Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 692 No one can refuse a panda man!

Whether it was the expedition fleet or the Kepler star system 9 light-years away, everyone put down their work and stared intently at the holographic image ahead.

Everyone's eyes are full of anticipation.

This is the first time human civilization has come into contact with a low-level interstellar civilization since it became a fifth-level civilization!

It is also the beginning of human civilization making its own voice to the universe!

This scene is destined to be recorded in the annals of human civilization!

The holographic image gradually became clearer.

Black and white, furry, round dumplings appear in the camera.

They blinked their big black eyes, looking at the camera with curiosity, panic, confusion, or despair.

After a brief pause, there was a burst of exclamations from both the expedition fleet and the Kepler star system.

Needless to say, the subjects of the exclamations were naturally the women in the Academy of Sciences and the Expedition Fleet.

"Ah!!! So cute!!!"

"It's so fluffy!!!"

“I really want to catch one and take it home!!”


There are countless exclamations like this.

For a time, the originally tense and dignified atmosphere quietly dissipated.

Even the cold looks in the eyes of Zhao Zijie and Bai Yixuan quickly became gentle.

As people from the original Xia country, they have a unique feeling towards pandas.

Not only them, but also the entire People's Federation has a unique affection for pandas due to the integration of cultures in the past!

Come on, that's a Pandaren!

No one can resist the lure of a pandaren.

If so, bring a bunch of Pandaren!

As for Lu Yongchang, chief scientist of the People's Federation...

Looking at Su Yutong with starry eyes beside him, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and raised his hand to touch the tip of his nose.

have to.

It's better now.

He has imagined countless contact scenarios and what countless alien creatures look like.

But I never expected that the first contact, which was destined to be recorded in history, would turn out to be such a scene!

Just as human civilization was in "chaos", a high-pitched chirp came from the loudspeaker.

"The Pandaren have spoken!"

"Everyone be quiet! The Pandaren have spoken!!!"

“Their voices are so cute!!!”

This exciting news spread like a wave among the crowd!

In just a few seconds, the "chaotic" scene in the fleet and Kepler star system quickly improved - everyone stared curiously at the slightly larger black and white dumpling in the holographic projection.

"Yongchang, what are the pandas talking about?"

Su Yutong's curious voice came from the side.

Lu Yongchang glanced at the holographic image around him and said softly: "Wait a little longer."

"The dictionary information of the other party's civilization is being transmitted, and the translation program will not be online for a while."

After a short wait, a string of text appeared below the holographic projection.

[Dear human civilization, we are the Talodan civilization. 】

[First of all, we apologize for the incident where the detector accidentally entered your territory some time ago. Please forgive us for our reckless behavior. 】

[Please believe that Talodan civilization is a civilization that advocates peace, and we have no intention of invading your territory. 】


Suddenly, the slightly larger dumpling in the holographic projection froze on the spot, staring blankly at the camera.

Judging from its gaze, it should be observing some kind of display device, such as a holographic image or a screen.

It is conceivable that their translation programs should also be working.

Gradually, under everyone's gaze, the fluff on this dumpling suddenly exploded, like a dandelion, swaying slightly with the swing of its body.

The high-pitched chirping sounded again, but this time the chirping sounded particularly urgent, and even contained some anger.

[Dear human civilization, our Talodan civilization is only a small third-level civilization. 】

[Perhaps you look down upon us, but please have the most basic respect for our intelligent life that has survived in the universe for tens of thousands of years! 】

[We are not some random pandaren, we are the Talodan civilization! 】

[Talodan people will never be slaves! Put away your wishful thinking! 】

【Otherwise, otherwise I...】

The black and white dumpling's body was heaving violently, and it was obvious that he was very angry.

The moment the words fell, the fur of the group of dumplings behind it also exploded slightly, showing the angry emotions of this group of panda people very intuitively.

Bai Yixuan's mouth twitched slightly.

He turned his head and glared hard at the crew members who had just exclaimed.

The crew lowered their heads unnaturally.

This scene made Bai Yixuan's mouth twitch again.

He could understand the reaction of the female crew members. What did the group of male crew members with red faces and lowered heads mean? !

Due to the occasion, he could only hold back his sullen breath.

The somewhat fanatical atmosphere in the expedition fleet and the Kepler 452 star system also cooled down a bit.

Lu Yongchang, who was nine light years away, put his hand on his forehead and shook his head helplessly: "Yes, something big has happened..."

In exchanges between civilizations, misunderstandings are inevitable.

But he never expected that because of the other party's appearance that far exceeded expectations, the two parties would have such a big misunderstanding in their first contact!

"Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding!"

"Like the Tarodan civilization, our human civilization is also a race that advocates peace."

"As for our reaction just now, it is not contempt for you. On the contrary, it is admiration and recognition of your appearance."

A familiar voice sounded in the expedition fleet, easing the slightly stiff atmosphere in the communication channel.

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