Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 89 Traces left by Hall thrusters?

Lv Yongchang's words obviously startled Cao Liangcai who was standing by.

"Professor Lu?"

"Are you sure you want to let the three astronauts take such a big risk?"

"How about... let them come back and we can make a long-term plan?"

Lv Yongchang looked at the data on the report sheet with an uncertain expression.

Danger is definitely there.

After all, no one knows what the black circle is.

What if it is some kind of highly radioactive material... Even with the protection of space suits, these three astronauts will have to die on the moon.

However, the current situation facing Xiaguo does not allow them to make long-term plans at all!

Lv Yongchang gritted his teeth, a hint of determination flashed in his eyes, and then he gently pressed the radio communication button.

"This is the ground command center, please reply if you receive it!"


Bai Yixuan stared at the black concentric circles in the crater, and a chill rose from his back.

"Do you think this is a trace left by an alien civilization?"


There was no response in the team voice.

After a long time, Hong Fan's unique hoarse voice sounded in the radio channel: "It should be."

"Maybe, we are being monitored by this alien civilization now..."

Xia Wanyi on the side shuddered suddenly and subconsciously looked up at the sky.

It was pitch black.

Except for the stars, she could not see anything unusual.


Just as Bai Yixuan was about to say something, a burst of electric current came from the radio.

"This is the ground command center, please reply if you receive it!"

Bai Yixuan's expression suddenly became a little serious: "Bai Yixuan received it, please speak!"

After a few seconds of delay, Lv Yongchang's slightly tangled voice came from the radio: "Captain Bai, after technical analysis, we basically confirmed that the black concentric circle pattern in front of you is a man-made object."

Bai Yixuan's pupils dilated slightly, and his breathing became a little faster: "Then... Professor Lu, do we need to do anything?"

The large amount of adrenaline secretion made his voice seem a little hoarse.

Lv Yongchang's sigh came from the radio

"Captain Bai, we need to analyze the truth of this black circle, so I hope you can go to the black circle to check it out."

"Of course, this is not a mandatory requirement."

"After all, we don't know if it is dangerous."

"Once there is danger, perhaps..."

Speaking of this, Lv Yongchang's voice suddenly paused: "So, everything is based on the principle of voluntariness."

Bai Yixuan's breathing became more and more rapid.

He understood what Lv Yongchang meant.

After all, they were on the moon, 400,000 kilometers away from the earth.

Once there was an accident, their fate was basically doomed.

"Professor Lu..." Bai Yixuan's Adam's apple trembled twice, "I am willing to check it out."

"Okay." Lv Yongchang's voice was full of complexity, "Xia Guo, I will remember you!"

"If something really happens, I promise you in the name of NASA that your relatives will receive the best treatment!"

Bai Yixuan took a deep breath, turned his head to look at the two teammates around him, and smiled with ease.

"You two, stay here and help me hold the safety rope."

"If anything happens, just pull me back."

Bai Yixuan's words were transmitted to the ears of the two teammates through the radio.

Xia Wanyi's eyes instantly turned red: "Captain, why don't you... don't go?"

Hong Fan hesitated for a moment and said: "Captain, I'll go with you. If anything happens, I can help you."

Faced with the dissuasion of the two teammates, Bai Yixuan smiled and shook his head: "This is already considered a second-class contact, and the danger level is very high."

"As the captain, this is my duty. You two, just stay by the side."

Seemingly aware that the atmosphere was too solemn, Bai Yixuan smiled and patted Hong Fan on the shoulder: "What? You don't want to steal my military merit, do you?"

"I tell you kid, no way!"

After speaking, Bai Yixuan tied the safety rope on the lunar rover around his waist, turned around and walked down to the crater!


The crater is very small, and the slope of the crater wall is not very large.

Bai Yixuan took two steps at a time and jumped to the bottom of the pit, and walked carefully towards the black circle in the center of the crater.

"Professor Lu, can you see it?"

In order to be on the safe side, Bai Yixuan stopped and asked softly.

A few seconds later, Lu Yongchang's voice came: "I can see it, the camera is working normally, you can continue to move forward."

Bai Yixuan walked very slowly, and it took him half an hour to walk a few hundred meters.

Looking at the outermost black circle less than one meter away from him, Bai Yixuan was slightly stunned: "Unbelievable..."

"What's wrong?" Lu Yongchang, who was 400,000 kilometers away, asked the first time.

"Is this... a glass-like substance?" Bai Yixuan slowly lowered his body and reached out to touch the black circle.

Hong Fan, who saw this scene from a distance, couldn't help but tighten the safety rope in his hand.

He was ready.

If anything unusual happened, he would pull Bai Yixuan back directly!

A group of researchers on Earth also sweated.

Bai Yixuan's right hand gradually touched the black substance on the ground.

Nothing happened.

He rubbed his fingers lightly.

Even with the thick space suit blocking him, he noticed that the ground near the black circle was obviously much smoother than the area next to it.

"Professor Lu, it's a bit like moon dust that has solidified after being melted by high temperature."

"...Received." Lu Yongchang's solemn voice sounded, "Captain Bai, please help me dig out some samples."

"Also, I need detailed modeling data for this crater!"

Two hours later.

Detailed modeling data and sample photos of the crater were sent back to Xia.

Looking at the clear photos on the computer in front of him, Lu Yongchang sighed deeply.

"Professor Lu, the chairman of the parliament is here!"

Cao Liangcai's reminder came from the side.

Lu Yongchang quickly stood up and looked towards the door.

Councilor Li walked towards him quickly and solemnly: "Yongchang, what's going on?"

"I heard that traces of extraterrestrial civilization were discovered?"

Facing the Speaker's question, Lu Yongchang nodded slightly, with a hint of bitterness in his eyes: "President, I'm afraid so."

As he spoke, he turned sideways and showed the screen on the computer to Congressman Li.

"According to my speculation, this concentric circle pattern is most likely a trace left by the high temperature when the Hall thruster was started."

"Given the size of the engine nozzle, extraterrestrial civilization is the only possibility."

Councilor Li's expression became more solemn.

"Besides this trace, have any traces of other extraterrestrial civilizations been found?"

Lu Yongchang slowly shook his head.

"Then... are the changes in the sun related to this extraterrestrial civilization?"

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