【But this also comes at a price. 】

Before Lv Yongchang could draw a conclusion, the silicon ray sent another tachyon message.

【It is said that millions of years ago, the Secor civilization, which had not yet left its home planet, once fell into decline. 】

【As for the reason...】

【The civilization individuals indulged in the virtual world they created and were unwilling to have any contact with the outside world. 】

"Metaverse?" Lv Yongchang suddenly remembered a concept proposed by human civilization in the Earth era, and murmured in a low voice.


With the conditions of the Secor civilization itself, it can completely rely on the supercomputers built by itself to realize the true metaverse.

Suddenly, Lv Yongchang thought of the orange cursor that had appeared in the technology tree space.

For the Secor civilization at that time, this virtual world technology similar to the metaverse should be the so-called dangerous technology, right?

【Of course, they barely got rid of this state and imposed various restrictions on the virtual world technology. 】

【Since then, the development of the Secor civilization has gradually been on the right track. 】

Lv Yongchang's heart was slightly shaken.

Relying on its own strength to escape the death spiral of civilization created by dangerous technology...

This Secor civilization is a tough guy!


"The starship shape of the Secor civilization..."

Lv Yongchang pondered for a moment and asked again: "Will this not affect their war strength?"

[Of course. ]

"Then why..."

[As an instinctive behavior of civilized individuals, virtual world technology cannot be completely banned, but can only be restricted. ]

[Therefore, the development speed of the Secor civilization is not fast. ]

[On the other hand, under the influence of virtual reality technology, the Secor civilization is unwilling to contact other civilizations, and they are only willing to live in their own world. ]

[In addition, the resources of the M87 galaxy are relatively rich... In short, under the joint interference of various factors, in the process of civilization development, the Secor civilization has not been affected too much by war. ]

[War has also been placed at the last place of civilization needs. ]

[In their concept, war is far less important than science and art. ]


Lv Yongchang showed a look of surprise on his face.

He can still understand science.

After all, it is impossible to develop to the eighth level of civilization without a desire for knowledge.

But art...

Isn't this thing a tonic within the civilization?

In the era of human civilization's escape, art was even the most insignificant thing.

It was not until human civilization gradually became stronger and under the cultural stimulation of a large number of subordinate civilizations that art began to sprout for the second time.

[Yes, art. ]

[They regard their starships as the top works of art in civilization. ]

[That's why each starship has its own unique shape. ]

Silicon Ray's tone was also somewhat helpless: [So, in the Silicon Alliance, the technological level of the Secor civilization is considered to be top-notch. ]

[But the real combat power...]

[It's hard to say. ]

[Of course, even so, as an eighth-level civilization, it is still the top existence in the universe. ]

Lv Yongchang's eyes twitched slightly.

These things... can also be called works of art?

But when he thought of the appearance of the Secor civilization individuals, he couldn't help but fall into silence.

Well, he took back what he said before.

These starships might really be called works of art.

After completing the material supply work of the small universe, the human fleet headed towards its target area - in order to better observe the quasar, the fleet needed to get as close to it as possible.

Of course, it was within the scope of the neutral safety zone.

Lv Yongchang didn't want human civilization to get involved in the war between the two giants.

As for the silicon rays...

After learning about the plan of the "Enroget" civilization, they followed the fleet without hesitation and flew to the other side of the neutral safety zone.

During the journey, the fleet received countless tachyon broadcasts from neutral civilizations expressing welcome.

But as they gradually approached the quasar structure, the number of tachyon broadcasts began to decrease sharply.

Obviously, these neutral civilizations did not want to live in this extremely dangerous area.

Two hundred years of dull time passed in a flash.

Earth calendar year 13750.

In the M87 galaxy, the Sweepers and the Pastoral School completely fought a real fight.

Neutron Fortress and four-dimensional creatures are fighting in the quasar area in the center of the Milky Way like dumplings.

This directly created a scene that human civilization has long dreamed of - the activity of quasars has become more intense.

In just two hundred years, the intensity of quasar activity has increased several times.

The most obvious change brought about by this is the two high-energy plasma jets running in opposite directions - compared with two hundred years ago, their length has extended nearly two hundred light years outward.

But this is not their limit.

According to Lv Yongchang's calculations, even if the war is stopped at this time, as time goes by, the original 4900 light-year high-energy plasma jet will gradually extend to 20,000 light years!

Unlike other areas of the M87 galaxy, the main feature of the neutral gathering area is a calm and peaceful time.

Two hundred years of peaceful development allowed Lv Yongchang to solve a large number of backlog research projects of the Academy of Sciences.

In his mind, the originally slightly bald technology tree finally became full.

But just like when it was promoted to the seventh-level civilization, the cornerstone technology symbolizing the eighth-level civilization is still shrouded in a fog.

In addition to anxiety, Lv Yongchang can only continue to look at the quasar structure in the center of the Milky Way.

He still remembers what the Secor civilization said before leaving - [There are many mysteries hidden in the quasar structure].

Just like the silicon ray civilization at the beginning, the Secor civilization also gave the "Enroget civilization" a kind reminder!

As the silicon ray said, as a silicon-based civilization, the Secor civilization has great goodwill towards them.

In the past two hundred years, the Secor civilization even sent several strangely shaped starships to guard them from afar.


This "socially anxious" civilization obviously doesn't know how to get along with other civilizations - in the past two hundred years, the communication between the two sides has not even exceeded ten sentences.

Everything is moving in a good direction, except for the highest research project of the Academy of Sciences - until now, Lv Yongchang has not discovered the mystery hidden in this violent space-time fluctuation.

He could only lock himself in the office and check the complicated observation data over and over again.

In the holographic projection beside him, he had to modify the complex formulas and calculations countless times.

Not only him, but every Grade I academician of the Academy of Sciences was in a similar state.

ps: Thanks to Haoyue Zhidong for the great certification!

The boss is confused... Awesome! !

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