It will take a long time to explore the dead star region.

The preparations for the intergalactic expedition are coming to an end, but the research work of the Academy of Sciences has not stopped.

On the contrary, the enthusiasm for scientific research has reached its peak at this moment.

The extended symptom of the phobia of insufficient firepower - the phobia of insufficient technology.

The journey of 2.54 million light years is very long, so long that various accidents may occur.

In this long and lonely journey, human civilization can only rely on its own strength to move forward.

In order to increase the fault tolerance of the fleet as much as possible, all the academicians of the Academy of Sciences are doing their best to promote the development of related technologies.

Human Union Academy of Sciences, Space-Time Research Center.

Today's Space-Time Research Center is particularly lively.

A large number of Level I academicians gathered together, including the oldest academicians such as Lv Yongchang and Fang Xu.

Strictly speaking, except for Lv Yongchang, the rest of the Level I academicians have been in the Space-Time Research Center for a long time.

Including Fang Xu.

As the second-in-command of the Academy of Sciences, Fang Xu's role is naturally to make up for what is missing.

The main focus is a companion.

To this day.

The technology inside the Tenth Empire Fortress and the technology tree with the fog on the top gradually fading away have proved one thing: the space-time theory involving other dimensions is the key technology to break through the seventh-level civilization.

Therefore, under Lv Yongchang's orders and a large amount of resources, the Space-Time Research Center has gradually become one of the largest research institutions of the Academy of Sciences.

For the first time, human civilization has truly encountered a bottleneck in the development of civilization.

Just like birds and fish.

As three-dimensional creatures, humans are fish in the water.

When they have no ability to jump out of the water and fly into the sky, they can never imagine the vastness of the sky.

Three-dimensional creatures, with imagination alone, can never imagine the breadth of four-dimensional space.

Through a large number of observations, this huge gap may be smoothed out.

But the problem is that human civilization has too few ways to observe high-dimensional space.

The only thing that has something to do with dimensions is the four-dimensional Klein bottle technology in the four-dimensional optical brain.

But relying solely on a Klein bottle technology, it is impossible to fully observe the four-dimensional space.

Just like a frog living at the bottom of a well, even if it can look up at the sky through the well mouth, it still cannot have a comprehensive understanding of the real sky.

It is for this reason that the development of space-time theory has gradually stagnated.

The defects of the theory make Klein bottle an uncontrollable technology - except for the ready-made arrangements in the four-dimensional optical brain.

Slightly changing the spatial position of the gravitational source can still generate a Klein bottle structure in four-dimensional space, and three-dimensional objects can pass through this structure normally, but...

The specific landing point cannot be determined.

It can be an antimatter furnace, between decks, deep in the center of the earth, inside the human body...

In short, as long as it exists in a three-dimensional space, there is no place where it cannot appear!

Therefore, in the past hundreds of years, the Academy of Sciences has been trying to generate a large number of Klein bottle space-time structures through gravitational sources.

It's still a stupid way, exhaustive method.

Since it is impossible to master the technology of controlling Klein bottles through theory, it is necessary to conduct inductive analysis through a large number of experiments.

It is also a good way to reverse the process from the answer.

It's just... it may consume a lot of time and resources.

You get what you sow. You plant watermelon seeds, but you harvest sesame seeds.

This is a common thing in scientific research.

Although the Space-Time Research Center has not yet obtained a method to control the Klein bottle, it has unexpectedly perfected the space-time theory based on three-dimensional space.

The resulting space application technology is located in the high-level area of ​​the sixth-level technology tree.

[Space Shield Technology]

This technology is the reason why a large number of academicians gathered at the Space-Time Research Center.

Inside the Space-Time Research Center.

Lv Yongchang was standing in the experimental console area, curiously looking at the space shield generation device located in the experimental area in the holographic projection.

For hundreds of years, his main research direction has been in high-dimensional space-time theory.

This practical application based on three-dimensional space-time theory is mainly responsible for new generation academicians such as Lin Yongnian.

Human fleets have never had a good defense against space-based strikes.

Even starships equipped with dense hydrogen armor are like tofu dregs in front of attacks such as [Space Rift] and [Space Annihilation].

The gravitational shield has some interception and weakening effects, but the effect is not great.

Actual combat tests show that even the star-class sub-flagship [Titan Mothership] can only withstand five space rift attacks when the shield is running at full power.

After five times, the [Titan Mothership] will basically lose its combat capability.

Relying on the theory of space and time, the Academy of Sciences has developed the sharpest spear, but there is no shield to match it.

This has always been a thorn in Lu Yongchang's heart.

Until recently, with the efforts of Lin Yongnian, the three-dimensional space-time theory has made another breakthrough.

Space is always the best means to resist space.

The principle of [Space Shield] is not complicated.

Through the grand unified field, tearing the space around the ship is like a space rift.

However, the technical requirements of [Space Shield] are much higher than those of space rift.

This is also normal.

One only needs to tear the flat space roughly; the other needs to control the crack from expanding further while tearing the space, and even more so to form a circle of stable barrier that wraps the starship.

Can the two be compared?

"Attention, all units, the first trial run of [Space Shield] is about to begin!"

Lin Yongnian's voice sounded in the loudspeaker, interrupting Lu Yongchang's thoughts.

He once again cast his eyes on the huge device in the holographic projection. Although he could basically simulate the specific experimental process with his quantum brain, he still had a faint look of expectation in his eyes.

The successful breakthrough of [Space Shield] technology has brought the perfection of the sixth-level civilization technology tree to a higher level.

It also means that the distance between human civilization and the seventh-level civilization is one step closer.

As the orderly broadcasts sounded in the loudspeaker, the camera in the holographic projection began to gradually zoom out.

In the experimental site, in addition to the [Space Shield] generation device, there are also several [Space Rift] generation devices.

"...Energy path detection is normal, energy transmission begins."

"The Grand Unified Field Control Unit is normal, power is increasing, 5%, 10%..."

The eyes of the academicians also began to gather on Lv Yongchang who was standing in front of the experimental console.

Undoubtedly, the order to start such a major experiment must have been issued by him.

Lv Yongchang took a deep breath and issued an order in a deep voice:

"The power has reached the preset target, try to generate [space shield]!"

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