Earth calendar year 4460.

The territory of the Pan-Human Federation is 29.7 light years away from the Kepler 452 star system.

It is a single star star system, and the main star is a small red dwarf star.

Although it is called a star system, in fact, there is no planet in the entire star system except for some small celestial bodies such as asteroids.

It can be called a lonely family.

There are actually many such star systems in the universe.

Under normal circumstances, these star systems will not be visited by civilizations.

Just like it, although it is located near the Kepler 452 star system and is also the capital area of ​​the Pan-Human Federation, for thousands of years, no warship has ever entered its stellar wind range.

In fact, due to its small size, the Human Federation Megastructure Engineering Department skipped it when laying the Dyson sphere.

But on this day, the arrival of a fleet broke the original tranquility of this star system.

It was a huge fleet composed entirely of megastructures.

More than 500 [Star Pickers], and one [Kuafu].

Human Federation Academy of Sciences, Central Research Institute.

Academicians were looking at the picture in the holographic projection with excitement and trepidation.

In the picture, it was the red dwarf surrounded by hundreds of giant structures.

This was the first star capture experiment of the Human Union.

Previously, the Academy of Sciences had put more than a hundred planets of different sizes into the small universe through the cooperation of [Star Picker] and [Kuafu].

The entrance of the Klein bottle does not look big, only more than a hundred kilometers.

But that is the projection of the four-dimensional structure in three-dimensional space after all.

The hugeness of its real structure cannot be observed by the naked eye.

According to the calculations of the Academy of Sciences, let alone planets, even stars can be easily swallowed up!

Normally, the star "selected" for the precious seat in the small universe should at least be a G-type yellow dwarf.

A small star like a red dwarf is not in the eyes of the Academy of Sciences.

But this is the first time to conduct a star capture experiment.

To be safe, the Academy of Sciences specially selected a smallest red dwarf.

Of course, after the capture is successful, it will be thrown back to its original position - there is no way, the space in the small universe is too tight.

According to the plan of the Academy of Sciences, at least five medium-sized stars with a mass greater than or equal to that of the sun need to be stuffed into the small universe.

In other words.

In an area with a radius of one light year, a total of five medium-sized stars and more than one hundred planets of varying sizes need to be stuffed.

This material density is so great that even the central area of ​​the Milky Way has to call it Big Brother!

Can you imagine a stable five-star system? !

Can you imagine dozens of planets running in the same orbit?

Yes, in the crazy plan proposed by the Academy of Sciences, these more than one hundred celestial bodies will form a stable five-star system under human intervention, and at the same time, the more than one hundred planets will also orbit these stars steadily.

The proposer of the plan...

Undoubtedly, it was Academician Yevgeny.

This is reasonable, isn't it?


In the holographic picture, a huge giant structure [Star Picker] flew towards the selected red dwarf star.

This is the latest technology of the Academy of Sciences.

Through the mutual cooperation of [Star Pickers], it is enough to transport most small and medium-sized stars.

The request of [Ten] to transport stars was finally realized by human civilization!

More than 500 [Star Pickers] unfolded their structures under the control of Zero and connected to each other through the Grand Unified Field.

The power of [Star Pickers] gradually increased.

The red dwarf with a reddish-brown surface gradually began to shake!

At the same time, [Kuafu] also began to operate at full power.

After the reinforcement and transformation of the Academy of Sciences, the Klein bottle structure gradually became clear.

Gradually, it became a standard sphere with a little light on the surface.

That was the light produced by various large-scale artificial facilities in the microcosm.

Under the precise control of Zero, [Kuafu] and [Star Pickers] walked towards each other.

When the spherical structure symbolizing the entrance of the Klein bottle came into contact with the red dwarf, a magical phenomenon appeared!

The red dwarf, which was a standard sphere, was severely distorted at this moment.

As the two continued to approach, the size of the red dwarf began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

More than ten minutes later.

The red dwarf star completely disappeared in the vast universe.

And the spherical structure, which was originally mostly black, was now emitting a faint reddish-brown light - that was the light of the red dwarf star from the microcosm!

"Successfully captured the target star!"

A calm electronic synthesized voice sounded.

"Release experiment in progress..."

After the voice fell, [Kuafu] changed the direction of navigation and slowly retreated.

Not only [Kuafu], but also the [Star Pickers] in the microcosm also dragged the star in the opposite direction.

Another extremely distorted picture.

A reddish-brown planet changed from small to large, from distorted to normal, and finally reappeared in the macrocosm.

"Successfully released the target star."

"[Kuafu] is in normal condition."

"[Star Pickers] is in normal condition."

"The target star is in normal condition."

"The experiment was successful."

Looking at the red dwarf star in the holographic projection that was still slowly releasing light and heat, Lv Yongchang stood up from his chair while clapping.

"Start the star capture plan immediately."

"That's right."

As if he had thought of something, he turned his head and said, "Send this batch of [Star Pickers] to the Imperial Fortress first."

"Find a star from its nearby area and take it there."

"It's time to put an end to the deal we promised."

"Got it." The moment the electronic synthesized sound rang out, more than 500 [Star Pickers] left the vicinity of the red dwarf star one after another, forming a neat queue and heading for deep space.

ps: Thanks to Haoyuezhidong for his great certification!

Thanks to Duoshiyidao for his great care!

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