Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 887: All victims, no witnesses

Sure enough, there was a reason for the silicon ray's reminder.

At least, under the current situation, the sweepers are unwilling to provoke the neutrals.

In this way, the two sides fell into a stalemate.

【9436】It’s hard to swallow this breath.

When will the majestic sweeper civilization be threatened by a sixth-level civilization?

According to regulations, it cannot take action against the "Enroget Civilization", but this does not prevent it from saying some harsh words.

[Enroget Civilization, I remember you. 】

[I hope you can always hide under the protective wings of the neutral faction! 】

Lu Yongchang's reaction to such harsh and bluffing words was naturally very indifferent.

Just kidding, I have never seen anything like this in human civilization.

Not to mention that it is about to become a seventh-level civilization now. When it was still a fourth-level civilization, humans could survive in the cracks between the sweepers and the pastoralists!

Not to mention...

The other party also called the wrong name and identified the wrong person.

Still the same sentence.

What does the Enroget civilization do have to do with our human civilization?

As for the Alcott fleet, it has quietly retreated into the unknown star system.

Can't afford to offend, can't afford to offend.

Time passes minute by minute.

Perhaps unwilling to leave, or perhaps in order to put pressure on the "Enroget Civilization", the Sweeper Fleet gradually shortened the distance to the unknown star system.

Lu Yongchang, who had made contact with the Silicon Ray Civilization, naturally would not accept the Sweeper Fleet's tactics - no matter how the other party behaved, the human fleet was like an iron-headed boy, blocking the front of the Sweeper Fleet.

Even, in order to show his determination, Lu Yongchang ordered the "defensive" warship controlled by the Eugene people to turn off all shield systems.

The main theme is fearlessness - as long as you dare to fight, I will dare to die for you.

In the White Dwarf Fortress, the tentacles of [9436] trembled slightly as they looked at the light screen.

It has been to so many river systems, but it has never seen such an arrogant sixth-level civilization!

"No, why should he?!" [9436] shouted angrily, "Not to mention this Enroget civilization, even the leader of the Silicon Alliance, the Tenth Empire, would not dare to do this in front of the sweeper civilization. Arrogant?"

Companion [9435] sighed and comforted again: "Forget it."

"The mother civilization seems to have some plans recently, and it is strictly forbidden to conflict with the neutral faction. Let's not make ourselves uncomfortable in this stall."

"Then... just retreat like this?" [9436] had the word "grievance" written all over his face.

Just as they were discussing what to do next, a warning message flashed across the light curtain.


"Okay, someone from neutrality is here."

[9435] released the tentacles that were holding his companion, and lay down on his seat helplessly: "You should think about how to deal with it first."

【9436】: "..."

Next to the unnamed star system, the area between the sweeper fleet and the human fleet.

Along with a powerful fluctuation in space and time, a huge silver ray appeared in the visible universe.

Unlike the last time, this time the silicon ray did not use a wormhole to travel.

As soon as it appeared, the silicon ray raised its tail and slightly opened its big, glowing mouth, aiming at the sweeper fleet in the distance.

【Cleaner! 】

【I need an explanation! 】

In the white dwarf sweeper fortress, [9436] looked at the light curtain in annoyance.

How did the silicon ray civilization come about?

Now it's better, the two iron-headed boys met together.

Although he was extremely distressed, at this moment [9436], as the civilized face of the sweeper, still had a very tough tone.

[Scavengers do things in a civilized manner and do not need to explain themselves to other civilizations. 】

The black light in the mouth of the silicon ray gradually became stronger, and it looked like it was about to attack.

[This black hole merger incident is your fault, right? 】

[Taking action against factionless civilization is what you do, right? 】

[In violation of the previous agreement, do you think the neutrals dare not join the war? 】

[Do you want to start a war? ! 】

To Silicon Ray's question, [9436] quickly responded: [Is there any evidence? 】

The body of the silicon ray stiffened suddenly, and the bright black light in its mouth became dim.


It seems there is really no evidence.

Not to mention the black hole merger incident, the other members of the neutral faction did not notice anything strange at all.

As for taking action against factionless civilization...

By the time the neutralists discovered it, it was already too late.

The Sweeper Andromeda branch almost came out in full force, and with lightning speed, the non-sectarian sixth-level civilization that was watching this "fireworks show" was accepted as a subordinate civilization.

At the scene, there were only victims and no witnesses.

Those sixth-level civilizations that have become subsidiary civilizations? Do you really think that the sweeper's ideological stamp is a joke?

What? Enroget civilization and Olcott civilization?

We were just passing by for a chat. Is there any evidence that the sweepers did something to them?

Just when the Silicon Ray Civilization was speechless, a powerful wave of time and space came from near the Sweeper Fleet.

A twisted wormhole structure appears behind the fleet.

Then, under the fearful gaze of the Silicon Ray civilization, the White Dwarf Fortress escorted the spherical battleships into the wormhole one after another.

[Enroget Civilization, I remember you. 】

Before leaving, [9436] did not forget to say something harsh.

In the "aftermath" of the last gravitational wave of the binary black hole, the wormhole created by the Sweeper civilization slowly dissipated.

Until this moment, the silicon ray relaxed its tense nerves and cancelled the dark matter cannon that was ready to fire.

It turned its body and looked at the "Enroget Civilization" behind it, raised its tail and scratched its head, bringing a series of bright sparks.

[I say... you are too bold. ]

[You dare to mess with the Sweeper...]

[Now it's good, you are being remembered, right? ]

In the Human Union microcosm, watching the muttering from the silicon ray in the holographic projection, Lv Yongchang also scratched his head awkwardly and quickly changed the subject.

"You just said that the merger of the binary black holes was the work of the Sweeper civilization? And what does that agreement mean?"

The huge silicon ray swung its body tiredly and flew towards the nameless star system.

[There are no natives in this star system, right? ]

[I am so tired from traveling. I will replenish my energy first. I will explain the details to you later. ]

"... You didn't bring your little universe with you?"

[What? What are you talking about? ]

[How can you slander someone's innocence out of thin air? ]

Then, there were some difficult to understand words.


Looking at the series of difficult-to-translate mutterings in the holographic projection and the silicon ray that dived into the blue giant star, Lu Yongchang shook his head helplessly.

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