Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 618 Giant tree consciousness?

As he spoke, Lv Yongchang's voice gradually became low.

Mao Zhengzhi and Meng Lu looked at Lv Yongchang who was halfway through his words in surprise.

For a moment, the two were confused.


Looking at Lv Yongchang who suddenly fell into deep thought, Meng Lu carefully called out in a low voice.

"I understand..."

Lv Yongchang whispered: "Bioelectric signal is only a pre-step in information transmission, it is not the medium for transmitting information!"

"Zero, draw a 3D model diagram of bioelectric signal transmission!"

He did not explain much, but gave an order to Zero directly.

As the azure particle special effects slowly drifted in the air, a section of tree roots that were magnified several times and were slowly trembling appeared in front of the three people.


The bright azure light slowly lit up from both sides of the tree root, and completely wrapped the tree root, forming two azure auras that echoed each other.

This is the bioelectric signal simulated by Zero.

Then, the two azure auras moved towards each other and converged in the central area of ​​the tree root.

The next moment, two azure light rings started from the central area and quickly surged towards the ends of the tree root.

And so on.

Like a surging tide, one wave after another.

At this moment, both Lv Yongchang and the other two noticed the operating rules of this azure light ring!

It roughly outlines a rough mesh area, and in the center of this mesh area, there is a spherical cavity!

In connection with the structure inside the tree root, it is not difficult to imagine that these bioelectric currents are running around those tubular structures and spherical cavities!

Lv Yongchang stared at the mesh structure and spherical cavity with bursts of azure light.

Due to the insufficient number of electrodes and the insufficient detection accuracy, the bioelectric current signals in many detailed areas are missing.

Therefore, this structure is not clear, but a little fuzzy, with only a rough outline.

But it was because of this that Lv Yongchang made a surprising discovery!

In order to verify his conjecture, his fingers trembled slightly and pointed at the holographic projection on the side.

With his permission, he quickly entered Zero's database.

At the bottom of the database, he found a document.

That was the research data before the human fleet left the solar system!

He quickly opened the drawing file and showed it to Mao Zhengzhi and Meng Lu.


Mao Zhengzhi frowned slightly, as if he had noticed something: "Is this the design drawing of the first generation of quantum long-distance communication device?"

"What are you doing with this?"

The human fleet has been developed for hundreds of years, and the quantum long-distance communication device has been updated countless times.

In Mao Zhengzhi's view, the quantum long-distance communication device in this drawing is already extremely backward.

As for Meng Lu on the side...

Born on Proxima Centauri, she has never seen such an "antique" at all.


Lu Yongchang did not look up, but just responded softly, and did not even answer Mao Zhengzhi's question.

He raised his hand and selected a part of the drawing.

Then, he kept moving his fingers to eliminate all kinds of parts and miscellaneous equipment.

Soon, a simplified blueprint appeared in front of the three people.

Lv Yongchang exhaled a long breath and excitedly put it together with the other two holographic models.

When the three holographic models with azure blue light were placed together, Mao Zhengzhi and Meng Lu both showed shocked expressions on their faces!

Although there were some differences in subtle details, the highly similar mesh structure and spherical cavity area still caused the two to exclaim!

Mao Zhengzhi stared at the three holographic models in front of him in a daze, swallowing hard: "This... Is this the core area of ​​quantum communication?"


Lv Yongchang gave an affirmative answer: "Bioelectric current is just a tool to control this core area."

After a brief shock, Mao Zhengzhi quickly came back to his senses.

He looked at Lv Yongchang excitedly: "Professor, I have a conjecture!"

"If, I mean if, all our conjectures come true."

"Then, we regard these reticular structures and spherical cavities as human neurons."

"Then they use the quantum long-distance effect to transmit signals, which should be correct, right?"

Lv Yongchang thought carefully for a moment, and then nodded cautiously.

"Theoretically, there should be no problem."

"Okay, it's good if there is no problem..." Mao Zhengzhi muttered in a mysterious way.

Lv Yongchang frowned immediately: "What do you want to say?"

"If the giant trees have consciousness, what is their form of consciousness?"

"Professor, we have done a lot of research on human consciousness before, and all the data show that human consciousness is in a quantum state." Mao Zhengzhi said hurriedly, "But what about the giant trees?"

"Are they also in quantum form of consciousness?"

Lv Yongchang was stunned.

To be honest, he didn't think about this problem at first.


"Professor, this may be our best chance to study consciousness!"

Mao Zhengzhi excitedly stretched out his hand and held Lv Yongchang's arm tightly, interrupting him: "Professor, please think about it carefully!"

"It can convert bioelectric signals into quantum signals, and countless quantum signals converge to form quantum consciousness..."

"This is simply, simply the best research template!"

"If we study it thoroughly, we may be able to explain how human consciousness is generated!"

"This will make a huge contribution to the future evolution of mankind!"

Hearing this, Lv Yongchang's breathing gradually became rapid.

How is consciousness generated, can consciousness be transferred...

Even if human civilization has developed to this point, these problems have not been solved.

The reason is also very simple.

For Earth creatures, the transmission of information between neurons mainly relies on electrical signals and chemical substances, that is, neurotransmitters.

The latter is more common.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to study the formation process of human or other biological consciousness.

Therefore, as Mao Zhengzhi said, giant trees are the best template for studying consciousness.

They can directly convert electrical signals into quantum signals, which will undoubtedly greatly reduce the burden of related research!

I have to say, he is tempted!

But now is not the time to study this!

Lv Yongchang took a deep breath, suppressed his curiosity about the relevant knowledge, and said in a deep voice: "Research in this area... don't rush."

"The priority now is to solve the language system of the giant tree."

"If we want to use the giant tree to study human consciousness, we must first study the giant tree thoroughly!"

"Zero, let Mo Zeyang bring people over."

When it comes to the field of quantum communication, professional personnel are naturally needed to assist.

ps: There is bad news, the manuscript is gone.

There is another bad news, there are more things to do during the Chinese New Year, plus the writer's card, there is only one update today...

The worst news, the opportunity to take leave has been used up, and I am not hot for full attendance this month!!!

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