Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 931 Four-dimensional star system

One second.

Two seconds!

Three seconds!!

The red signal mark is still flashing slowly in the projection.

Lv Yongchang's face darkened slightly.


What went wrong?

Suddenly, the red signal mark stopped flashing and turned green under everyone's gaze.

"The detector signal has been restored."

At the same time, the detector slowly retreated near the huge four-dimensional bubble!

A warm applause suddenly rang out in the Dimension Research Center!

While breathing a sigh of relief, Lv Yongchang also showed a faint smile on his face.

The detector can safely enter and exit the four-dimensional bubble, which is an excellent start!

"The detection data has been transmitted."

Zero's electronic synthesized sound sounded, which cooled the heated atmosphere in the Dimension Research Center a little.

All academicians put down their work and cast their curious eyes on the holographic projection.

What exactly is the four-dimensional space like?

The answer to this question is finally revealed!

The picture in the holographic projection flickered slightly, and it had been switched to the perspective of one of the detectors.

As the detector continued to move forward, the increasingly thin cosmic membrane of the four-dimensional cavitation bubble was also constantly enlarging.

Lv Yongchang could even clearly see the complex fluctuation phenomenon of the cosmic membrane - the starlight from afar was changing continuously.

Time passed by little by little.

Finally, the detector touched the four-dimensional cavitation bubble!


Perhaps because the assimilation of the universe greatly weakened the "protection ability" of the four-dimensional cavitation bubble, the detector entered the four-dimensional cavitation bubble very smoothly.

It was a bizarre world.

Not far away, there was a light spot emitting dazzling light.

As the perspective changed, the size of the light spot also changed greatly.

It suddenly occupied the entire holographic projection, and suddenly became as small as sesame seeds.

This scene is impossible in the three-dimensional universe!

"This... may be a star?"

Looking at the various data on the side of the holographic projection, Lv Yongchang guessed hesitantly.

The camera of the detector continued to rotate.

Next to the dazzling light spot, there were planets.

Like the light spots, the sizes of these planets also changed greatly with the change of perspective.

Under the camera, each planet seemed to have been strongly attacked and looked broken.

Lv Yongchang had some confidence in his previous guess.

It seems that the probe has entered a star system that exists in four-dimensional space.

Good luck.

Having a specific research object is always easier than researching out of thin air.

As the camera's perspective continued to change, Lv Yongchang also successfully saw the three-dimensional object in the four-dimensional space - the probe of human civilization.

It is completely different from the probe seen in three-dimensional space!

If the camera's perspective does not move, these probes are like a precise design drawing - every detail inside the probe is clearly reflected on a cross section.

Various precision parts, intricate energy pathways...

In four-dimensional space, the camera originating from three-dimensional space can only observe the cross section of three-dimensional objects.

However, as the camera's perspective slowly moves, this cross section will also move with it.

After scanning "a circle", the complete structure inside the probe is clearly presented to everyone - the cross-sections of countless angles are spliced ​​in sequence to form a complete individual.

In four-dimensional space, three-dimensional objects do not have any secrets!

The next second.

Driven by the self-running program, the detector began to retreat "cautiously".

In order not to touch the "weird" fourth direction, the detector needs to perform a lot of calculations every time it moves.

After waiting for a few seconds, the picture returned to the familiar universe again.


In the Dimension Research Center, there was silence.

The short video material brought unprecedented shock to the academicians present.

"This is the four-dimensional space..."

He Bilin muttered to himself a little absent-mindedly: "This is too...too amazing."

"No, this is definitely not the full picture of the four-dimensional space."

Lu Yongchang's words interrupted He Bilin's sigh: "Even in three-dimensional space, the pictures captured by the camera have great limitations, not to mention four-dimensional space."

"If you want to know the full picture of the four-dimensional space..."

Fang Xu's heart jumped suddenly.

Why does this scene of dialogue feel familiar?

The memory that was dormant in the depths of his mind suddenly surged.

In his memory, the scene of Lv Yongchang riding on the Xuannv No. 1 to the sky seemed to have happened yesterday.

Fang Xu suddenly felt that he was a little out of breath.

He asked Lv Yongchang in a difficult voice: "I said..."

"You don't want to go to the four-dimensional space to see it yourself?"

Before Lv Yongchang spoke, He Bilin's eyes had already shown excitement: "Professor, this... is this really possible?"

Not only He Bilin.

There was a commotion in the entire Dimension Research Center, and every academician cast an expectant look at Lv Yongchang!

They have studied dimensions for hundreds of years, but have never seen the real four-dimensional space with their own eyes.

It is difficult for them to imagine the real four-dimensional space in their minds, and they can only describe that magical space through countless complex formulas.

And now, an opportunity to witness the fourth dimension with your own eyes is right in front of you!

At this moment, one can imagine the mood in the hearts of the academicians!

If you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening!

"What are you thinking about?"

Lu Yongchang responded without hesitation: "Of course not!"

Watching the light in the academicians' eyes slowly dissipate, Lu Yongchang added helplessly: "At least not now."

"Before thoroughly mastering the dimension-enhancement technology, there is too much danger in rashly entering the four-dimensional space."

"Okay, okay." Looking at the excited expressions of the academicians' "resurrection", Lu Yongchang waved his hand, "Do you think I don't want to go to the four-dimensional space to see it?"

"Research as soon as possible, and everything is possible while ensuring safety."

"Zero, control the detector to perform the second exploration mission."

For academicians, Lu Yongchang's words are more effective than any chicken blood.

The academicians who were still immersed in imagination returned to their posts one after another and devoted all their energy to research work.


Fang Xu tugged on Lu Yongchang's sleeve and lowered his voice anxiously: "Yongchang, are you crazy?"

"If something unexpected happens..."

Lu Yongchang chuckled and shook his head.

"What is the ultimate goal of our research on dimensionality enhancement technology?"

He asked himself and answered: "Let the starships upgrade their dimensions to have more powerful combat capabilities."

"Think about it. Starship Dimension Ascension. Where are the people inside?"

"If we don't adapt to the four-dimensional environment in advance, will we have to wait until the war comes to improvise?"

"This..." Fang Xu was speechless for a moment.

Don't tell me, it seems to make sense.

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