"No! I object!"

Harsh sounds echoed in the conference room.

Jiang Yongxing turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

After seeing the speaker, Jiang Yongxing's pupils shrank slightly.

It's him!

"Mao Jinquan, what do you mean?"

Jiang Yongxing frowned and asked.

Mao Jinquan sneered: "What do I mean? Don't you know?"

"This is a scam! Can a sophomore undergraduate student write a plan of this level? My senior dean, can you think carefully about it? Is this really possible?"

"If you ask me, this is just a young man trying to impress people!"

"In my opinion, the most important thing to do now is not to report it to the police, but to find out this stinky boy who is sensationalizing! Our Sandaokou University does not welcome such opportunistic students!"

Jiang Yongxing's frown deepened.

"Vice President Mao, I won't say this is impossible. As scientific researchers, we should seek truth from facts."

"Tell me, have you found any loopholes in this plan?"

Mao Jinquan's expression changed slightly, and after pondering for a moment, he said, "Loophole?"

"Isn't this loophole still obvious?"

“Where does a sophomore student get this knowledge?”

"What's more, I also watched the deduction process of the new material. In just a few strokes, a new material appeared on the tip of the pen? Are you kidding!"

"What about the experimental data? What is the difference between a plan without experimental data and a fantasy?!"

Mao Jinquan's words moved the hearts of many professors present.

Yes, this plan seems perfect, but the biggest flaw is that there is no experimental data to support it!

To put it harshly, this plan is just an idea on paper!

Jiang Yongxing sneered. At this time, he was already a little angry!

In his opinion, this is simply making excuses!

"Vice President Mao! Tell me, where will a sophomore undergraduate go to do experiments and obtain data?!"

"As a scientific researcher, what you should say is definitely not impossible!"

Fang Xu, who was on the side, couldn't stand it any longer. He stood up and asked, "Vice President Mao, you just said that this plan lacks experimental data?"

Mao Jinquan nodded naturally.

As the deputy dean of the School of Nuclear Physics, he believed that he had the right to question the plan written by this mere undergraduate!

Fang Xu sneered: "Do you know that this plan is even more complete than the plan of my nuclear physics laboratory?!"

"Do you know how many experiments it took to arrive at the results of the physics laboratory plan?"

"You don't know anything, you just say it's impossible! As a vice president, I don't see any scientific research spirit in you!"

Fang Xu didn't show any mercy to Mao Jinquan.

After all, as the head of the Nuclear Physics Laboratory, Fang Xu is not under Mao Jinquan's jurisdiction!

Mao Jinquan looked at Jiang Yongxing with an ugly expression: "Dean Jiang, you..."


Jiang Yongxing sighed slightly and waved his hand to interrupt Mao Jinquan's unspoken words.

"Okay, Vice President Mao, I think you are tired too. Go home and have a good rest for a while. You don't need to worry about the affairs in the college for the time being."

Mao Jinquan's pupils shrank suddenly.

He looked at Jiang Yongxing in front of him in disbelief, and said with an angry smile: "Dean Jiang? Are you going to attack me, the deputy dean, for a sophomore undergraduate?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yongxing's eyes became more disappointed.

He shook his head slowly: "Mao Jinquan, I'm not attacking you because of a sophomore undergraduate."

"I am here for scientific research and for the future of Xia Country!"

"Yes, this plan is not supported by any data, but tell me, if this plan is true, according to your treatment plan, how much loss will our Sandaokou University... no, our Xia Kingdom suffer?!"

Mao Jinquan's face became increasingly ugly. He nodded angrily, turned around, left his seat and walked towards the door of the conference room.

"Hmph! I want to see if you can solve the problem of controllable nuclear fusion with this sophomore undergraduate!"

After saying these harsh words, Mao Jinquan reached out and opened the door of the conference room and walked out.


There was a dull sound when the conference room door closed.

Jiang Yongxing smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Fang Xu, let you see the joke..."

Fang Xu shook his head thoughtfully and said, "Old Jiang, it's time for your School of Nuclear Physics to be reorganized. The deputy dean doesn't even want to do research anymore. How can this be embarrassing!"

Jiang Yongxing was silent for a moment, nodded, and then turned his attention to the professors and researchers in the audience.

Seeing Jiang Yongxing's meaningful eyes, all the professors and researchers lowered their heads and acted like ostriches.

Some senior professors were slightly shocked.

It seems that the School of Nuclear Physics is going to cause quite a stir!

"Okay, everyone must have read this plan, right?"

"If you have any doubts, feel free to speak out."

After a few minutes, Jiang Yongxing, who received no response, chuckled: "Since no one has any doubts, let's start voting now."

"The content of the vote will naturally be whether this plan needs to be submitted to the parliament."

An hour later.

Jiang Yongxing brought Fang Xu to his office.

He walked straight to the desk, reached out and picked up the receiver of the landline phone on the desk, and pressed a special button.

A few seconds later, a voice came from the microphone.

"Hello, Professor Jiang, what can I do for you?"

"Please help me transfer to the Xia State Parliament. I have something to report about controlled nuclear fusion."

"...Okay, wait a moment!"


After waiting for a short time, a steady male voice came from the microphone.

"Dean Jiang, hello, I am the Minister of Science and Technology of Xia State, Hong Qiming."

Jiang Yongxing's eyes moved slightly.

It turned out that the call was answered by the Minister of Science and Technology, Hong Qiming!

It seems that controlled nuclear fusion is becoming more and more important in the eyes of the top leaders of Xia State!

"Hello, Minister Hong, I need to report something to you..."

Jiang Yongxing told the whole story in full.

"Dean Jiang, are you serious? A sophomore undergraduate wrote a highly feasible controlled nuclear fusion plan on the blackboard?"

Jiang Yongxing smiled bitterly and turned to look at Fang Xu beside him.

He guessed that this situation would happen, so he brought Fang Xu with him!

Fang Xu hurriedly stepped forward and took the phone from Jiang Yongxing: "Minister Hong, this is Fang Xu."

"...Yes, it's true!"

"I can guarantee that this plan is highly feasible!"


Fang Xu put the phone back to its original position and hung up the phone.

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Yongxing looked at Fang Xu anxiously.

Fang Xu said solemnly: "Minister Hong said that this matter is of great importance and he needs to report to the No. 1 Council Speaker!"

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