When he saw the alarm was lifted, Lv Yongchang breathed a sigh of relief.

That was a close call.

Zero's highest-level warning program is no joke.

He had asked about Zero's relevant information and personally analyzed Zero's underlying code.

Once the highest-level warning program is officially activated, not to mention the surrounding silicon rays and Secor civilization, even human civilization itself, once abnormal behavior occurs, will be directly judged as an enemy by Zero.

At that time, Zero was ruthless.

As the creator of Zero and the biggest beneficiary of strong artificial intelligence, Lv Yongchang knows the danger of Zero better than anyone else.

If it weren't for the large number of restrictions imposed on its underlying code...

This thing is a dangerous technology in the technology tree.

Perhaps because of Lv Yongchang's lack of concentration, his body, which had just solidified, showed a bit of dispersion again-the green light spots were slowly drifting away from him.

Seeing this scene, Lv Yongchang quickly retracted his divergent thoughts and focused on stabilizing his own situation.

He slowly raised his hand, stared at the lines on his palm, and shook his head with a wry smile.

Forget it.

It seems that I really have to go to Dr. Wen this time.

Thanks to his own quantum brain, he mastered the control method of the quantum body after only a few attempts.

After adapting to the office for a while and confirming that he could "control it freely", Lv Yongchang walked out of the office carefully.


The sound of the office door opening attracted the attention of the academicians.

"Yongchang, [Suirenshi] miniaturization project..."

Seeing Lv Yongchang appear, Fang Xu showed a touch of joy on his face and hurriedly came to meet him.


At this time, Lv Yongchang was concentrating on controlling his quantum body. How could he pay attention to Fang Xu's words?

While trying to control his body to walk like a normal person, he waved his hands to Fang Xu who was walking towards him: "No hurry, no hurry!"

Fang Xu suddenly froze in place: "???"

It's hard to believe that this is what Lv Yongchang said.

"Yong... Yongchang?" Fang Xu looked at Lv Yongchang in front of him with a suspicious look, "Are you... okay?"

Lv Yongchang forced a smile on his face with difficulty.

Do you think I look okay?

If he wasn't afraid of causing a sensation, he could even perform a magic trick for the academicians on the spot.

But then again, it was the first time he found that walking normally was such a laborious thing!

Perhaps because his whole body was quantized and his quantum brain was completely unrestrained, Lv Yongchang's thinking was particularly active at this time.

Just a glance, countless thoughts flashed through his mind-until he found that his fingers showed a little sign of blurring.

While being shocked, Lv Yongchang quietly put his hands behind his back, stabilized his body and said, "I... I have to go to Dr. Wen."

"Dr. Wen?"

Hearing this name, Fang Xu's expression became more serious: "Is there something wrong with your body again?"

Faced with Fang Xu's question, Lv Yongchang nodded awkwardly: "There is indeed a small problem, maybe because I have been studying for too long recently."

"It's okay."

Although he said so, Fang Xu's expression did not relax at all.

"Let's go, I'll go with you."

"Is this... unnecessary?"

"It is necessary. Your physical condition is directly related to the future of human civilization. You have to have some knowledge in this regard."

"...How is your heart?"


"Hey, it's okay. Let's go. It's not convenient to talk here."



Half an hour later.

Dr. Wen's office was flashing with green light.

Fang Xu and Dr. Wen opened their mouths slightly and looked at the scene in front of them in confusion.

"...Generally speaking, this is the situation."

As the familiar voice echoed in the office, the green light gradually gathered into a figure.

After a short wait, the familiar figure appeared in front of the two again.

Fang Xu: "..."

Dr. Wen: "..."

There was silence in the office.

Is this the little problem you mentioned?

No wonder he asked about his heart condition!

At this time, Fang Xu only felt his heart throbbing with pain.

Of course, he was not worried about his body.

Let alone the regular physical examination and maintenance projects organized by the Academy of Sciences, with the biotechnology mastered by the Human Union Academy of Sciences, as long as the brain is not fatally injured, it can be saved under normal circumstances.

Even with the help of various auxiliary technologies, even if part of the brain is cut off, it can still survive and live normally.

"Hu..." Fang Xu exhaled a long breath of turbid air, then stretched out a slightly trembling hand and pointed at Lu Yongchang's body.


Lv Yongchang looked down at his body with a confused look on his face.

Didn't find anything wrong?

"You, where did the clothes on you come from?"


Lv Yongchang's expression froze.

Doctor Wen on the side also glanced at Fang Xu speechlessly.

After all this fuss, is this what you're focusing on?

Seeing that Lu Yongchang's eyes were beginning to become unfriendly, Fang Xu hurriedly coughed twice and brought the topic back: "I mean... can your current body be freely combined into other substances?"

Lv Yongchang glared at Fang Xu fiercely, and then explained.


"I roughly studied it, and the principle is somewhat similar to the light materialization technology."

"You can regard the body I am showing now as a holographic projection with real touch."

"As for the real body..."

"As you just saw, it should be in a quantum state."

Doctor Wen nodded thoughtfully: "It means... it is impossible to perform anatomical observation on you now?"

Lv Yongchang: "..."

Fang Xu: "..."

"It's just a joke, isn't it funny?"

Facing the strange eyes of the two, Doctor Wen shrugged helplessly.

"Hehe... Doctor Wen, I didn't expect you to be quite humorous." Fang Xu subconsciously took a step back and responded stiffly.

As for Lv Yongchang, he skillfully diverted this sensitive topic.

"Let's get back to the point, Doctor Wen, do you have any latest research results in this area?"

"... Wait a minute."

Doctor Wen was silent for a while, turned around and opened a holographic projection.

In the projection, there are countless dense research materials.

"It's all here."

Dr. Wen raised his hand and gently pinched his painful brow: "Since your brain began to mutate, Academician Mao Zhengzhi and I have started related research."

"Combined with the immature four-dimensional theory, we have some guesses."

"The energy explosion you described did not actually occur in three-dimensional space."

"As for which dimension it was... maybe four, maybe five, or maybe a higher dimension..."

"Without data and theoretical support, I can't give a conclusion."

"But in any case, it must be an impact from a higher dimension."

"Under the impact of high-dimensional, high-energy energy, your body was directly converted into a quantum state."

Dr. Wen was silent for a while, "There is a word that may describe your current state."

"Quantum ghost."

Lv Yongchang was slightly stunned, and then smiled bitterly.

Don't say it, it's really appropriate.

"Although the specific process and principle are not clear, according to our speculation, this state should be quite good for you."

Dr. Wen's voice continued: "In this regard... we can do a simple test."

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