Following Song Yunzan's rhythm, Lv Yongchang and Lin Yongnian had a preliminary understanding of this computational model that they had obtained after much hardship.

This Klein bottle uses a total of 156 gravitational nodes.

Among them, a total of 130 gravitational nodes are used to maintain the entrance and the bottle body structure.

The remaining 26 gravitational nodes play the role of maintaining and guiding the exit of the Klein bottle.

Looking at the three-dimensional spatial coordinates of the 156 gravitational nodes in the holographic projection, Lv Yongchang couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The gap between human civilization and the Tenth Empire is still too big.

The more gravitational nodes of the Klein bottle, the better.

The more gravitational nodes there are, the more complex the mutual interference, and the more unstable the Klein bottle is-in the Tenth Empire, the average number of gravitational nodes that maintain a single Klein bottle structure in the fortress main brain is controlled at around 12.

Of course, for today's human civilization, whether the Klein bottle is stable or not is actually a secondary issue.

Lv Yongchang carefully examined every detail of the computational model.

Suddenly, a brilliant idea emerged in the quantum brain.


He thought for a moment and said to Lin Yongnian, who was still learning this calculation model, "If we use this technology on the inside of the space shield..."

"Then our fleet can attack against the space shield!" Lin Yongnian's eyes lit up, and his tone quickly completed what Lu Yongchang wanted to say.

The space shield has a two-way interception feature. It will not only block the enemy's attack, but also block the attack from its own side.

This greatly limits the actual combat strength of the space shield.

The Klein bottle structure seems to be born for it!

The narrow cracks in the three-dimensional space cannot block the bright road of the four-dimensional space!

"How is it?" Lv Yongchang turned his head to look at Song Yunzan, "Do you think it's feasible?"

"A jump range of 500 meters is enough to cross the space shield."

Lin Yongnian excitedly added: "Not only that, we can even add corresponding technology to weapons."

"Weapons that can jump short distances..."

Lv Yongchang imagined the scene and couldn't help but take a breath.

Shields, armor... these defenses are like a joke in front of it.

The picture is so beautiful.

Song Yunzan also cast a weird look at Lin Yongnian.

He thought for a moment: "Theoretically... this should be possible."

"But the structural stability of the Klein bottle is too poor now, and it may not be enough to support the passage of weapons and equipment."

"We have tried to invest high-precision detection equipment in it to collect data in four-dimensional space, but..."

While speaking, he operated on the holographic projection in front of him.

The next moment, a detection ball with a diameter of one meter appeared in the holographic projection.

Driven by the robotic arm, the detection ball slowly approached the entrance area of ​​the Klein bottle.

A few seconds later, the detection ball was "swallowed" into the Klein bottle.

Almost at the same time, a piercing alarm sounded, and the Klein bottle structure that was originally running stably instantly dissipated.

The winding light path also dissipated in all directions at this moment, and formed an extremely scattered picture under the action of hundreds of gravitational sources.

"Well." Song Yunzan shrugged, looking unsurprised, "Let alone more massive weapons and equipment, as of now, these Klein bottles can only pass through some beams and suspended dust."

"If nothing unexpected happens, the inside of this detector has become a mess, and there is almost no possibility of repair."

He raised his hand and searched in the holographic projection.

"Wow, I'm lucky this time."

"The detection ball didn't touch any precision instruments."

As Song Yunzan spoke, an empty room appeared in the huge holographic projection.

In the wall of the room, a detection ball with most of it exposed was embedded.

"This experiment..." Lin Yongnian looked at the scene on the screen and swallowed hard, "Is the risk factor so high?"

"Can you please tell me what the most dangerous experimental accident was like?"

Song Yunzan looked at Lin Yongnian expressionlessly and signaled with his eyes.

Lin Yongnian was stunned at first, and after reacting, he turned his head and looked behind him.

I saw an inconspicuous "bulge" embedded in the thick wall behind him.

Next to the "bulge", there were fine and dense cracks.

Judging from the color of the surface...

"If I remember correctly, it should be an accident that happened ten years ago."

"At that time, this detection ball appeared directly in this wall."

"Because the detector is almost completely immersed in the wall, if you want to "save" it, you must smash the entire wall..." Song Yunzan's tone was as calm as ever, "Considering that this detector has been completely damaged, there is basically no need to "save" it, and it has no significant impact on the strength of the wall, so we let it stay here."

"Small problem."

Lin Yongnian felt a drop of sweat slowly sliding down his forehead.

The place where they are now is the central control center of the Dimension Laboratory!

The experimental accident has rushed to the central control center, and this is still called a small problem? !

The researchers in this Dimension Laboratory...

Why do they feel a little abnormal? !

Not only Lin Yongnian, but also Lu Yongchang silently moved his feet and stayed as far away from it as possible after learning about the history carried by this wall.

"Don't worry so much."

"The distance between the central control center and the experimental area is dozens of kilometers."

"Under normal circumstances, experimental accidents will not affect our side."

"It was just a little accident."

Seeing this, Song Yunzan subconsciously comforted him.

This has almost become his habit - he has said this to many newcomers in the past ten years.


Every newcomer's reaction was basically the same, including Lu Yongchang and Lin Yongnian.

They would all glance at the "bump" on the wall, give him a complicated smile, and continue to move away from the wall.

A detection starship with a strong construction style of human civilization speeds through the empty star field.

The space-time fluctuations caused by the curvature engine are like a stone dropped in a calm pond, causing ripples in this ocean of time and space that has been silent for thousands of years.

For a detection starship with a sailing speed of 1000c, the detection mission in a hundred light-year area is just an easy task.

The detection starship has traveled back and forth in this star field more than ten times.

All detection results show that this star field not only has no backhand left by the sweeper civilization and pastoralists, there is not even any trace of civilization activities!

This is a dead star field that has completely lost its vitality!

Not to mention the birth of civilization, even outside interstellar civilizations will deliberately avoid this star field!

All detection data are transmitted back to the Kepler 452 star system in real time.

According to the plan, after completing the inspection of the last few areas, the detector will choose to return.

If everything goes normally, in about 200 years, that is, in the year 4600 of the Earth's calendar, the fleet of human civilization will officially set sail and arrive in this dead star field in 4605!

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