he sighed deeply: "Su Zizi... you are really a fool!"

Xia Zhou raised his hand and patted Su Pengfei's thick shoulder: "Let's go and get ready. It's time for us to report to Conference Room 6."

With that said, Xia Zhou turned around and prepared to leave the hibernation area.

"Brother Zhou."

Su Pengfei's voice sounded again.

"I asked Zero when I woke up just now."

"After we hibernated, a battle occurred near Proxima Centauri that spanned dozens of light-years."

"The war destroyed countless star systems, including Gliese 555."

Xia Zhou's face changed slightly, and his pace suddenly slowed down.

"The tail docking plan launched by the Academy of Sciences last time has worked."

"Human civilization, because of their sacrifices, has successfully found a way to survive."

"You...why are you telling me this..."

Xia Zhou lowered his head and whispered.

"Brother Zhou, we all know that you...your father was selected for the tail docking project."

"Perhaps you are dissatisfied with this plan of the Academy of Sciences..."

Su Pengfei walked slowly to Xia Zhou, the smile on his face not fading at all: "But I just want to tell you that he is a hero, a hero of human civilization!"

"And..." He was silent for a while and said again, "The tail docking plan is a plan launched by the Academy of Sciences out of desperation."

"I am confident that when given a choice, the Academy and Parliament will never make such a decision again."

Xia Zhou clenched his fists hard, but then released them instantly.

He exhaled a long breath and murmured in confusion: "Ying... a hero..."


Xia Zhou shook his head gently and walked forward a little lonely.

"Xia Zhou..."

Su Pengfei watched Xia Zhou's back gradually go away and disappear around the corner in front, but he hesitated to speak.

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