When he saw the confused looks on Albert and everyone around him, Moulton hurriedly opened his mouth to explain.

"NASA began research on electric propulsion systems decades ago."

"To be precise, it should be research on Hall thrusters."

Albert raised his eyebrows slightly: "Oh? Was NASA's research successful?"

Moulton's expression froze.

He shook his head slowly and said with an embarrassed look on his face: "It's not a failure, but it's definitely not a success."

"The current Hall thrusters can only reach tens or hundreds of millinewtons of thrust, and are mostly used on deep space vehicles."

"Maybe you don't know what tens or hundreds of millinews means. Let me put it another way and you will understand."

"The maximum thrust of the Hall thruster is about tens of grams."

"In the atmosphere, it can't even push an egg!"

Albert suddenly understood.

But soon, his brows furrowed again: "Then why did Xia Guo cancel the Long March 10 launch vehicle research project?"

Faced with this question, Moulton fell silent.

This is indeed a doubtful point.

After all, he is just a director, not a researcher.

Lack of scientific research intuition is also normal.

"How about... I find time to ask the NASA professor?"

Albert slowly shook his head: "Since this Hall thruster does not play a big role in the atmosphere, then there is no need to worry about it."

"What's more... we can't be sure whether these two pieces of news are smoke bombs specially released by Xia Guo!"

Ever since he learned that Xia Guo turned around and took out the second-generation nuclear fusion technology after selling the first-generation fusion reactor technology, Albert had some psychological shadows in his heart.

"The most important thing now is how we should deal with this series of operations by Xia Guo."

Moulton nodded respectfully and said in a low voice: "In my opinion, we don't need to pay attention to the news released by Xia Guo."

"After all, we have suffered enough in the matter of nuclear fusion!"

"If they want to study Hall thrusters, let them study it."

"I believe that chemical fuel rockets are the best choice for mankind at present!"

Albert's eyes moved slightly, and his deep gaze looked at Moulton again: "How are the preparations for the Pathfinder plan?"

Moulton looked slightly stern: "Preparations have begun!"

"Too slow!" Albert's brows frowned instantly.

Just starting preparations?

According to the current development speed of the Xia Kingdom, by the time their preparations are completed, their red flags may be all over the moon!

Anthony, who had been silent, pursed his lips and winked at Moulton beside him.

"Moulton, I think it's time to start that project."

Moulton's expression changed slightly, and he asked in a low voice: "Anthony, are you sure?!"

Anthony closed his eyes slightly and took a deep breath: "I'm sure."

"The United States can be one step behind, but it must not fall behind others again and again!"

Albert on the presidential chair: "???"

He frowned and interrupted the two of them: "Wait, wait! What are you talking about? What project?!"

Anthony suddenly turned his head and looked at Albert: "Your Excellency, President, I apply to start the Area 51 project!"

Seeing Anthony's burning eyes, Albert's expression suddenly became strange: "Huh? Area 51? Isn't that thing just an air force base?"

The next moment, Moulton's voice rang.

"Your Excellency, on the surface, Area 51 is indeed just an air force base, but in fact, Area 51 is the core base of the United States' high-end technology reserve plan."

The expression on Albert's face became increasingly weird: "???"

"Hey, gentlemen, that's not a funny joke!"

"High-end technology reserve plan? How come I never knew the United States had such a plan?"

The voice of Defense Secretary Anthony then came: "The high-end technology reserve program was started fifty years ago. The purpose is to reserve various high-end technologies and ensure that the United States is in a leading position in the world in the future."

"During this period, in order to ensure that secrets were not leaked, only the successive secretaries of defense and NASA administrators knew about it."

"Not only you, but even the previous presidents of the United States did not know the existence of this plan."

President Albert's expression suddenly suffocated.

Well, successive presidents don’t know that.

His mentality calmed down a little.

But soon, he thought of a very important question.

"What about funding? Why have I never seen the so-called Area 51 funding budget on the budget sheet?!"

Anthony said with an embarrassed look: "This... funds can be faked after all."

"About 10% of military expenditures over the past fifty years have been secretly flowing to Area 51."

Albert's breath suddenly suffocated!

Good guy!

10%! !

This is 10% of the United States’ annual military expenditure!

A whole fifty years of spending!

Albert couldn't even imagine what stuff was being studied inside!

He took a deep breath and asked softly: "Can I ask what technology is stored in it?"

Anthony and Moulton looked at each other, and then Anthony nodded slightly: "Of course."

"The last Cold War made us deeply aware of the importance of space hegemony. Therefore, Area 51 mainly reserves some technologies in the aerospace field."

"For example...an enhanced version of the Saturn V, the Saturn VI launch vehicle."

Albert's pupils shrank suddenly!

As a native of the United States, Albert is naturally familiar with the world-famous Saturn V heavy-lift launch vehicle!

As the heaviest launch vehicle ever used in human history, the Saturn V rocket is 110.6 meters high.

The take-off weight reached an astonishing 3038.5 mils, and the total thrust reached an ultimate 3408 mils!

Because it was used for manned missions to the moon, it is also called a moon rocket!

Albert swallowed slightly and said in a very difficult tone: "Saturn VI? What is it used for?"

Moulton took over and said softly: "Your Excellency, it was developed for Mars."

"Currently, there are three completed Saturn VI heavy-lift rockets hidden underground in Area 51."

"Mr. President, as long as you order the unlocking of Area 51, the Xia Kingdom is not even worthy of being compared with our great United States!"

Moulton's words made Albert's heart surge. He wished he could see the American Stars and Stripes planted on the surface of Mars right now!

He took a deep breath, calmed down his turbulent mood, and said firmly: "Get ready to sign the presidential decree!"

"Start the Area 51 plan!"

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