Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 934 [Dark Matter Stability Field]

There are only 40 days left before the four-dimensional bubble disappears!

Compared with the original, the four-dimensional bubble has almost changed its appearance.

Because the cosmic membrane has not completely melted, it still retains the shape of a bubble, but compared with the original, the bubble is not clear in the universe at this time, and even becomes looming.

At the same time, in the area where the four-dimensional bubble is located, a mottled gray shadow with a dark or heavy color gradually spreads from an unknown time - that is the projection of the four-dimensional bubble in three-dimensional space!

The appearance of these shadow structures proves in disguise that the cosmic membrane that wraps this four-dimensional space has reached the time when the oil lamp is exhausted!

As the four-dimensional object inside the four-dimensional bubble moves slowly, this projection also changes slightly.

If the data sample is sufficient, today's human civilization can even reversely deduce the real scene in the four-dimensional space from the shape of the projection - just like deducing the structure of a three-dimensional object from a three-view drawing.

A huge fleet is hovering next to the four-dimensional bubble, silently waiting for orders from the flagship.

Finally, a tachyon signal came from the flagship [Earth] in the center of the fleet.


The originally silent fleet started to move, and they all headed towards the four-dimensional bubble ahead!



In the command center, every academician's face was full of tension and solemnity.

"Attention, all units!"

Lv Yongchang's steady voice came from not far away: "First contact warning!"

"Start the dark matter stabilization field."

"The dark matter stabilization field was successfully started, and the current output power is 17.3%, and it is in good condition!" Fang Xu's response sounded.

The dark matter stabilization field is a "by-product" in the process of dimensional technology research and development.

As we all know, in three-dimensional space, the other dimensions will be severely assimilated.

Starships and human bodies after dimensionalization cannot avoid this effect.

Therefore, the initial dimensionalization experiment can only be carried out in the four-dimensional bubble, and then transported out through the dark matter encapsulation force field.

In this process, once the dark matter encapsulation force field is destroyed... a strong assimilation effect will appear immediately!

For four-dimensional objects, what they face is forced dimensionality reduction.

In other words, if you want to achieve dimensionality upgrade in the three-dimensional universe, the fleet of human civilization must be wrapped in a huge encapsulation force field.

This is definitely not feasible.


Under the guidance of Lv Yongchang, Lin Yongnian led the team to further develop dark matter stabilization field technology based on the dark matter encapsulation force field.

To a certain extent, its working principle is similar to the [core] of dimensional creatures - by consuming a lot of energy to resist the assimilation from three-dimensional space.

"Second contact warning!"

Lv Yongchang's voice continued to come: "High-dimensional printing is activated, and dimensionality upgrade begins!"


At the moment the order was issued, a slight vibration came from the bottom of the deck.

While the energy output power of the Zero Point Furnace soared sharply, Zero's computing power occupancy rate also began to rise continuously - dimensionality upgrade not only requires the consumption of terrifying energy, but also requires a large number of complex calculations!

The majestic energy flows into the high-dimensional printing device along the energy path, and under Zero's control, dimensionality upgrade begins!

The bow of the Earth gradually became illusory, and finally became a gray shadow structure of unknown shape - this is the three-dimensional projection of the four-dimensional ship!

As time passed, the gray shadow structure quickly spread to the entire starship, and even spread to the crew members inside the starship!


Looking at the rapidly spreading gray shadow, Fang Xu subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and his eyes showed a trace of fear and excitement uncontrollably.

It's human nature.

Not only Fang Xu, every academician has more or less panic in their hearts.

But more of it is excitement and excitement - this is the first dimensional upgrade experience in their lives!


Before the academicians could react, the gray shadow had already swept across their bodies.

A strange feeling rose from Fang Xu's heart.

It was like being thrown into an extremely vast grassland. The boundless sense of emptiness even brought people a strong sense of discomfort.

Fortunately, today's human beings have already accepted the baptism from the universe - the vast universe can also bring people a similar sense of emptiness.

Fang Xu took two deep breaths and tried to calm the discomfort in his heart as much as possible.

He raised his head and looked to the side.


The mature dimension-upgrading technology has eliminated the strange phenomena that appeared in the original experiment.

Thinking of the scene he saw in the holographic projection, Fang Xu shuddered.


A few months ago.

The first human dimension-upgrading experiment.

Because the dimension-upgrading technology was not mature enough at that time, before the dimension-upgrading, the volunteers had to enter the four-dimensional cavitation area first.

So... an unforgettable picture appeared in front of all academicians.

In the four-dimensional space, the three-dimensional human body does not have any secrets.

At the beginning, in the holographic projection, there were blood vessels of varying thickness.

These blood vessels formed a vague human figure, and as the human figure moved, these blood vessels also moved slowly.

As the camera's perspective changed, the blood vessels gradually disappeared, replaced by slowly moving internal organs.

A powerfully beating heart, a constantly moving intestine...


The blood surging through the blood vessels!

Undoubtedly, although they had expected it, such a scene still frightened the volunteers.

So... tragedy happened.

In panic, a volunteer subconsciously reached out to touch his body.

At a certain angle, he forcibly pulled his blood vessels out of his body - of course, there was no external injury.

Compared with another unlucky guy, this volunteer was lucky - the unlucky guy did nothing and his heart was removed inexplicably by the people around him.

Fortunately, the Academy of Sciences was well prepared. After the experiment was terminated urgently, with the help of the medical cabin, the volunteers successfully escaped from danger.

A blessing in disguise.

This experimental accident also allowed Lv Yongchang to see a new way to manipulate three-dimensional objects.

So, based on the dimensional increase experiment, the Academy of Sciences began further research.

Through a large number of experiments and attempts, the volunteers obtained a large amount of experimental data for the Academy of Sciences.

Through zero calculation and integration, the Academy of Sciences mastered various basic laws of four-dimensional space.

This includes the observation method in four-dimensional space and the use of the fourth direction.

As for the specific applications...

After the dimensional upgrade, the human fleet can observe the three-dimensional space from a specific angle in the four-dimensional space.

This means that three-dimensional objects will no longer have any secrets.

In addition, after the dimensional upgrade, the attack methods of the human fleet have become more bizarre.

By attacking in the fourth direction, the human fleet can directly bypass all three-dimensional defense methods and directly attack the target it wants to attack!

This is also the reason why the Sweeper Civilization is so powerful!

For civilizations that do not master the dimensional upgrade technology, the Sweeper Civilization is almost impossible to be defeated!

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