Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 817 [Second-level dangerous technology: four-dimensional optical brain (incomplete)] (Additi


Lv Yongchang denied Lin Yongnian's words: "Klein bottle cannot appear in three-dimensional space."

"Then..." Lin Yongnian became more and more confused, "Then why did you say..."

Lv Yongchang was not dissatisfied with Lin Yongnian's performance.

After all, humans have not been born with knowledge since their birth.

Only by passing on knowledge from generation to generation can human civilization exist for a long time in this dark universe.

So he organized some words and explained the mystery to Lin Yongnian as much as possible.


"As the most unique of the four fundamental forces, gravity can penetrate the 1+3-dimensional hyperspace membrane where we live and affect higher dimensions."

(1+3 dimensions refer to 1 dimension of time and 3 dimensions of space.)

"These twelve gravitational sources are not aimed at the three-dimensional space we are in, but at the four-dimensional space of a higher dimension!" Lv Yongchang's eyes were full of emotion, "That's why it looks so chaotic in our eyes."

"The positions of these gravitational sources are actually the three-dimensional projection coordinates of the four-dimensional Klein bottle!"

"Similarly, this is also the biggest loophole in our space-time theory."

"Our space-time theory only summarizes the laws of three-dimensional space, and does not involve higher or lower dimensional space-time at all."

Speaking of this, Lv Yongchang's heart suddenly moved.

"I understand..."

"If the space-time theory applicable to three-dimensional space is the foundation of the sixth-level civilization..."

"Then what the seventh-level civilization needs to do is to push this space-time theory to other dimensions!"


It is unrealistic for today's humans to completely master the space-time theory involving four-dimensional space.

But this does not mean that humans cannot use this law directly.

In particular, human civilization also has a complete set of detailed model data from the seventh-level peak civilization.

After mastering the principle of a single abnormal space-time structure, the research work on the overall structure of the fortress main brain was well carried out.

After a group of academicians worked hard for several months, a large number of three-dimensional coordinates of gravitational sources were converted into four-dimensional coordinates.

Although it was only a model at the mathematical level, Lv Yongchang still imagined its appearance with his quantum brain.

Klein bottles nested one after another, forming a complex structure stacked on each other.

It was not until then that Lv Yongchang suddenly discovered a problem.

The fortress main brain in three-dimensional space, that is, the part of the main brain seen by human civilization, only occupies less than one-tenth of the volume of the entire main brain!

Most of its volume is hidden in the four-dimensional space behind it.

Just like an iceberg floating on the ocean of space-time, the volume exposed above the sea is only one-eighth of the entire iceberg!

Not only that.

The complexity of the four-dimensional structure is far beyond the three-dimensional structure.

Therefore, the complexity of the structure of the fortress main brain left by the Tenth Empire far exceeds human cognition!


The research project has made phased progress.

When the four-dimensional structure of the fortress main brain was completely analyzed, the entire research project entered the next stage - developing a new generation of optical computers belonging to mankind.

Considering the physical condition of the academicians, when starting the next stage of research tasks, Lv Yongchang forced the academicians to take a three-day vacation.

Undoubtedly, this order caused dissatisfaction among all the academicians.

But... the objection was invalid.

Lv Yongchang directly asked Zero to control the scientific research robot to throw those "stubborn elements" who threatened to coexist with the research data back to their respective rooms.

Then, he returned to his office happily with the four-dimensional structure model of the fortress main brain.

Academicians are flesh and blood, and they can't stand this kind of tossing.

But he is not.

He is now half a quantum man, and he can roll.

Is there a problem?

No problem.

Lv Yongchang lay on his back in the chair in the office, carefully observing the four-dimensional structure in the holographic projection, and the smile on his face gradually turned into solemnity.

It's not easy.

Even if we understand the principle behind the fortress main brain, it is difficult for human civilization today to change this mature structure.

Human civilization's understanding of time and space is still too shallow.


Two years later.

In the year 3766 of the Earth calendar.

Under the leadership of Lv Yongchang, the first super-sixth-level optical computer was successfully launched.

Why is it called super-sixth-level...

Due to the lack of hardware strength, although the computing power of this optical computer far exceeds that of the previous generation of optical computers, it still cannot reach the level of the Imperial Fortress.

As Lv Yongchang estimated, the four-dimensional structure adopted by the fortress main brain is already a very mature system. Whether it is to increase or reduce the gravity source, it is impossible to do it with only the half-baked technology of human civilization.

Therefore, the new generation of optical computers still copied the four-dimensional structure of the fortress main brain.

Because the technology of the grand unified field generation device of human civilization is insufficient, in order to build the four-dimensional architecture of the optical computer, Lv Yongchang can only be forced to reduce the size of the optical computer.

Then, a new problem arises.

After the optical computer is reduced in size, it can accommodate even fewer computing units.

Fortunately, the four-dimensional architecture can greatly increase the computing power of the optical computer.

As a result, the improvement of this super-sixth-level optical computer is not that great.

Compared with the previous generation of optical computers, the computing power resources have only increased by 500%.

It is like an alternative stuck between the sixth and seventh level civilizations, better than the lower ones, but not as good as the upper ones.

Therefore, Lv Yongchang can only classify it as super sixth-level technology.

The moment the optical computer was successfully lit up, Lv Yongchang once again felt the strangeness of the technology tree space.

The consciousness returned to the technology tree space with a mottled background.

The technology tree space vibrated slightly, and a white thin line gradually extended upward on the cursor marking the optical computer technology.

The extension speed was not fast.

It seems that the technology tree system is also confused by the technology mastered by human civilization.

This is not in line with common sense!

Looking at the white thin line extending into the top fog, Lv Yongchang simply sat in front of the technology tree, raised his head and observed the reaction of the technology tree with interest.

The vibration of the technology tree space became stronger and stronger.

Seeing that the white line was about to penetrate the fog at the top of the sixth-level technology tree, Lu Yongchang's eyes suddenly brightened.

The bug was successfully fixed? !

Could he be able to spy on the technology of the seventh-level civilization in advance this time? !


Before he could be happy for long, the white line quickly fell back below the fog and formed an orange-yellow cursor.

A line of text slowly appeared on the cursor.

[Second Dangerous Technology: Four-Dimensional Optical Brain (Incomplete)]

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