Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 81 Helium Trioxide and Ilmenite

The auditorium of Sandaokou University was crowded with people.

The top academicians and professors of mining and mechanical engineering in Xiaguo took their seats.

In addition, several inconspicuous biology professors were sitting in a corner of the auditorium.

"Do you know what this meeting is for?"

A slightly younger professor couldn't hold back and asked the professors around him.

"I don't know..."

"Don't look at me, I don't know either. Not to mention the purpose of the meeting, I don't even know who called this meeting."

"Hiss... When you say that, it seems that I didn't see the specific name!" A professor with graying temples frowned slightly and whispered, "I came to the meeting after receiving a notice from above."

"Me too!"

Just as everyone was talking, the door of the auditorium closed with a bang, and several soldiers in neat military uniforms began to distribute confidentiality agreements to everyone.

Seeing this scene, the pupils of the people in the audience shrank a little.

"This conference... is quite a big event!"

"I just looked around, and most of the people here are academicians and professors from the mining and mechanical engineering departments!" An academician said softly, "I guess Xiaguo may have discovered some large mines that are difficult to mine!"

"No... I haven't heard that Xiaguo has discovered a mineral vein recently!"

At the same time, Lv Yongchang, dressed in formal attire, slowly walked up to the podium.

Looking at the people below the stage, he straightened his expression and reached out to turn on the projector.

"Everyone, let me introduce myself first. I am Lv Yongchang, the first director of the Xiaguo Space Agency!"

"Since everyone has signed a confidentiality agreement, I won't be secretive."

"The purpose of convening you this time is mainly to promote the Moon Palace Project!"

As Lv Yongchang finished speaking, a line of large characters appeared on the projection screen.

"Fully Automated Moon Mining Plan"


In an instant, the auditorium was filled with discussions!

The academician who just speculated that Xiaguo had discovered a large mine stared at the large characters on the projection screen with his eyes wide open.


This is a real big mine!

"First, we need to clarify the mineral resources on the moon."

As he said that, Lv Yongchang clicked the mouse and switched to PPT.

A high-definition thumbnail of the moon appeared on the projection screen.

"40% oxygen, 20% silicon, 14% aluminum, calcium and a small amount of titanium, manganese, magnesium, chromium, and the most important helium-3 resource."

"The main purpose of the Moon Palace Project is to obtain the rich helium-3 resources in the lunar soil."

"The content of helium-3 in the lunar soil is estimated to be more than one million density. For every density of helium-3 extracted from the lunar soil, 6300 density of hydrogen, 70 density of nitrogen and 1600 density of carbon can be obtained!"

"In addition to these basic resources, ilmenite in the lunar sea basalt is also a key project of the Moon Palace Project."

"In order to realize the Moon Palace Project, we now urgently need an integrated lunar mining equipment that integrates automatic mining, classification and refining."

"This is also your next task."

As Lv Yongchang's voice fell, the auditorium fell into silence.

Kong Xingbang looked at Lv Yongchang on the podium with trembling eyes and swallowed slightly.

As a senior academician of the Department of Mechanical Engineering in the Xia Academy of Sciences, Kong Xingbang could not believe his eyes.

Does mankind, no, does Xia really have the ability to go to the moon for large-scale mining now?

He slowly raised his hand and gestured to Lv Yongchang on the stage.

Lv Yongchang immediately noticed Kong Xingbang's raised right hand. The moment he saw the old man's face, his pupils suddenly shook!

It's him!

Academician Kong Xingbang!

Countless memory fragments emerged in his mind.

In his previous life, Academician Kong Xingbang's name was known to everyone!

Although the underground city plan was proposed by Lv Yongchang, it was Academician Kong Xingbang who really put it into reality.

It is no exaggeration to say that Kong Xingbang overcame most of the difficulties in the construction of giant underground cities by his own efforts!

Therefore, in his previous life, Academician Kong Xingbang was even hailed as the savior of human civilization!

Unexpectedly, I would be able to bring Kong Xingbang to this meeting!

Lv Yongchang took a deep breath, with a look of respect, and said softly: "Academician Kong, do you have any questions?"

Kong Xingbang was slightly stunned, and subconsciously asked: "Professor Lu, do you... know me?"

Lv Yongchang smiled and nodded, and said meaningfully: "Who doesn't know the name of Academician Kong of the Department of Mechanical Engineering?"

Facing Lv Yongchang's praise, Kong Xingbang's old face blushed slightly, and he waved his hands repeatedly and said: "Well, it's just some small achievements!"

"Not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning!"

"Let's get back to the point I wonder if Academician Kong has any doubts about this plan? "

Kong Xingbang's face was slightly serious, and he asked softly: "Professor Lu, the current Xia country should not have the ability to send large quantities of materials into space, right?"

"Not to mention building such complex mechanical equipment on the moon."

"Sometimes I speak bluntly, I hope Professor Lu doesn't mind."

Faced with Kong Xingbang's question, Lu Yongchang smiled and waved his hand and said: "It's okay."

"Academician Kong should be aware of the Xuannv No. 1 space plane that was tested not long ago, right?"

Seeing Kong Xingbang nod, Lv Yongchang said after a moment of silence: "Xuan Nu No. 1 can carry ten kinds of materials to the lunar surface at one time."

Kong Xingbang's pupils shrank suddenly!

Ten kinds of materials? !

So many? !

But soon, his brows furrowed: "The ten-density materials seem to be a lot, but compared with the huge mining equipment... it's still a little less."

"Don't worry, Academician Kong, listen to me." Lv Yongchang said with a smile, "Let me do the math for you."

"Outside the atmosphere, the maximum speed of Xuannv No. 1 can reach the second cosmic speed, which is 11.2km/s, and the distance between the earth and the moon is about 400,000 kilometers."

"Including the time for takeoff, landing and unloading, it is conservatively estimated that it takes about two days to go back and forth."

"Two days to transport ten-density materials, doesn't it seem more reliable?"

"In addition." Lv Yongchang's mouth corners rose slightly, and a bright smile appeared on his face, "The Xuannv No. 2 project is under development, and its transportation capacity is expected to reach 50-80 densities!"

"How about it, Academician Kong, do you have any questions?"

Kong Xingbang shook his head in shock, and said in a difficult tone: "If what Professor Lu said is true, then I have no problem."

Lv Yongchang nodded gently and turned back to the stage.

"The rough project plan has been placed in the drawer of the table in front of you. You can check it yourself."

"Feel free to ask any questions you have."

As soon as the words fell, the sound of papers shuffling could be heard from every corner of the auditorium!

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