Zhu Ziwen's words echoed in the ears of Su Pengfei and Xia Zhou.

Su Pengfei subconsciously turned his head and looked towards the porthole.

The green planet, under the light of the black hole accretion disk, glowed with crystal light.

It was like a drop of water on the edge of the desert, exuding endless beauty.

But there was no joy in Su Pengfei's eyes, and even the smile on his face was gradually dissipating.


"Nine hundred years ago, if there were no Professor Lu and the Academy of Sciences, we humans would probably be no different from the creatures on this planet, right?"

He murmured in a low voice: "Even, I don't know how I died."

Xia Zhou on the side trembled and said in an extremely low voice: "Maybe."

Zhu Ziwen's eyes moved slightly.

He noticed the strange atmosphere in the communication channel.

Because he didn't know the specific reason, it was not convenient for him to interrupt, so he could only wait quietly for the next conversation between the two.

"Dear planetary explorers, the starship is about to enter the atmosphere of the Lost Star, please prepare for landing..."

Zero's electronic synthesized voice sounded at the right moment, breaking the somewhat silent atmosphere in the team's voice channel.


Xia Zhou took a deep breath, calmed his somewhat fluctuating emotions, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, get ready, we are about to land!"



"Professor, an abnormal phenomenon has been discovered."

As Zero's voice sounded, a holographic image appeared on his side.

In the image, a bare circular area suddenly appeared in the lush forest.

In the air, a number of ship-borne drones were carrying out the final cleanup work under Zero's control - they needed to move the larger tree fragments to a distance to make enough flat landing space for Xuannv II.

Looking at the extremely normal picture in the holographic projection, Lv Yongchang frowned and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

"The detector placed in the surface area detected abnormal vibrations."

"The vibration lasted for more than ten minutes."

"The intensity is not high, it's relatively weak."

Lv Yongchang's eyes suddenly became solemn: "Abnormal vibrations? When did it happen?"

"Just when the ship-borne drones began to clear the landing area."

Zero's answer gave Lv Yongchang a bad idea.

Is there something buried underground on this planet?

If so, the explorers who rashly landed on the planet might...

"Zero, tell all explorers about this situation."

"In addition, start the underground exploration modeling work of the Lost Star." Lv Yongchang pondered for a moment, "Exploration depth, 1,000 meters..."

Thinking of those giant trees with an average height of 100 meters and the 12,000-meter behemoth, Lv Yongchang quickly changed his words.


"The exploration depth is set at 10,000 meters, and the underground modeling of the Arctic region is prioritized."



Time passed.

Accompanied by a slightly strong recoil, the starship's descent speed decreased rapidly.

The rapidly surging thick clouds gradually dissipated, and the scenery outside the porthole gradually became clear.

This is a world full of vitality.

Zhu Ziwen did not pay too much attention to the scene on the surface of the planet, but subconsciously raised his head and looked at the sky.

Just one glance, and he showed a deep shock in his eyes.

The entire sky was covered by an extremely huge disc.

The disc slowly rotated, spreading the energy necessary for life to this planet.

A slight vibration came.

"Academician Zhu, we are here."

In the communication channel, Xia Zhou's voice and a somewhat unreal electronic synthesized sound came.

At this time, Zhu Ziwen was still immersed in the shocking scene of looking up at the sky.

He turned his head around in a daze, and followed everyone down the Xuannv II at a loss.

When his feet stepped on the land with light green smoke, he gradually came back to his senses from the shocking scene.

"Brother, are you awake?"

Along with this familiar tone, the sound of the exoskeleton armor shell colliding came.

"If you ask me, you scientists are too easily attracted by these fancy things."

Su Pengfei pursed his lips and said with a bit of sarcasm: "Fortunately, the shipborne drone has completed the cleaning work, otherwise, with your appearance just now, you might have died as soon as you got off the starship."

Facing Su Pengfei's ridicule, Zhu Ziwen could only smile bitterly.

Su Pengfei was right. Perhaps, this is a common problem for scientists like them.

He turned his head and looked around.

A circular flat area suddenly appeared in the lush forest.

Through the soil with green smoke and the debris of trees everywhere, it is not difficult to guess what happened just now.

With the powerful firepower of the shipborne drone, the forest in this area was directly razed to the ground!

Suddenly, Zhu Ziwen frowned slightly.

There seemed to be a brown-black object in the soil.

What is this?

He was filled with doubts.

Tree roots?

He moved his mind slightly, and the exoskeleton armor moved according to his will.

Even if the surface gravity reached 1.5g, driven by the fusion engine, the heavy exoskeleton armor still seemed extremely light.

He took a step forward and walked forward quickly.

The soil after "cleaning" was not very soft, and was even a little solid.

But even so, the road he walked through also left deep footprints.

"Academician Zhu!"

Xia Zhou's face changed slightly when he saw this scene, and he immediately said in the communication channel: "Please follow us closely, don't walk around casually..."

Before the voice fell, Su Pengfei's shout exploded in everyone's ears like thunder!


Zhu Ziwen was frightened by the shout in his ears and his body trembled violently.

At the same time, there was a series of harsh warnings.

The azure blue holographic image in front of him turned into a dazzling red in an instant.

The bright red arrow pointed to the left side of his body.

He didn't have time to think, and subconsciously turned his head to look in the direction of the arrow.

Before he could completely twist his body, he stopped his unfinished action.

In the mud on the left side of his body, a brown "giant snake" with a diameter of nearly one meter suddenly emerged!

According to the auxiliary data provided by Ling, the part of the giant snake exposed on the surface has reached 12.6 meters.

Add to that the part hidden in the soil...

It is hard to imagine how huge this monster is!

The giant snake, which is more than ten meters long, keeps twisting its body in the air and attacks him at a very fast speed!

It happened too suddenly. Zhu Ziwen, who has been living in the laboratory and has no relevant experience, can only stare at the "giant snake" dancing wildly in the air!

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