Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 813 Lin Yongnian's Conjecture (Additional update, please give me a gift!)

While Lu Yongchang was frowning and feeling irritable, Lin Yongnian, who was sitting not far away, seemed to have discovered something and suddenly widened his eyes.

He rubbed his eyes, and an incredible look of surprise suddenly appeared on his originally numb face.

It was a kind of relief that parted the clouds and mist and saw the light, and a kind of surprise that suddenly looked back at that person in a dimly lit place.

In the corner where all the academicians did not notice, Lin Yongnian suddenly stood up.

He raised his hand and wiped it vigorously on the white coat he was wearing. Perhaps because of his excitement, the muscles on both sides of his cheeks trembled slightly.

He looked in the direction of Lu Yongchang from a distance.

Obviously, he saw Lu Yongchang's somewhat ugly expression.

After only hesitating for less than half a second, he turned around and left his seat resolutely and walked in the direction of Lu Yongchang.

Gradually, someone noticed this young academician with the word "childish" written all over his face.

They looked at him with kindness in their eyes.

In this research center, the words young and immature are not derogatory. On the contrary, these two words symbolize potential. To some extent, it even means a bright future.

Therefore, due to his age, Lin Yongnian has always been able to receive some care.

"Boy Lin, what did you find?"

An academician asked Lin Yongnian jokingly: "In such a hurry, could it be that we have found..."

Lin Yongnian ignored the academician who was talking to him and hurriedly passed by him.

To be precise, at this time, Lin Yongnian's attention was entirely on Lu Yongchang, and he did not even notice the questioning coming from around him.

His hurried footsteps became louder and louder, attracting the attention of more and more academicians.

"Hey... this kid..." The academician who spoke just now had a stiff face, but he was not angry. He just cast a curious look at Lin Yongnian, "What did he find?"

Like this academician, the surrounding academicians all cast confused glances at Lin Yongnian.

Until Lin Yongnian's figure stopped next to Lu Yongchang.

Under the gaze of the academicians, Lin Yongnian took a deep breath.

"Chief Lu, I discovered a phenomenon that may be related to what we are studying..."

Lu Yongchang frowned slightly and shifted his attention from the holographic projection in front of him to Lin Yongnian.

This so-called discovery has appeared countless times in the past two years or so.

Regardless of the discovery, the end result is similar.

They do not contribute much to research and development efforts.

Of course, despite saying this, Lu Yongchang still frowned slightly and clicked on the holographic projection beside him.

Under Zero's control, the holographic projection beside him quickly showed what Lin Yongnian was studying.

"Chief Lu..."

Lin Yongnian explained in a low voice: "We have always believed that the strong gravitational source in the fortress's optical brain only plays a role in bending light."

"What if it does more than that?"

Lu Yongchang's eyes lit up slightly, and he suddenly became somewhat interested.

This is a completely new argument.

According to the current space-time theory, space-time will behave differently under the disturbance of strong gravitational sources.

Black holes, space-time resonance, space rifts, space annihilation...

What if the seventh-level civilization mastered other characteristics of time and space?

Lu Yongchang's expression suddenly became solemn when he thought that the theory of time and space was the backbone technology that runs through level six civilizations.

It seems that this time's discoveries and conjectures are much more reliable than before.

Seeing the expression on Lu Yongchang's face becoming serious step by step, the academicians around him became unable to sit still.

Is there really something extraordinary discovered? !

So, they all got up and walked in the direction of Lu Yongchang.

Lu Yongchang moved his fingers slightly and skillfully brought up the 3D holographic model of the mastermind of the Tenth Empire Fortress.

In the model, complex materialized lights are intricately intertwined, forming a messy and beautiful picture.

"Zero, mark the locations of all strong gravitational sources."

Lu Yongchang gave the order softly.

As he finished speaking, red dots were quickly marked on the 3D model of the fortress mastermind.

The picture also becomes more and more cluttered.

"Eliminate all optical path structures, including optical components."

This time, the complex model quickly became simpler.

Lu Yongchang suddenly frowned as he looked at the red dots that seemed to be near or far away from each other and seemed to have no pattern at all.

As the founder of space-time theory, there is no doubt about Lu Yongchang’s understanding of space-time theory.

He carefully examined the locations of these red dots and tried to fit them into the space-time theory mastered by human civilization.


He took a small breath.

Something is wrong!

These strong gravitational sources will not form so-called space cracks and black holes at all.

Furthermore...if there really is a spatial rift, it should have been discovered long ago when the scientific research robot made the observation.

As for space-time resonance and space annihilation, that is even more nonsense.

Both technologies require stimulating key nodes in a space-time.

Once the spatial position changes, the position of the space-time node will also change accordingly.

Therefore, these two technologies cannot be used in the Fortress Optical Brain!

"Recreate the scale model."

Lv Yongchang hesitated for a moment and gave the order in a deep voice.

When theory cannot provide guidance, only practice can bring true knowledge!

No matter what secrets are hidden, you will know after a try!

"This time, not only the distance between the gravitational sources should be taken into account."

Lv Yongchang seemed to have thought of something.

In the previous research process, the second-generation optical computing test machine was copied in proportion to the architecture of the fortress main brain.

However, due to technical limitations, the second-generation test machine is huge and the distance between the gravitational sources is relatively far.

Not only that, the strength of the gravitational source does not meet the standards in the fortress main brain.

So, he added again: "The strength of the gravitational source must also be taken into account!"

"No need to manufacture any optical paths and optical components, just generate these gravitational sources in the target area!"


Although there are some mysteries hidden in these irregularly distributed gravitational sources.

But Lv Yongchang still had some expectations in his heart.

He had a hunch that this time, human civilization might be able to achieve unprecedented technological breakthroughs!

It was not just Lv Yongchang who had this idea.

The academicians present also saw hope for success from the gravitational source model!


Under Lv Yongchang's order, the originally somewhat quiet Central Institute of the Academy of Sciences suddenly became noisy!

While waiting to rebuild the scale model, each academician was trying to put forward his own hypothesis.

And the space-time theory researchers who originally had little voice became popular at this moment.

Especially Lin Yongnian who proposed this possibility.

His status in the eyes of a group of senior academicians has risen sharply!

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