After the initial sigh, the academicians put their energy into data analysis and sorting.

As usual.

Ling was responsible for the initial screening and processing, and the academicians were responsible for the secondary processing.

As for Lv Yongchang, he verified the microcosm model he had just established based on the space-time theory step by step based on these processed data.

After an unknown period of time, Lv Yongchang quietly stopped writing in the holographic projection.

He breathed a long sigh of relief.

Although it was just a small action, it attracted the attention and eyes of almost all the academicians.

A strong sense of fatigue came from all parts of the body.

But the brain was extremely excited, and even had the urge to continue to study and perfect the new theory in front of him.

This strong sense of separation made Lv Yongchang's turning around seem a little unnatural.

Unfortunately, the transformation of the body by the technology tree system was still not in place.

Lv Yongchang shook his head with some regret and leaned his overworked body on the experimental table beside him.

"Everyone, a large amount of detection data has shown that this is a spherical closed space with a diameter of one light year."

Lv Yongchang's voice was not loud, but the academicians present stopped their work and looked at Lv Yongchang and the holographic projections behind him that were filled with formulas.

"Referring to a technology mentioned by [Ten], let's call this spherical closed space a microcosm."

"No one should have any objection to this, right?"

Lv Yongchang glanced at the crowd and saw that no one had any objections. He raised his hand and made a gesture, projecting the content of the holographic projection behind him onto the huge holographic projection in front of the institute.

"I tried to explain this microcosm with the existing space-time theory."

"Unfortunately, it failed."

"Considering that the microcosm technology is the technology of the seventh-level civilization, I tried to interpret it with the imperfect four-dimensional space-time theory."

Lv Yongchang took a deep breath, his eyes flashed, and his voice became louder: "This time, I succeeded."

"Since the four-dimensional space-time theory is not perfect, I can't explain why it appears here."

"But I can explain some of its abnormal phenomena."

Under the astonished eyes of the academicians, he began to explain his findings in detail.

With the advancement of cognition, he found that the Randall-Sundrum model was not accurate.

Originally, in human cognition, space-time included one-dimensional time and four-dimensional space.

But it seems that another dimension of space is needed.

That is, five-dimensional space and one-dimensional time.

As for humans, they live on the surface of the 1+3-dimensional hyperspace membrane of the five-dimensional space.

To be more precise, the so-called universe is just a small bubble on this hyperspace membrane, and humans are insignificant creatures living in this bubble.

This bubble is not stable, and new tiny bubbles can appear on its surface.

These tiny bubbles are the so-called microcosms.

Under normal circumstances, the newly born microcosm bubbles exist attached to the macrocosm bubbles.

In other words, there is actually a certain overlap between the two.

This overlapping area is the naturally formed Klein bottle structure, which is also the entrance to the microcosm.

Under the influence of external forces, the large and small universes began to gradually separate.

After breaking away from the traction of the macrocosm, if there is no external force to guide, the bubbles representing the microcosms will inevitably gradually drift away and get lost in the huge five-dimensional space.

Perhaps one day, they can successfully land on this hyperspace membrane; or perhaps one day, they can merge with other small bubbles to form a larger universe; or perhaps, life will appear in this later formed universe...

These are not within the scope of Lu Yongchang's consideration.

All he needs to pay attention to is this miniature microcosm in front of him.

The war between the Sweepers and the Pastoral School gave birth to this microcosm bubble; and the aftermath of the space-time turmoil caused by the war caused it to break away from the constraints of the macrocosm.

At this moment, this small universe has completely broken away from the constraints of the big universe and is ready to float to the vast five-dimensional space.

Because of this, human civilization did not discover this small universe structure at first. Even if the space-time sea surface bulges, it is just the so-called Klein bottle structure.

This is actually very easy to understand.

For example.

There is a small bubble floating on the water surface.

Suddenly, the bubble breaks away from the water surface and drifts into the sky.

At this time, how can the creatures living on the water surface enter this bubble?

It's very simple, just raise the water surface, or in other words, raise enough waves, so high that the water surface touches the bubble again, so high that the two overlap again!


A large number of formulas and models hit the slightly fragile nerves of a group of academicians.

Although Lv Yongchang has slowed down his explanation as much as possible, the Level I academicians present are still confused.

Only a few top academicians barely keep up with Lv Yongchang's thinking.

This is also normal.

It is difficult for creatures living in 1+3 dimensional space-time to break the shackles of thinking and imagine the phenomena occurring in the vast 1+4 dimensional space-time.

Fortunately, these academicians are the top existences in human civilization. At the same time, they have been immersed in the research of space-time theory and high-dimensional space-time theory for a long time, and they have already had some superficial understanding of high-dimensional space-time.

Although they still have a lot of confusion about the new theory proposed by Lv Yongchang, it does not affect their understanding of one problem.

That is the specific situation of this small universe at this moment.

"Yongchang, do you mean that this small universe has completely broken away from the constraints of the big universe?!"

Fang Xu couldn't sit still, he stood up from the chair suddenly: "This... Is there any way to pull it back to the big universe?"

"A small universe with a diameter of one light year, if it can be used, will be of great help to our next expedition plan!"

Lv Yongchang nodded calmly and added: "Not only that."

"In theory, this naturally formed Klein bottle structure will also disappear completely in the near future."

"Ah?!" Fang Xu looked at Lv Yongchang in a daze.

Seeing the indifferent smile on Lv Yongchang's face, Fang Xu's eyes turned red: "At this time, you can still laugh?"

"Small universe! This is a small universe!"

"What if it really runs away..."

Seeing Fang Xu's expression getting more and more anxious, Lv Yongchang, who had been holding his appetite, waved his hand happily.

"Calm down, calm down."

"The Klein bottle structure of the small universe is still relatively intact, which means it should have just left the big universe not long ago."

"Imagine that under the influence of the aftermath of the war between the Sweepers and the Pastoral Faction, it took nearly two thousand years for it to completely break away from the big universe."

"Although the escape velocity of the small universe will gradually increase, but..."

"Theoretically, we still have at least five hundred years to study the corresponding countermeasures."

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