Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 798 Console and Data Transmission Channel

The document issued by [Ten] obviously fully considered the construction capabilities of a normal level 5 civilization.

The accuracy standards of those tool kits and basic accessories have almost reached the current limit of human civilization.

Of course, for the devices left by the Tenth Empire, this may be the most basic requirement.

Otherwise, [Ten] would not have set up the three screening procedures.

As a level II artificial intelligence, Zero cannot solve the problem of processing accuracy.

Therefore, the processing and manufacturing process of various high-precision accessories consumed a lot of time.

Considering the efficiency issue, the energy replenishment and basic maintenance work of the mass-energy conversion device were put together.

A week later.

An experimental ship carrying a large amount of antimatter and various precision accessories left the scientific research fleet and drove at full speed towards the imperial fortress under the impetus of the antimatter engine.

The space-time fluctuations caused by short-distance space jumps continued to emerge inside the fortress.

Each space jump will transport some robots and some materials to the floating land where the silicon-based jellyfish are located.

In order not to affect the normal development of silicon-based jellyfish and the purity of their faith, this emergency maintenance plan was put on the standard night of the Empire's mother planet.

At the same time, [Ten] remotely lowered the concentration of free electrons in the area where the silicon-based jellyfish were located through the mother planet fortress, and turned off those large batteries - when the concentration of free electrons dropped to a certain level, the silicon-based jellyfish would enter a dormant state similar to biological hibernation.

After all the preparations were completed, the "Enroget Maintenance Brigade" composed of thousands of scientific research robots officially headed for the target area on the planetary landing vehicle.

In addition to scientific research robots, this group of planetary landing vehicles was also loaded with a large number of antimatter storage tanks.

Looking at the transport convoy lined up in neat formations in the holographic projection and driving fast on the dark gray floating land, Lu Yongchang suddenly thought of something, and his eyes became strange.

If he gave an order to release these antimatter at the same time...

Even the fortress built by the seventh-level peak civilization might not be able to withstand such a blow?

After all, the interior of the fortress is always the easiest to break.

Although he said so, when he thought about letting the transport convoy carry such a huge amount of antimatter into the ice giant's [Ten] at will, Lv Yongchang's thoughts suddenly wavered.


The other party is really capable of resisting this kind of explosion from the inside?

This thought that surprised even himself suddenly came to Lv Yongchang's mind.

The next second, he completely suppressed his desire to make trouble.


Time passed slowly.

The transport convoy formed by the planetary landing vehicle successfully arrived at the destination under the guidance of the corrugated road signs.

The night was deep.

The "sky" 25,000 kilometers away from the floating land was now pitch black, without even a trace of light.

The high-power searchlights of the scientific research robot and the planetary landing vehicle became the only light source at this time and place.

In the thick white fog, the light emitted by the searchlight clearly presented straight light paths because of the Tyndall effect.

In the distance, the tribe built by dark gray "houses" was quiet, without any movement.

Under the advance arrangement of [Ten], these silicon-based jellyfish had already fallen into a dormant state.

Click... click...

The floating land under the feet of the scientific research robots made some crisp sounds, which were particularly clear in the silent night.

They walked towards the target of this maintenance mission with a clear goal - the mass-energy conversion device.

Although it was the first time to repair the technological creation of the seventh-level civilization, it was not a difficult task for Zero who got the "maintenance manual".

Especially after millions of simulations in the central computer.

Under Zero's control, these scientific research robots quickly opened the maintenance channel of the mass-energy conversion device.

After getting the so-called "maintenance manual", Lu Yongchang was surprised to find that this huge equipment of more than 50 meters was just the tip of the iceberg of the complete device.

The part exposed on the surface was just the tip of the iceberg, occupying only about 10% of the volume of the entire device.

The rest was all hidden in the floating land under his feet, including the so-called energy channel.

Therefore, just like replenishing its energy, it is not an easy task to repair this mass-energy conversion device.

The maintenance channel goes straight down, like a deep well.

This also conforms to the appearance characteristics of the individuals of the Tenth Empire - they are like barrels, and they can just "fall" into the spacious space at the bottom along this maintenance channel.

For the "petite" scientific research robots of human civilization, this is even less of a problem.

After opening the maintenance channel, they hold antimatter containers that are larger than their own heads and jump into this huge "deep well" without hesitation.

With the help of the grand unified field, the robot falls at a uniform speed and then lands smoothly in the huge cavity inside it.

It is a huge cavity with a height of more than 450 meters.

The cavity is filled with various parts and devices of unknown use.

Under the connection of energy pathways, they together form a set of precise and complex mass-energy conversion devices.

A unique beauty brought by an unfamiliar design concept is clearly reflected in front of everyone, impacting everyone's worldview.

But Lu Yongchang's focus is not on these.

But those control consoles that are flashing signal lights and in normal working order.

As the saying goes.

If there is a control console, there must be a data transmission channel.

If there is a data transmission channel, there is room for Zero to play.

Lv Yongchang's originally calm heartbeat suddenly became intense at this moment.

An idea that was previously abandoned, like a spark that hit pure oxygen, instantly ignited!


Let Zero try to invade the other party's system?

If this succeeds, human civilization can directly obtain the database and mother star fortress of the seventh-level peak civilization!


Fang Xu's slightly strange voice sounded beside him, interrupting his imagination: "I said... You don't want to do anything to [Ten], do you?"

"Cough!" Lv Yongchang, whose thoughts were revealed in one sentence, coughed with an embarrassed expression, "Of course... Of course not."

Looking at the meaningful eyes cast at him by the surrounding scientific researchers at the same time, Lv Yongchang laughed awkwardly.

"Well, I admit that there is indeed a little bit."

Fang Xu was not surprised by this answer.

Those who are close to vermilion will be red, and those who are close to ink will be black.

When he saw the control consoles operating normally, the same thought flashed through his mind.

But as a deputy, he still needed to fulfill his duties - to properly remind Lv Yongchang of the risks behind this matter.

Fang Xu frowned slightly and organized his words: "Although [Ten] is only a weak artificial intelligence, the [Tenth Empire] behind it..."

"Human civilization has currently provoked the two top forces of the Sweepers and the Pastoral School. If we make enemies with the [Tenth Empire]..."

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