Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 732 The self-correction ability of consciousness

The next month.

Under the hard work of the optical quantum computer experimental center, the first generation of optical quantum computers based on the biological quantum brain architecture was successfully launched.

After multiple tests to ensure safety and stability, Zero moved into his "new home".

As a strong artificial intelligence, Zero took the initiative to replace its basic algorithm to adapt to the optical quantum computer with a new architecture.

The prototype of a network core was born.

However, this network core carries Zero, a strong artificial intelligence without emotion.

Compared with previous optical quantum computers, the new optical quantum computer born from the biological quantum brain is obviously more suitable for Zero, a strong artificial intelligence - at this time, Zero has evolved to a very deep level relying on a large amount of data.

Under the constraints of the core code, it cannot give birth to emotions.

It is precisely because of this that Zero can only approach super artificial intelligence in the continuous evolution and iteration, but can never become super artificial intelligence.

But even so, Zero at this time is still better than the quantum consciousness of [Nus Civilization] that has survived for tens of millions of years.

The optical quantum computer of the biological quantum brain architecture has undoubtedly greatly liberated the performance that Zero should have - the growth rate of its computing power even surprised Lv Yongchang!

The computing power resources that were gradually stretched to the limit became abundant at this moment.

Insufficient number of interstellar probes, resulting in a slowdown in expansion?

Another billion probes!

Insufficient resources?

Build ten more [Star Devourers] and mine all the minerals in the surrounding star systems for me!

The weapons research and development center applied for computing power to conduct simulation calculation experiments on the material disintegration field?

Agreed! Is it enough to give ten times more computing power? !

Lv Yongchang swore that he had never fought such a rich war since he left the earth!

Under the extremely violent computing power frenzy, the expansion speed of human civilization has increased again!

At this moment, the star field 35 light years around the Kepler 452 star system has been classified as the territory of the Milky Way Pan-Human Federation!

While human civilization once again blew the horn of great expansion, the memory transmission experiment in the biological laboratory was quietly restarted.

Just as Lv Yongchang said.

After the algorithm was changed, Zero could perfectly simulate the bioelectrical signal of the core of the mind network.

White mice, chimpanzees...

The memory input experiments on various experimental creatures were declared successful!


A few months later.

Lv Yongchang looked at the experimental report in front of him and frowned slightly.

Although the memory transmission experiment was declared successful, it did not mean the success of the [Thought Stamp] technology.

Memory transmission is only the pre-technology of the [Thought Stamp] technology.

"Report on the discovery of the universal self-correction ability of biological consciousness..."

Lv Yongchang whispered the report in the holographic projection.

"Yes." Mao Zhengzhi's voice came from the side, "The biological laboratory has recently tried dozens of animals and found this phenomenon."

"Different animals have different degrees of reaction to false memories input from the outside world."

"But one thing is certain."

"The more intelligent the creature, the stronger its reaction to false memories."

"Correspondingly, they are more likely to find problems with this memory and complete the error correction of their own memory."

"Simply put, the higher the biological intelligence, the lower the effect of memory input."

Lv Yongchang nodded thoughtfully.

"Not only that." Mao Zhengzhi paused and said again, "The intensity of the self-correction phenomenon of consciousness is also closely related to the content of the input memory."

"The higher the degree of discrepancy between the input memory and the self-cognition of the organism, the stronger the self-correction phenomenon and the lower the memory input effect."

"For example."

"If I want to input a memory into you, telling you that water is highly toxic and oxygen is also highly toxic."

"This memory is highly deviated from your self-cognition, and it is very likely to cause the self-correction phenomenon of consciousness, and this input memory will also become a piece of garbage in your memory."

"This point was also shown when conducting a memory input experiment on the [Nus Civilization]."

Lv Yongchang's expression was a little more solemn: "But this is what the [Thought Stamp] technology is going to do."

"Yes!" Mao Zhengzhi sighed heavily and opened his mouth to speak but stopped.


"The biological laboratory has proposed a solution."

Lv Yongchang raised his eyelids and looked at Mao Zhengzhi in surprise: "What?"

"...High-frequency memory transmission."

Mao Zhengzhi said with difficulty.


High-frequency memory transmission technology.

As the name suggests, it is to use memory transmission technology at a very high frequency to forcibly break through the self-correction defense line of biological consciousness and firmly implant wrong and false memories into the consciousness of the organism.

Just like brainwashing.

But everything has two sides.

High-frequency memory transmission has extremely powerful side effects on organisms.

In severe cases, death, and in mild cases, loss of autonomous consciousness.

"Did this little white mouse pass the experiment?"

Lv Yongchang followed Mao Zhengzhi and looked at the little white mouse in the isolation cabin in surprise: "It is..."

In the isolation cabin, a snow-white little white mouse was walking in a strange posture.

This strong sense of disobedience made Lv Yongchang's forehead twitch slightly.


Mao Zhengzhi scratched his head awkwardly: "We input some memories about birds into it."

"At present, it should think it is a pigeon."

The moment the voice fell, the little white mouse jumped suddenly, and at the same time, its short forelimbs flapped twice.

Lv Yongchang's forehead jumped again.

If he was not mistaken, this should be the take-off action of the pigeon.

Lv Yongchang sighed softly and said: "After the observation is over, euthanasia will be implemented."

Mao Zhengzhi nodded quickly.

"What about other experimental animals?" Lv Yongchang asked softly.


"So far, only this little white mouse has passed the experiment." Mao Zhengzhi called up an experimental record and showed it to Lv Yongchang, "The mortality rate of the experiment reached 83.1%."

"The rate of major injuries such as dementia and vegetative state reached 16.8%."

"Don't look at this little white mouse jumping around now."

"But its intelligence has been greatly damaged, and its original memory has become extremely chaotic." Mao Zhengzhi sighed again, "If it were an intelligent creature, it would be a schizophrenia, conservatively estimated."

Lv Yongchang's eyes twitched again.

Who would dare to use such technology? !

"Can it suppress the self-correction ability of the original consciousness for false memories?" Lv Yongchang said after a moment of silence.

"It's very difficult."

Mao Zhengzhi shook his head: "The research during this period made me realize a problem. There are too many mysteries hidden in the consciousness of organisms."

"The technology we currently have is not enough to touch the consciousness of organisms."

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