Under the real-time monitoring of the detection ship and Zero, the command center immediately discovered the unusual movements of the jellyfish.

On the one hand, there is still no useful news from Academician Meng Lu.

On the other hand, academicians are also curious about the movements of these jellyfish.

Due to the above two factors, Lu Yongchang did not issue a contact order, but asked the detection ship to continue to follow the jellyfish group at a distance.

Compared with the beginning, the picture in the high-definition camera is much brighter.

"The sun is rising soon."

Looking at the picture in the holographic projection, Lu Yongchang murmured softly.

The surrounding environment becomes brighter and brighter.

But the jellyfish did not feel joy. On the contrary, panic had already arisen within the group at this time.

Especially feeling that the surrounding atmosphere is gradually becoming warmer and drier, each jellyfish strives to shake its limp body, trying to speed up its walking speed.

But... to no avail.

The clan leader raised his head and looked at the small half of an orange-red fireball that had appeared on the horizon, feeling a little desperate in his heart.

There is still quite a distance from the ocean.

At the current speed of progress of the ethnic group...

I am afraid that the third punishment of annihilation will come early.

It turned around and looked at the "god's mount" that had been hanging above its head again, feeling even more desperate.

【Why? ! Why do you do this to us? ! 】

[What did we do wrong? 】

Maybe it's because the tribe is about to die.

Anger arises from extreme despair and breaks through the "imprisonment" in its heart.

It twisted its body, used its vocal organs with all its strength, and let out its first roar to the "god".

at the same time.

Screams full of fear came from not far away.

The patriarch subconsciously turned his gaze to the direction where the exclamation came from.


A dull sound sounded, and a tribesman whose body expanded to the extreme "exploded".

Light yellow body fluids and various organ debris were evenly scattered in the air, raining down on the surrounding tribesmen like rain.

Such a terrifying scene brought the panic atmosphere within the tribe to its peak!

【Oh God! Did you see it? ! 】

The clan leader looked angrily at the god's mount in the sky and roared again.

"Professor, there is a jellyfish that is behaving a little strangely."

The moment the electronic synthesized sound sounded, the picture in the holographic projection instantly enlarged and settled on a significantly larger jellyfish.

Lu Yongchang looked at the jellyfish in the picture that was twisting its body with some confusion, and asked Lin Zile: "What does this mean?"

"The prayer ceremony is not over yet?"

Like Lu Yongchang, Lin Zile looked confused at this time.

He tried turning on the sound.

It’s still the sticky, unbearable “chuck” and “puff” sounds.

However, this time the voice was obviously much more powerful.

"It's possible... it's paying respect to the gods?" Lin Zile made a guess.

There's no way, before the language system is cracked, humans can't understand what these jellyfish want to express at all - who can read the body language and expressions from a bunch of pale yellow things?


The dull explosion interrupted the academicians' thoughts.

Seeing the body remains and body mucus flying in the sky, the expression on Lu Yongchang's face suddenly froze.

The next moment, he realized what the problem was.

"Temperature, it's temperature!"

"Titan's daytime temperatures are already too hot for these jellyfish!!"

"Cool the temperature!" Lu Yongchang said without any hesitation, "We must lower the surface temperature of Titan as soon as possible!"

For current human civilization, there are many ways to reduce the surface temperature of the planet.

However, considering the time and cost issues, Lu Yongchang decided to adopt the simplest and crudest solution.

"Fleet, smoke grenade volley!"

The moment the order is given.

The fleet consisting of five hundred large battleships began to move under Zero's control.

[Golden Crow], [Xuanwu], [White Tiger]...

This series of war-type starships have activated the secondary guns on the sides of the hull.

The power of the anti-matter reactor was slightly increased, and tens of thousands of smoke bombs were launched.

The target of these smoke bombs is the area between the red giant sun and Titan.

The distance of tens of millions of kilometers flies by in an instant.

The explosion's fire flashed away, followed by thick clouds of white smoke.

Under zero precise control and calculation, the smoke generated after the smoke bomb explodes is an umbrella-shaped structure.

As the best weapon against laser weapons, smoke grenades have always been the standing ammunition in the People's Alliance battleships.

Nowadays, it has been "developed" for another use - a parasol, a giant umbrella that spans thousands of kilometers!

The light from the sun is greatly blocked by this giant umbrella.

But this is not enough.

After all, Titan is a huge planet, and heat conduction is relatively slow.

When the temperature starts to drop, it is estimated that there will not be many jellyfish left.

"Zero, dispatch a fleet of ship-borne drones to drop liquid nitrogen in the area where Titan's jellyfish are located for emergency cooling!"

Numerous emergency cooling plans flashed through Lu Yongchang's mind, but he finally chose the most unpretentious one.


As time went by, the orange-red fireball in the sky became more and more dazzling, and the temperature around it continued to rise.

On the sea surface in the distance, wisps of "fog" rose, which was the methane seawater that was constantly vaporizing!


"Bang! Bang!"

The sound of the tribe members dying rang in the ears of the chief.

It endured the swelling feeling in various parts of its body, raised its head with difficulty, and looked at the mount of the god hanging high above its head.

At this time, it no longer had the strength to roar and roar.

Just as it was preparing to face death in despair, it suddenly found that the bright sky had darkened!

At the same time, the blazing orange-red fireball was left with only a faint outline.

The cool feeling at that moment made these dying jellyfish breathe a sigh of relief.

But the temperature around them did not drop too much, and the swelling and dryness continued to attack these fragile jellyfish.

[God, the gods have come to the world again! ]

A cry came into the ears of the chief.


It subconsciously raised its head and looked at the heavy sky.

There were countless mounts of gods lined up in neat formations.

They swept across the sky at a very fast speed.

Just when the jellyfish were puzzled by the gods' actions, a drop of cold methane rain fell on the patriarch.

[Rain... is rain! ]

[Miracle, this is a miracle! ]

The stargazer's hoarse voice sounded in his ears.

What followed was an unprecedented downpour!

The cold methane rain quickly eliminated the heat on the surface of Titan.

Feeling the bloating and dryness that quickly disappeared, the patriarch cast his eyes to the sky again.

The mounts of the gods were still hanging in their original positions, "looking" at them indifferently.

This time, the patriarch slowly swung his body and sang a prayer.

[Thank the gods for their gift. ]

It sighed from the bottom of its heart.

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