Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 753 Curvature Missile Interception Plan

Human Union Expeditionary Fleet.

The moment the order was issued, the huge fleet in the deep universe gradually showed some subtle changes.

The outer ship-borne drone group spread out again, revealing the huge warship inside.

The dense missile silos on the side of the warship opened one after another.

With a slight flame, the antimatter engine pushed them away from the silo.

After a short wait, the moment the antimatter engine was turned off, the curvature engine started at full power.

Under the wrapping of the curvature bubble, these missiles disappeared one after another in the visible universe.

Only the waves of space and time that were gradually moving away could prove their existence.

When the Enroget civilization's mother planet began to undergo a major transformation, the curvature missiles from the border defense line had already encountered the interceptor missiles sent by the expedition fleet.

Distance between the two sides: one billion kilometers.

Whether in theory or in practice, the Human Union's curvature missiles can easily complete the interception mission.

But do you know how expensive a curvature missile is? !

It's not as fast as throwing money into the reactor!

Lv Yongchang can accept that the curvature missiles hit the territory of the hostile civilization, but he absolutely cannot accept that the curvature missiles hit the curvature missiles launched by the enemy.

What is the difference between this and watching a large-scale fireworks show? !

That is why, as early as when the curvature missile technology was mature, the research and development of the plan to intercept the curvature missile had already begun.

The interception plan has only one "simple" requirement.

Effective and cheap.

So, after Yevgeny sacrificed hundreds of hairs, he successfully came up with a suitable interception plan.

Simply put, the plan is divided into two steps.

The first step is to stop the enemy's curvature missiles.

With a slight and imperceptible space-time fluctuation, dozens of interceptor missiles and hundreds of large, round metal balls appeared in the dark and deep universe.

They shut down all engines and keep themselves as silent as possible.

The interceptor missile is loaded with a micro black hole warhead.

The principle is also very simple.

Micro black holes are also black holes, and their powerful space-time distortion effect is enough to shut down the curvature engine of a level 5 civilization!

It sounds simple, but if you want to really realize this operation, the difficulty is at the ceiling level.

Since the existence time of micro black holes is extremely limited, and the gravitational field range of micro black holes is relatively small, this operation is extremely challenging for the area and time of generating micro black holes.

As for those large metal balls...

They can be regarded as large fragmentation grenades.

Its core is loaded with equal amounts of separated positive and negative matter.

The outer area is filled with a large number of electromagnetic cannon projectiles.

There is no doubt that under the guidance of Yevgeny, these projectiles are "sandwiched".

One second later.

The hatch on the side of the missile opened quickly under the control of Zero.

Countless "small" guided missiles automatically popped out from it.

The structure of these guided missiles is very simple-a large amount of antimatter, a high-power curvature engine and a control core.

Under the control of Zero, these guided missiles entered the curvature navigation state one after another, and rushed towards the oncoming curvature missile group without any concealment.


The strong space-time fluctuation signal triggered the early warning program inside the curvature missile.

Under the control of the weak intelligence program, these curvature missiles quickly changed direction and flew towards the area where the space-time fluctuations were relatively weak.

Undoubtedly, this was the forward path planned by Zero for this group of curvature missiles.


Not going that way?

The antimatter bomb inside the guided missile is not a vegetarian.

In front of Zero, these curvature missiles quickly approached the preset interception area.

The abnormal signal in the tachyon radar was getting closer and closer.

In the moment before the two overlapped, Zero detonated the warhead of the interceptor missile.

One by one, the micro black holes broke away from the stabilization device and stretched their gravitational fields to the surroundings unscrupulously.

As the bright accretion disk gradually formed, spindle-shaped missiles suddenly appeared out of thin air in the originally empty universe.

The shutdown of the curvature engine forced these missiles to exit the curvature navigation state.

Although the weak intelligence program is not as smart as Zero, its reaction speed is unquestionable.

Almost at the same time, the antimatter engines of these missiles started to start and tried to push them away from here.

But it was too late.

Zero had already detonated those Plus versions of interstellar grenades.

The positive and negative matter in the core area annihilated each other, and the huge mass was quickly transformed into tremendous energy.

The "grenade" exploded with a bang!

The electromagnetic cannon projectile filled inside, driven by this energy, made indiscriminate attacks on the surroundings like a fairy scattering flowers!

This is the second step of the interception plan.

Use the cheapest electromagnetic cannon projectile to complete the early detonation of the curvature missile!

Considering that the metal storm moving in a single direction can easily be avoided by the highly maneuverable curvature missile, Yevgeny specially designed this crazy weapon.

As long as the entire space is filled with electromagnetic cannon projectiles with sufficient density, even the curvature missile controlled by Zero can only die on the spot!

Cheap and efficient.

Perfectly met the requirements put forward by Lu Yongchang.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Like a triggered minefield, this starry sky was instantly covered by the flames of the explosion!

Those curvature missiles that were forced to exit the curvature state were hit by a real artillery fire before they completed the acceleration!

The whole army was wiped out!

None of the 1,739 curvature missiles from the Enroget Alliance were spared, and all were destroyed in this chain explosion!

Before the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, a strong wave of space-time fluctuations came from afar.

It is impolite not to return the favor!

That was the official attack launched by the human expedition fleet!

Tens of thousands of slightly inferior inventory missiles rushed towards the border defense line of the Enroget Alliance at a "low speed" ranging from 50-80c!

This was just the first wave of volleys.

After understanding the basic strength of the Enroget Alliance, clearing the inventory became the primary task of the human fleet.

Curvature missiles of different production batches rushed towards the alliance defense line frantically!

ps: Actually, I wanted to add more, but my strength does not allow it...

I'll owe it first QAQ...

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