Night has come.

As usual, it slowly emerged from the huge canopy formed by those giant leaves.

The night is long, and it has many things to do.

Foraging, replenishing water, communicating with its own kind, and reproducing.

It moved its long abdomen and crawled down the tree trunk briskly.

In the process, it saw a bright light coming from a very far distance.


Isn't it night now?

Why is there light?

Deep doubts arose in its not-so-developed brain.

It slowed down its crawling pace a bit.

It seems that a lot of changes have happened around during this period.

Not only did the light ball in the sky disappear, but also moving things appeared in the forest.

It stopped in the middle of the tree trunk and thought quietly.

A few minutes later.

After thinking fruitlessly, it chose to follow its instinct, moving its long abdomen and crawling towards the ground.

Soon, it came to the soft land.

It lowered its head and prepared to taste the "fresh and juicy" food.

Suddenly, a slight tremor came from the soles of its feet.

The fear engraved deep in its genes arose spontaneously!

It quickly jumped forward and avoided the tree roots that drilled out from the ground!

How could this happen? !

It should be safe at night!

As it fled at a high speed, it thought about the reasons behind it in its mind.

As the number of tree roots increased, it also appeared around it. One by one, it fled frantically!

Escape! Escape! Escape!

It had no time to think about the reasons behind it, and could only follow the large group forward!

Suddenly, a bright light appeared in front of it.

It could clearly see that there was no forest or tree roots in the light!

Although light meant danger, the absence of forests and tree roots was enough to attract it!

It and its companions jumped up, rushed out of the forest, and rushed to the light!

The next moment.

A burning breath came from the front.

Without any time to react, it fell heavily on the ground.

As the burning sensation gradually spread throughout its body, it felt its consciousness begin to dissipate.

[No, don't move forward...]

[There's hell ahead! ]

It gently moved its tentacles, trying to pass the message to its fellow creatures passing by.

But driven by the tree roots, those fellow creatures were already furious, and they stepped directly on its somewhat carbonized body and rushed forward!

The light in its eyes faded at a very fast speed.

Isn't it a peaceful era now?

A confusion flashed through its mind.

The increasingly warm "sunbathing", the surging number of fellow creatures...

Everything meant that there would be decades of peace.

But how could such a thing happen in a peaceful era...

With deep regret, it twitched twice and completely lost its breath.

The six pairs of dark eyeballs reflected the scene in front of it that looked like hell.


After the first miniature hydrogen bomb exploded, the entire planet fell into silence.

This sudden war temporarily came to an end.

Even the lost giant insects were attracted by the light ball and powerful radiation in the night sky.

They all raised their heads, as if they were looking for the source of the huge radiation floating in the air.

Without the drive of the giant tree roots, they were able to take a breath.

They all waved their tentacles and exchanged information with their companions.

In the complex information, there was only endless fear and confusion.

They didn't know what happened at all!

Deep underground, there were waves of continuous vibrations again.

After noticing this vibration, the fear in the eyes of these giant insects became more intense!

Xia Zhou, who was standing not far from the starship, felt a sinking in his heart.

He knew that it was the vibration caused by the giant tree roots rubbing against the underground soil!

He swallowed lightly and stared at the roots that had just drilled out of the soil in front of him.

The reaction of the lost giant insects was not worth his attention.

These poor bugs who didn't know the truth were just cannon fodder driven by the giant tree.

As long as the giant tree stopped its actions, these poor bugs would naturally leave this area.

Suddenly, the tree roots that had just emerged from the soil started moving again!

These tree roots were like whips, raising their bodies high and whipping the exploration team fiercely!

Xia Zhou's face did not change at all.

He stared at the highlighted text in front of the holographic projection and squeezed out an order from between his teeth.

"Second bombing point, release ten miniature hydrogen bombs immediately!!!"

The moment the voice fell, the miniature drone that had been guarding the second bombing area for a long time dropped the miniature hydrogen bombs in the cabin without hesitation.


The light that was several times brighter than the first time once again tore apart the thick night.

With those hundred-meter giant trees acting as natural barriers, the giant insects did not suffer much damage.

They raised their heads greedily and sucked the radiation diffused in the air.

Although not as good as the fresh food at the bottom of the tree trunk, the radiation in the air is better in quantity!

The light gradually dissipated, and a larger hole appeared near the ten-thousand-meter giant tree!

There was also an increasingly violent vibration from the ground.

Those tree roots that were raised high also quickly returned to their original positions!

Obviously, this time the miniature hydrogen bomb hurt it!

But Xia Zhou was not ready to give up.

"Third bombing point."

"All miniature drones, descend to 5,000 meters!"

"Be ready to detonate the hydrogen bomb at any time!"

The order was issued.

Densely packed miniature drones swooped down from tens of thousands of meters high and came to the canopy of the 10,000-meter giant tree.

Then, they quietly hovered in front of it.

Perhaps they noticed something, and after a short wait, the tree roots exposed on the ground slowly retracted into the ground.

The giant insects that were driven over, when they found that the tree roots disappeared, they all fled in all directions!

The apron finally returned to calm.

"Everyone, enter the starship immediately!"

Xia Zhou exhaled a long breath and gave an order softly.

The bet was right.

Academician Zhu was right, these giant trees are very intelligent!

Judging from the current situation, their intelligence is probably no less than that of humans!

"Captain Xia!"

Su Pengfei's voice came from the communication channel: "You are the only one left, come back quickly!"

"The starship is about to take off!!!"

Xia Zhou suddenly came to his senses, glanced at the crooked forest in front of him with great fear, turned around and ran a few steps, and jumped into the cabin.

The next second.

Driven by the antimatter engine, starships rose from the ground and rushed into the endless starry sky.

The micro drones also began to slowly evacuate.

When everything returned to peace, tree roots drilled out from the ground, silently "stroking" the hundred-meter-high trees that were blown down by the shock wave, as if mourning something.

This scene was clearly and completely recorded by the detector flying in the sky.

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