Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 724 Emotional Memory Input Experiment


Lv Yongchang cast a puzzled look at Mao Zhengzhi.

Mao Zhengzhi thought for a while, organized his words and said:

"Professor, the biological laboratory has preliminarily analyzed the memory transmission mechanism of [Nus Civilization] during the research during this period."

"We can even use bioelectric signals to generate some memory information in individuals of [Nus Civilization]."

"I know." Lu Yongchang nodded and said, "It is because of this breakthrough research result that I thought of the [Thought Stamp] technology."

Hearing this, Mao Zhengzhi couldn't help but smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Professor, this achievement is nothing."

"If this achievement is regarded as the first step, then the complete memory implantation technology will be at least a hundred steps later."

"As for the [Thought Stamp] technology you described that can change the beliefs of intelligent creatures, it will probably be three hundred steps later."

Looking at Lv Yongchang's unbelieving eyes, Mao Zhengzhi explained again: "Professor, the memory information we implanted in the individuals of [Nus Civilization] is just the simplest emotional fluctuations, and does not contain any valid information."

"For example, joy, sadness..."

"Moreover, this achievement is based on the special structure of [Nus Civilization] itself."

"If there is no intention network, the difficulty of realizing this operation may increase several times."

"In addition..."

Mao Zhengzhi hesitated and said:

"Faith is an extremely complex thing, and it cannot be changed by simply implanting memory."

"You can understand it as a subconscious composed of countless fragmented memory fragments."

"How should I explain it to you..." Mao Zhengzhi raised his hand and knocked on his head in distress.

"For example, I input a false memory into you through technical means."

"The memory content is very simple: you ate a piece of bread after getting up in the morning."

"If you master the memory transmission technology, this operation is not difficult to complete."

"But if you want to make you take getting up in the morning and eating a piece of bread as your belief, I am afraid you need to build a lot of false memories in your consciousness."

"For example, from birth to now, for hundreds of years, you will eat the same piece of bread every day after getting up. If you don't do this, you will encounter all kinds of inexplicable disasters."

Mao Zhengzhi shrugged: "Of course, this is just an analogy. The real belief construction operation is much more difficult than this."

Although he said so, under Lu Yongchang's insistence, Mao Zhengzhi still put aside his original research work and began to work hard to overcome the [Thought Stamp] technology.


The previous research results of the biological laboratory are of great significance.

In a sense, that is a prerequisite for realizing [Thought Stamp]-if the information cannot be input into the consciousness of intelligent life, then everything is empty talk.

Considering this, Lu Yongchang's first step is to retrieve all the records of the emotion input experiment.

At the same time, in order to obtain a complete data model, he repeated this experiment on the [Nus Civilization].

All operations are paid and agreed by [Nus].

This is also the way for [Nus Civilization] to earn credit points and contribution points.

But it must be said that this method is indeed a huge profit.

Up to now, the Talodan civilization has a lot of debts, and the Eugene civilization is still lying flat and rotten. Only [Nus Civilization] has become a "small rich man" by relying on biological laboratories - they basically do not need to exchange technology, and most of the time these credit points are used to exchange for some necessary services, such as the breeding and reproduction of the companion lost giant insects, the customization service of the gamma ray intensity of the primary and secondary stars...

Slightly different from the last emotional memory input experiment, the observation object of this experiment is not the core of the network and the individual [Nus] individual, but the entire [Nus Civilization]!

With the support of a large amount of resources, countless probes accurately penetrated every individual and network branch of [Nus Civilization] - if it is compared to humans, all the nervous systems in the body are equipped with precise detection devices.

These probes can accurately detect the bioelectric signals and quantum signals generated by [Nus Civilization] during the experiment, and at the same time, model and analyze the entire experimental process.

Undoubtedly, this requires a lot of computing power support.

For this moment of experiment, Zero even suspended many giant projects under construction and other unimportant computing work.


Ten minutes later.

As the last bioelectric signal slowly dissipated, the second emotion input experiment came to an end.

"[Nus], what do you feel?"

Lv Yongchang asked while frowning and sorting out the experimental data.

Zero responsibly translated Lv Yongchang's words into the language of [Nus Civilization] and input it into the [Nus Civilization]'s network area.

[Dear Chief Scientist, it is almost the same as the last experiment. ]

[I felt an inexplicable pleasure, as comfortable as taking a sunbath. ]

[Please don't misunderstand, I don't have the memory of sunbathing, but this feeling reminds me of sunbathing...]

In front of Lv Yongchang, [Nus] was still a little restrained.

It explained its feelings to Lv Yongchang in as much detail as possible.

Lv Yongchang nodded thoughtfully: "Okay, I understand."

"This experiment is over, and the credit points and contribution points should have been settled."

"You can exchange for a main star gamma-ray tide and enjoy a sunbath."

[Thank you for your generosity, that's what I thought. ]

The communication link was interrupted.

A holographic image automatically appeared beside Lv Yongchang.

Looking at the [Xihe] stellar core reaction interference device with soaring power in the holographic projection, Lv Yongchang showed a faint smile on his face.

It's a good little guy.

It's a pity that the development potential is limited by its own race, otherwise, there should be a place for [Nus Civilization] in this vast universe.

"Professor, the modeling work has been completed."

Zero's electronic synthesized voice came from the side, breaking Lv Yongchang's meditation.

"Release the entire [Nus Civilization] bioelectric signal change process during the experiment."

Lv Yongchang straightened his face and ordered in a deep voice.

The next moment.

As the lights in the laboratory suddenly dimmed, a huge azure holographic projection appeared in front of everyone.

It was a complex model with intricate roots.

The tree roots, some thick and some thin, are intertwined with each other, forming the shape of a planet. With the help of a large amount of gamma rays, the [Nus civilization] has turned the entire planet into its own territory.

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