Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 946: The entire ship, upgraded!

The shadow structure is still floating slowly in front of the human fleet.

Judging from the appearance alone, the four-dimensional creatures did not suffer any damage from the round of high-intensity saturation bombing just now.

In the Earth Command Center, Lu Yongchang narrowed his eyes slightly and stared carefully at the fluctuating observation data in the holographic projection.

It seems that there is nothing unusual.

But he didn't believe that this four-dimensional creature could survive such a saturation attack!

The only things that can cause damage from low dimensions to high dimensions are gravity weapons.

Therefore, under the bombing just now, the human fleet used a large number of gravity bombs and black hole bombs.

Needless to say, after being promoted to the eighth-level civilization, the power of gravity weapons has also been greatly increased.

Within the scope of action, those gravity bombs can even temporarily create a terrifying gravity comparable to that of a neutron star!

Not to mention the black hole bomb that has been improved several times, it is not even a simple gravity weapon!

Black hole bombs integrated with space technology will even activate the space compression function at the moment of explosion - it can pull surrounding objects into the gravitational range of the micro black hole at a faster speed.

Simply put, compared with previous black hole bombs, today's black hole bombs have a larger range of action and greater lethality.

Under the attack of such dense and high-power gravity bombs and black hole bombs, the gravity of the affected area has not yet returned to calm.

The four-dimensional creatures hovered quietly in front of the human fleet and were not in a hurry to launch a second round of attacks.

Just as Lu Yongchang expected.

Facing the powerful and extremely complex gravity weapon attack, even if it is a four-dimensional creature, it has to pay a heavy price for it.

It subconsciously recalled the shocking scene just now.

When it launched an attack on a human starship, several gravity bombs and black hole bombs exploded around it at the same time!

Several gravitational forces from different directions, powerful enough to compare with a neutron star, act on it at the same time!

This is not the most terrible thing!

The moment the black hole bomb exploded, a miniature black hole appeared in the universe.

The sharp compression of space indirectly dragged it down into the miniature black hole!

Micro black holes are essentially black holes.

As the most extreme celestial body in the universe, it is difficult for even four-dimensional creatures to resist the power of a black hole!

Once you fall into the black hole's event horizon... it will be difficult to get out again!

In panic, the four-dimensional creature directly chose to "break off its arms and escape"!

It resolutely cut off part of its four-dimensional body and threw it towards a nearby miniature black hole.

After leaving the protection of the core, the part of the four-dimensional body it abandoned fell to the third dimension through the assimilation effect of the three-dimensional space.

This brought an extremely huge energy and impact.

Under this powerful impact, it successfully broke away from the "gravitational cage" composed of black hole bombs and gravity bombs.

Losing part of the body is a small matter, but a little damage to the core is the real big problem!

It felt carefully.

The operation of the core is slightly stiff, which is a sign of slight damage to the core.

It put away its contempt for human civilization.

Do not hesitate to attack your own warship, just to launch a saturation attack on it...

This kind of battlefield execution and decisiveness...

It is enough to regard it as a sweeper civilization that has not yet grown up!

It maintains its original form as much as possible to prevent human civilization from discovering the truth that it has been injured.

Fortunately, human civilization has not mastered dimensionality-enhancing technology.

During the stalemate, the four-dimensional creature secretly rejoiced.


A strange wave came from the front, like a slap on its face.

【Ascend, increase dimension? ! 】

【impossible! This is impossible! ! ! 】

It roared.

At the same time, it hurriedly started a wide-area tachyon broadcast.

The information is wrong!

This is a sweeper civilization that has not yet grown up!

This is clearly the second sweeper civilization! ! !

"Attention all units."

"All ships, upgrade the dimension!"

Regardless of whether the saturation attack just now caused damage to the opponent, human civilization now has only one option left.

Reveal your trump card! Upgrade your dimension!

Aren’t they just four-dimensional creatures? !

Who is not a four-dimensional civilization? !

The moment the order was issued, the vacuum zero-point furnace, dark matter engine, and antimatter engine began to operate at full power at the same time!

At the same time, Zero’s computing power usage also began to soar sharply!

Four-dimensional optical brain array computing center, overclocked!

High-dimensional printing, let’s start!

Battleship dimension upgrade, start!


A slight tremor came from the bottom of the deck of each starship.

After an extremely short wait, starting from the bow of the ship, the battleship that was originally clearly visible in the three-dimensional universe turned into a blurry shadow!

The process of four-dimensionalization is not long.

When the four-dimensional creatures discovered the problem and "leap" towards the human fleet again, the fleet's dimensionality upgrade was coming to an end!

The four-dimensional creature that successfully jumped to a starship attacked it again, trying to interrupt its dimensionality.



A dull sound came.

After losing the advantage of high dimensions, the ship hull made of dense quark structure is obviously not something that it can easily defeat!

The situation on the battlefield also changed drastically in an instant!

The four-dimensional electromagnetic cannon projectiles wrapped with dark matter bombs swept forward like a violent storm!

At the same time, four-dimensional space cracks began to form rapidly!

Faced with this high-dimensional attack method that is exactly the same as that of the Sweeper civilization, the four-dimensional creatures breathed a sigh of relief.

Compared with three-dimensional space, kinetic weapons are not very useful in four-dimensional space - the extra direction has caused a significant drop in the hit rate of kinetic weapons.

For the "native" four-dimensional creatures, using the fourth direction to dodge is like instinct.

That is why, even if the Sweepers have mastered the technology of dimensional upgrading, the most effective means of attacking four-dimensional creatures are quark fortresses and black hole fortresses - as the saying goes, one force can defeat ten skills, the mass of quark fortresses and black hole fortresses is large enough, and the gravity and lethality generated are also strong enough.

Of course, the neutron fortress can barely meet this standard.

Just as the four-dimensional creature was preparing to avoid the attack of human civilization, it suddenly discovered a problem.

It is different from the attack of the Sweeper civilization.

The attack launched by the human fleet was horribly accurate!

"This... How is this possible..."

Before it could figure out the reason, an electromagnetic cannon projectile carrying a dark matter bomb came towards it!


It avoided the projectile at a very dangerous angle.


Boom! !

The four-dimensional space crack came from a tricky angle and hit the space shield around it accurately!

The space shield was immediately rippled with violent waves!

This was just the beginning, far from the end.

No matter how the four-dimensional creatures maneuvered to evade, the human fleet could always lock and attack in the first place!

It also tried to fight back.


What it never expected was that the human starship was like returning home in the four-dimensional space, using the fourth direction to easily avoid the four-dimensional space cracks it launched.

Seeing the overwhelming high-precision attacks, a sense of powerlessness and resentment rose in its heart.

TMD, who is the four-dimensional creature? ! !

ps: I have too much to do today, so I don't have time to write.

I'll make up one chapter tomorrow...

Fuck, the battle to defend full attendance is not over yet.

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