The Pastoral School is a "refugee" from another universe.

There is no doubt that this secret information shocked all the academicians in the Dimension Research Center.

Lv Yongchang subconsciously took a deep breath, trying to calm his violently fluctuating mood.

From the information obtained by human civilization, the history of the Pastoral School in this universe is very long, and it is very likely to exceed the history of the Sweeper Civilization.

As time goes by, the truth of the Pastoral School has long been buried in the long river of time. Not to mention the Sweeper Civilization, I am afraid that most of the dimensional creatures of the Pastoral School have forgotten their origins, just like [painting]!

This means...

Except for the oldest batch of Pastoral School civilization, human civilization is probably the only existence in this universe that knows the details of the Pastoral School!

Since the birth of human civilization, countless histories have proved one thing-knowing more is not necessarily a good thing.

Just like now.

"Professor..." Tao Yuda, who had been silent all the time, suddenly stood up, pointed to an inconspicuous corner on the holographic projection, and asked hesitantly, "Are there any detailed information about the annihilation plan described in the log?"

Lv Yongchang's face changed slightly.

Previously, everyone's attention was focused on the core plan of the Trojan civilization and the collapse of the universe.

Even he subconsciously ignored this inconspicuous information!

This is normal - behind the not-so-long log is a magnificent and magnificent epic, the process of countless advanced civilizations struggling to survive in the dead end!

And the so-called annihilation plan is just an inconspicuous wave in this epic.

And it is a "failed" wave.

If the log recorder hadn't mentioned it at the last minute, I'm afraid no one would have noticed this so-called annihilation plan.

Lv Yongchang quickly flipped through the information that Zero read in the hypercube, trying to find some clues from it.


Except for the few pitiful nouns, there is no relevant information in the hypercube.

"Dual universe annihilation..."

Lv Yongchang murmured in a low voice, and the uneasiness in his heart surged.

It is known that the pastoral school... or the universe where the Trojan civilization is located is due to excessive extraction of vacuum zero-point energy, which leads to the collapse and destruction.

In the universe where human civilization exists, extracting vacuum zero-point energy is also a common phenomenon in advanced civilizations.

Does this mean that this universe is about to follow in the footsteps of that universe?

If the predecessor of the Pastoral School is really the Trojan civilization, then the so-called annihilation plan... is likely to have already begun to be implemented!

"Dual universe annihilation... dual universe..." Lv Yongchang seemed to have thought of something, and his whisper suddenly paused.

Under the gaze of the surrounding academicians, Lv Yongchang's face suddenly changed: "CTMD!"

He couldn't help but burst out a swear word: "Mad! The Pastoral School is a bunch of madmen!"

"They want the positive and negative universes to annihilate!"


Lv Yongchang's words caused a lot of chaos in the Dimension Research Center.

After the chaos subsided and Lv Yongchang calmed down his emotions, he explained in detail.

He stretched out his hand and operated a few times in the holographic projection, calling up the mottled image from the technology tree space.

"This picture of the cosmic microwave background radiation is different from what we know. I believe everyone has heard of it."

"It reveals the true face of this cosmic bubble - on the other side of the hyperspace membrane, there is an anti-universe composed of antimatter."

"Under the influence of some unknown factors, the scale of that anti-universe far exceeds the universe we are in."

"A larger universe means a larger energy, enough to make up for the energy deficit of this universe, enough to repay this bad debt!"

At this point, Lu Yongchang took a deep breath and told the conjecture in his mind.

"The complete annihilation reaction between 1g of positive matter and 1g of antimatter will release the energy contained in 2g of matter."

"The same is true for the universe."

"Through the annihilation of positive and negative universes, it is enough to obtain energy equivalent to two positive universes."

"This huge energy is enough to replay the big bang scene at the beginning of the universe, thus creating a brand new universe!"

"As the pastoral school said, a universe that is still in the pastoral era! A universe that is enough for all dimensional creatures to live in peace!"

The Dimension Research Center was extremely quiet.

Everyone was shocked by this crazy plan!

More than ten seconds later, He Bilin came back to his senses and murmured in a low voice with an ugly face: "I understand..."

"No wonder the Pastoral School and the Sweeper Civilization are mortal enemies! This makes sense!"

"The Sweeper Civilization's circumstellar acceleration plan will inevitably extract the terrifying vacuum zero-point energy while extracting the energy of the Milky Way."

"There is no doubt that this will greatly accelerate the speed of cosmic collapse."

"For the Pastoral School, this is simply asking for their lives!"


Twenty days later.

The exploration plan was declared over, and the human fleet left the four-dimensional bubble with the hypercube information storage device of the [Troy Civilization Transformation Center].

The four-dimensional bubble is about to die. The energy released when such a huge four-dimensional structure falls into three dimensions is not a small number - Zero's simulation calculation results show that at the moment the four-dimensional bubble dies, the energy released even far exceeds the central quasar of the M87 galaxy!

Although human civilization today is capable of surviving in such an environment, but...

Knowing that the bomb is about to explode, anyone with a sound mind knows that they should run away.

After leaving the four-dimensional bubble, the human fleet quickly descended from the four-dimensional to the three-dimensional, opened a wormhole, and rushed to a safe area ten thousand light years away.

Just a short process of dimensional upgrading that lasted more than ten days has caused many sequelae in human civilization-most people cannot adapt to life in the four-dimensional space.

As described by [Troy Civilization], permanent dimensional upgrading or dimensional reduction is almost impossible for life forms to succeed.

ps: Full attendance! There is still hope for full attendance!!

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