Time passes.

Driven by the antimatter engine, the distance between [Kunpeng] and the fleet and the black hole continues to increase.

The first experiments on curvature navigation were also carried out.

It is certain that curvature navigation is related to gravity.

But what kind of correlation method is specific? Not to mention the academicians of the Academy of Sciences, even Lu Yongchang is confused.

As for using the help of the technology tree space...

Perhaps because the accumulated experience and experimental data are not rich enough, even with the overclocking function of the quantum brain, Lu Yongchang cannot determine a specific research direction in the ocean of inspiration.

Therefore, human civilization at this moment is like a pedestrian crossing the river by groping for stones.

We can only rely on experiment after experiment to accumulate experience and deduce the next direction step by step.

"The first curvature experiment begins now."

As Lu Yongchang's voice echoed in [Earth], according to the experimental plan, Zero began to control the scientific research robot to perform corresponding operations.

The [Kunpeng] mobile laboratory has a specially improved second-generation gravitational field generation device.

Compared with ordinary second-generation gravitational field generating devices, this one has higher control accuracy, and the range of generated gravitational field can also be controlled within a relatively small range.

But correspondingly, the strength of the gravitational field has been weakened to a certain extent.

Therefore, it cannot be called a third-generation product, at best it is a 2.5-generation product.

Under Zero's control, the pure energy from the antimatter engine was transported into the complex pipeline system, and the gravitational field began to slowly increase.

The experimental object is a small ball with extremely light mass.

Under the influence of the magnetic field, it floats quietly in the center of the vacuum experimental chamber.

Not far in front of it, a powerful gravitational field began to gradually form.

The continuous energy made this small gravitational field quickly exceed the strength of the Earth and reach the level of Jupiter.

The powerful gravitational field quickly created a concave space-time.

It was like a small whirlpool appeared on the flat sea.

The balls used in the experiment were foam balls floating on the sea.

Pulled by gravity, it begins to move forward.

Like small foam balls attracted by whirlpools in the sea.

Under the control of the gravitational field generating device, the core area of ​​the gravitational field begins to move forward.

The depression in space-time created by the gravitational field then begins to move.

The ball "chases" the gravitational field and begins to accelerate gradually.

Inside [Earth].

"Professor, do you still need to increase the strength of the gravitational field?"

An academician turned his questioning eyes to Lu Yongchang, who was standing in the command position.

Lu Yongchang shook his head calmly: "Stop the experiment."

"The direction is wrong, no matter how hard you try, you won't get the result."

"It would be ridiculous if this could achieve curvature navigation."

"We have sent out so many detectors, but we have never seen them sailing directly into curvature near the black hole."

"The real purpose of this experiment is mainly to accumulate some experimental data on the movement of the gravitational field."

The inquiring academician nodded slightly, reached out and pressed a few buttons on the holographic projection.

Under Zero's control, the gravitational field generating device slowly shut down, and the powerful gravitational field generated gradually dissipated.

"Then...how is the curvature engine implemented?"

He Bilin scratched his scalp hard, his face full of confusion: "Is it possible that the way we generate the gravitational field is wrong?"

Lu Yongchang fell into deep thought.

Looking at the experimental data in the holographic projection, countless inspirations emerge one after another in the quantum brain in the overclocked state.

He quickly completed the screening work and caught a relatively reliable inspiration.

"I have an idea," he whispered.

"Maybe we should make the gravitational field move."

"This movement is not just a movement in space."

As he spoke, Lu Yongchang raised his hand and drew several sketches on the holographic projection.

"There is no doubt that gravitational fields can create curvature of space-time."

"If, as it moves, we change its intensity at the same time..."

"In this way, space-time will have an 'amplitude' under the action of the gravitational field."

"Like... waves on the ocean."

"It might be a good idea to let these space-time waves push objects forward!"

He Bilin looked at the wavy movement of time and space in the holographic projection, and his eyes gradually glowed with light.

"That makes sense!"

"Professor, I will solve the experimental plan immediately, and let's conduct another experiment!"

Looking at the heated atmosphere in the laboratory once again, Lu Yongchang had a gentle smile on his lips, but there was a trace of worry in his eyes that was imperceptible to others.

This solution sounds like a good idea.

But he is not optimistic.

There is no other reason than intuition.

Under the encouragement of a group of academicians, the second experiment quickly began.

In this experiment, the requirements for the gravitational field generation device have been raised to a higher level.

It needs to control the movement of the gravitational field while quickly changing the intensity of the gravitational field.

This almost touches the limit of the control accuracy of this device.

With the experience of the first experiment, Zero quickly adjusted the corresponding parameters and generated a gravitational field in the [Kunpeng] mobile laboratory with a strength slightly lower than that of Jupiter.

Under the action of gravity, the relatively flat space-time had a slight depression.

Then, the gravitational field shrank rapidly!

The depressed space-time gradually recovered.

Before it could fully recover, the gravitational field began to increase rapidly again!

The calm space-time, under the action of the gravitational field that was sometimes strong and sometimes weak, gradually appeared "waves"!

And the small ball not far away, under the action of the space-time waves, gradually began to move.

Compared with the first experiment, the acceleration of the small ball this time obviously increased a lot!

Lv Yongchang carefully observed the monitoring data of the space-time curvature. When its fluctuation amplitude reached the expected level, he gave the order directly without any hesitation!

"Start moving the gravitational field!"

As the gravitational field began to move slowly, the space-time in the vacuum experiment chamber actually appeared like the sea surface, with layers of undulating waves!

But the state of the small ball did not meet everyone's expectations.

Not only did it not enter the so-called curvature navigation state, but even the acceleration began to fluctuate.

As the space-time waves gradually increased, the movement state of the small ball became more and more unstable.


Under the gaze of everyone, the round ball broke into several pieces of different sizes.


He Bilin stared at the picture in the holographic projection in a daze and swallowed hard.

Fortunately, it was an experiment.

He thought in his heart with some fear.

If it was a starship, the people on board should have died in this disaster, right?

"Superposition and weakening of space-time waves?" Lv Yongchang looked at the data in the holographic projection thoughtfully, muttering to himself, "Maybe there are factors similar to the resonance effect."

"In short, it should be an extremely complicated process."

As he said, he raised his hand and quickly wrote down lines of formulas in the holographic projection in front of him.

"Wait a minute, I need to build a simple model for it."

Lv Yongchang said hurriedly and excitedly: "Although it may not solve the problem of curvature navigation, it can definitely solve many situations that we may encounter during curvature navigation!"

ps: I don't have time to write tonight, so I'll leave the extra chapter until tomorrow morning.

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