In the technology tree, the brightness of the technology cursor, [Preliminary Mastery of Vacuum Zero Point Energy], the cornerstone of an eighth-level civilization, has reached 75%.

This means that human civilization has completely mastered its theoretical foundation, and only the final application is needed!

But... from theory to practical application, this is an extremely long and difficult process.

Want to extract vacuum zero-point energy from a space...

This difficulty is undoubtedly extremely huge.

As the chief scientist, Lu Yongchang was leading a group of first-level academicians to make continuous attempts in the laboratory.


A slightly urgent alarm sounded in the laboratory.

"Alert!" As the blue holographic projection turned into orange, Zero's electronic synthesized voice also sounded, "Abnormal fluctuations in space and time from unknown sources were discovered."

"Coordinate area:..."

Lu Yongchang stopped what he was doing, raised his head and looked at the orange holographic projection in front of him.

Just one glance made him frown.

A little strange.

The intensity of this space-time fluctuation is not high.

It can even be described as weak.

Lu Yongchang made a simple estimate and found that it was roughly equivalent to the fluctuation caused by a sixth-level civilization fleet entering curvature navigation.

Theoretically speaking, this level of spatio-temporal fluctuations cannot trigger such high-priority early warning information—most of the mid- to low-priority early warning information will not appear in front of Lu Yongchang.

However, the specific coordinates of this time and space fluctuation have greatly increased the priority of early warning information.

According to Zero's report, this abnormal space-time fluctuation occurred outside the safe area of ​​the neutral faction, and is currently less than 1,000 light years away from the human fleet.

This distance is quite sensitive.

For today's human civilization, 1,000 light-years is like a doorstep.

In addition, on a large scale, the space-time fluctuation area is less than 50,000 light-years away from the central area of ​​M87!

This can already be regarded as the frontline area of ​​the battlefield!

These two extremely sensitive location factors directly elevated the priority of this early warning message to second only to the war warning.

After a brief thought, Lu Yongchang issued the order without hesitation.

"Suspend all research projects!"

"The fleet has entered the first level of combat readiness! Open the small universe port!"

"Inform Silicon Ray and Secor Civilization of the situation immediately!"

The edge of the neutral zone's safe zone.

The silver-white silicon ray is lying lazily on the surface of a blue giant star, enjoying the pleasant feeling brought by the bombardment of star energy on the body surface.

Unlike human civilization, he was not interested in the increasingly active quasar in the distance.

After a long, tiring journey, the silicon ray just wants to rest comfortably for "a little while."

Suddenly, a tachyon wave coming from not far away woke up the resting silicon ray.

He swung his pectoral fins violently and shot up from the surface of the blue giant star.

That long, constantly wagging tail stirred up countless "turbulent waves" on the surface of the blue giant star!

After leaving the blue giant star, the silicon ray quickly entered a curvature navigation state and flew in the direction of the human fleet.

other side.

Five starships of the Secor civilization are hovering quietly in the vast universe, silently performing the task of guardianship.

Starships come in all kinds of weird shapes.

But considering the unique aesthetic and artistic culture of Secor civilization, this is understandable.

Imagine if a 100,000-meter starship was made into the shape of Venus de Milo...

I would like to call it top art!

The reaction of Secor civilization is similar to that of Silicon Ray civilization.

The moment the tachyon information was transmitted, these starships full of works of art quickly moved into action.

Their goal is also the direction of the human fleet!

Human fleet.

Under Zero's command, main starships of different models were passing through the small universe port in an orderly queue.

Accompanied by two bursts of space-time fluctuations of different intensities, the Silicon Ray and Secor starships appeared one after another.

Almost at the same time, a little further away, outside the dividing line of the neutral camp's safe zone.

Dozens of gray shadow structures slowly emerged in the dim universe.

At this moment, four advanced civilizations looked at each other across the illusory dividing line.

【Pastoral style! 】

【Fourth-dimensional creature! 】

In the tachyon communication, the exclamations of Silicon Ray and Secor Civilization suddenly came.

Inside [Earth].

Lu Yongchang's face also darkened.

"Why are the Pastoralists here? Isn't this the territory of the Neutralists?"

Fang Xu's nervous voice came from the side: "Do they want to attack the neutral faction?"

No one can give an answer.

Even Lu Yongchang's eyes were filled with confusion at this time.

Although the Secor civilization is a bit scientific, it is still an eighth-level civilization.

The pastoral faction’s opponent is the sweeper civilization. They won’t provoke another eighth-level civilization at such a critical moment, right?

Looking at the dozens of gray spherical shadows floating slowly in the holographic projection, a bad thought suddenly flashed through Lu Yongchang's mind.

These pastoralists...

Are you here specifically to find them?

But the next second, Lu Yongchang threw this idea behind him.

Since leaving the Milky Way, human civilization has always called itself the Enroget civilization, and the manufacturing style of starships has also undergone great changes.

Perhaps some details still have traces of the past, but that is not enough to prove the identity of human civilization!

This was proved when the Andromeda Galaxy and the Sweeper Civilization confronted each other - the other party did not see through the vest of human civilization at all!

[Pastoral faction].

The spherical shadow structure floated slowly in the universe, and its shape also changed slightly.

In the encrypted tachyon communication frequency band, several four-dimensional creatures were in a heated discussion.

[The identity information comparison has been completed, and it can be confirmed that the other party is the human civilization from the Andromeda Galaxy. They seem to be observing the quasar structure in the center of M87. ]

[What do you say? Just take action? ]

[What action? ! Don't you see that this is the territory of the neutral faction? ! ]

[What should we do? According to the evaluation results from the Andromeda Galaxy, they are a great threat to the pastoral faction! ]


As the only eighth-level civilization of the neutral faction in the M87 galaxy, the Secor civilization took the lead.

Of course, the Secor civilization is still as "socially phobic" as ever.

Without saying anything, they threw out a star map that demarcated the territory of the neutral faction, and sent a question symbol to the other party.

[? ]

The fast message from the pastoral faction came quickly.

[Sekor civilization, the pastoral faction has no intention of provoking a war with the neutral faction. ]

In response to this message, the Secor civilization once again responded with a question symbol.

[? ]

Looking at the message sent by the Secor civilization, Lu Yongchang's serious expression was a little weird.

He could even imagine the meaning of this question symbol.

[No intention of provoking a war, so why are you running to the neutral faction's territory to do chicken feathers? ]

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