Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 759 Fleet, charge at full speed!

Human Expedition Fleet.


The voice of the crew reporting came from the side: "Affected by radiation, some enemy warships have lost their combat capabilities!"

Hearing this, Bai Yixuan raised his hand and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

He looked at the slowly descending shield load on the holographic projection and muttered to himself.

"It's so dangerous..."

"Fortunately, there is a radiation protection layer provided by [Nus]..."

The conscience of heaven and earth, the plan of using ion cannons to intercept anti-matter cannons was not his idea!

That's what Wilson came up with!

During the test, the laboratory did not expect this situation to occur at all - in a one-on-one situation, intercepting the radiation produced by the anti-matter cannon is not a problem at all for the warships of human civilization!

But in this war, the number of anti-matter cannons is estimated to be not more than 10,000 but only a few thousand rounds.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

At the moment when matter and antimatter were annihilated, Bai Yixuan seemed to see the sun.

He swore that from the age of the earth to the present, even when Professor Lu sneaked up to heaven, he had never been so nervous!

For a moment, he even thought that the human expedition fleet was going to be destroyed because of his suicide attempt.

If such a situation really occurs, he will probably be completely nailed to the pillar of shame of human civilization.

Fortunately, the joint shield is powerful.

Fortunately, the radiation protection layer provided by [Nus Civilization] is powerful.

He took a deep breath and suppressed the fear in his heart.

What followed was deep resentment against Wilson.

He stared at the approaching border defense line and the large number of "corpses" of warships floating around the perimeter of the defense line, and shouted through gritted teeth:


"Charge at full speed!"

A long snake formation.

There are extremely high requirements on the mobility capabilities of the armies on both wings.

Switching to interstellar warfare, there are high requirements on the maneuverability of the fleet's peripheral battleships.

Once the maneuverability of the outer warships is restricted, the long snake formation will naturally be disintegrated, and may even be intercepted and defeated by the enemy fleet.

But for the human expedition fleet, this is the easiest requirement to meet.

The huge drone group wrapped around the expedition fleet has maneuverability that far exceeds that of a battleship.

Although the defense power is a little weak and the attack power is not particularly strong, the victory is in large numbers!

The large number is a trivial matter. The key point is that the engineering ships within the fleet can mass produce and replenish losses anytime and anywhere!

As for production speed... you can always trust zero efficiency.

This creates an "illusion" - the human fleet's fleet of carrier-based drones seems to never be exhausted.

The operation of cutting off the long snake formation has almost become the biggest trap.

A shrill siren sounded, and blue lights flashed in the command ship.

Not only did the long snake-like fleet not slow down, it even continued to accelerate!

"Attention all!!"

"Prepare for impact!!"

Under Keesling's horrified eyes, the fleet "collied" hard against the border defense line.

The drone swarm constantly rotating around the core area was like a sharp knife, easily tearing a hole in the defense line that stretched for several light years.

The most exciting and dangerous close combat has begun.

"Charge!" Keesling screamed with a hint of madness in his eyes, "All battleships, fire freely!"

"Attack the fleet's flank!"

"Cut off their fleet!"

"We must not let them rush into the defense line!!"

Under Kisling's order, the Enroget battleships rushed forward like moths rushing to the flames regardless of their own safety, and fired all the weapons available on the battleships at the huge fleet like a meat grinder.

But as the old Enroget scientist said.

The strength of the joint shield far exceeds that of ordinary battleship shields.

These "insignificant" attacks can only create some moderate ripples on the huge joint shield.

A counterattack from the human fleet followed.

Some carrier-based drones quietly left the fleet.

They rushed towards the surrounding Enroget warships with extremely fast acceleration, and relied on their powerful maneuverability to avoid enemy attacks.

After approaching the target enemy ship, these drones quickly activated their internal shield jamming devices, and a unified field began to form immediately!

Zero, who is far away in the Kepler 452 star system, also begins to calculate the opponent's shield algorithm in real time.

This didn't take much time.

It only took a few seconds for the Enroget warships approaching the human fleet to lose the protection of their shields.

Under Zero's control, electromagnetic guns, anti-matter cannons, and high-energy laser beams were fired at the locked warship.

A battleship without shield protection is simply like paper under the influence of these powerful weapons.

How long does it take for an Enroget warship to explode from close to the human fleet?

Ten seconds.

In just ten seconds, a level 5 civilization battleship will be torn into pieces by the human expedition fleet!

Keesling stared blankly at the bursts of explosions and flames outside the porthole window.

Suddenly, amid a series of sirens of the highest level, several drones came to the command ship.

It’s over!

Keesling's pupils trembled slightly: "Quick! Get rid of those drones!!"

It cried out in terror.

The command ship frantically poured artillery fire around.

Some drones were destroyed, but the remaining drones have successfully activated the shield jammer.

The next second.

A pale green beam shone on the command ship, through the porthole, and reflected on its face.

There was some confusion in Kislin's eyes.

It seemed... nothing happened?

Just as it was about to ask, it suddenly saw the most incredible scene in its life!

Under Kislin's gaze, the command ship illuminated by the pale green beam slowly dissipated like dust blown by the wind.

What kind of weapon is this...

Before it could figure out the problem, it completely lost consciousness.

And the command ship that dissipated as quickly as dust also cooled down the "lively" battlefield instantly.

ps: I recommend a book written by a friend~

"The End of the World: Stock up on 1 Billion Supplies First" written by Hate Young Ignorance!

It has been completed and a sequel is being written. Interested friends can go and have a look!

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