The missiles hurtling toward the front battlefield drew countless ripples in the ocean of time and space.

Under the saturation bombardment of a large number of high-powered weapons, this wave of time and space seemed extremely pale and powerless.

The four-dimensional creatures in the center of the explosion naturally had no time to take care of this inconspicuous wave of time and space.

That's it.

This missile from the rear of the human fleet entered the fire of the explosion as if it were no one's land.

Under Zero's remote control, it cleverly avoided the aftermath of various explosions and kept approaching the four-dimensional creatures in front.

Looking at the extremely smooth trajectory in the holographic projection, everyone in the command center was lifted up.

[Van Gogh].

This is a weapon made by the most advanced technology of human civilization so far.

To some extent, its significance is as great as the technology of dimensional upgrading.

[Ding! ]

[Van Gogh has successfully arrived at the target area. ]

[The low-dimensional body restraint device has been successfully closed. ]

[The two-dimensional fragments have been successfully released. ]

[Dimensional reduction strike, start! 】

Lines of short information appeared one after another on the holographic projection of the command center.

When the last line of information appeared, the time in the command center seemed to be stopped.

Just like the attack methods of [Painting] and [Ant].

[Van Gogh]'s means of attack is to implement dimensionality reduction attacks on everything around, including space.

Two dimensions are not the most stable dimension.

Theoretically, when two-dimensional fragments are exposed in three-dimensional space, there will only be one consequence - that is, the two-dimensional fragments are forced to upgrade.

Therefore, the dimensionality reduction attacks performed by low-dimensional creatures have always been a means that Lv Yongchang and the Academy of Sciences cannot understand.

Thanks to [Silk] and [Ant].

Of course, thanks to [Painting].

During the research process, Lv Yongchang has made such exclamations countless times.

The dedication of the three low-dimensional creatures has greatly shortened the exploration of human civilization in low-dimensional technology.

Most of the research work on the Pastoral School is on their core.

It is no exaggeration to say that the core of the Pastoral School is the crystallization of the wisdom of the universe.

All the efforts of [Trojan Civilization] at the critical moment were exposed to Lv Yongchang.

Through the study of the "core", Lv Yongchang discovered the secret of dimensionality reduction attack.

The assimilation between dimensions is mutual.

However, the intensity of assimilation is determined by the stability of the dimension itself.

The stability of the third dimension is the strongest, and its assimilation is also the strongest, but this does not mean that the second dimension cannot assimilate the third dimension, nor does it mean that its stability cannot be changed by external forces.

When launching a dimensionality reduction attack, the low-dimensional body from the low-dimensional creature is not a consumable, but a crystal nucleus in the crystallization process.

For example, when the two-dimensional fragments reduce the dimension of the target object, the two-dimensional fragments themselves will not be consumed.

On the contrary, the entire dimensionality reduction process is gradually carried out around the two-dimensional fragments.

At this time, a problem arises.

To ensure the continuation of the dimensionality reduction process, it is necessary to ensure the safety of the crystal nucleus, that is, the two-dimensional fragments.

A large amount of energy is a necessary condition.

Through special devices, a large amount of energy is injected into the two-dimensional fragments to ensure or even improve their own stability, thereby assimilating the surrounding three-dimensional objects.

This is the real secret of dimensionality reduction!

Similarly, high-dimensional creatures can also perform similar operations on three-dimensional objects, but there is no need for this.

The essence of [Van Gogh] is actually a replica of the core of the Pastoral School.

It can inject a large amount of energy into the two-dimensional fragments in it, thereby carrying out dimensionality reduction attacks on the surrounding objects.

This is also the reason why Lv Yongchang chose missiles as its carrier-only missiles can carry the Zero Point Furnace and provide it with sufficient starting energy.


Front battlefield.

The head of the missile slowly cracked, revealing the low-dimensional body restraint device in it.

Under Zero's precise remote control, the low-dimensional body restraint device was successfully closed, and the dark matter field that blocked the assimilation effect quickly dissipated.

The two-dimensional fragments placed in it successfully contacted the surrounding three-dimensional space.

A strong assimilation effect occurred!

Theoretically, this small two-dimensional fragment should quickly upgrade to a higher dimension and turn into countless basic particles.

But under the action of [Van Gogh], it was firmly exposed in the three-dimensional space.


The first two-dimensional space appeared!

Among them, there was a wisp of flame produced by the explosion!

It bloomed quietly in the two-dimensional space.

The flat area of ​​the fire became much larger, and every detail in it was clearly presented in the three-dimensional perspective.

This two-dimensional space completely sounded the horn of dimensionality reduction!

Click, click, click!

With the two-dimensional fragment as the core, everything around [Van Gogh] was drawn into a piece of drawing paper!

The drawing paper was quickly spread out and quickly extended to the four-dimensional creature in the distance.

Under the camera, this magnificent picture appeared in front of Lv Yongchang and other academicians.

This is a distorted painting.

Among them, there is a dark starry sky, colorful fire, and a large number of distorted parts...

Just like Van Gogh,

[Van Gogh] successfully painted a distorted starry sky painting!


The two-dimensional space spread rapidly, and finally, it successfully contacted the four-dimensional creature!

The violent energy shock exploded!

The four-dimensional creature with a core is undoubtedly relying on the power of the core to resist the dimensionality reduction effect from the outside world.

And [Van Gogh] is constantly injecting pure zero-point energy into the two-dimensional fragments, trying to draw it into his own painting.

The battlefield has come to another field.

That is the field of energy competition.

Obviously, even if the four-dimensional creature is severely damaged, it is not something that [Van Gogh], who is powered by a missile, can compete with.

Seeing that the four-dimensional creature is about to break free from the two-dimensional painting around its body, the order from Lu Yongchang came late!

"[Chi You], pay attention, connect with [Van Gogh] immediately and provide it with energy!"


The moment the order was issued, ten [Chi You] planetary fortresses quickly exited the dimensional upgrade state and jumped to the vicinity of [Van Gogh].

The universal energy transmission channel was ejected from the side of the planetary fortress and successfully connected to the energy input port of [Van Gogh].

Vacuum zero-point energy gushed out and rushed toward [Van Gogh] along the energy path!

One, two...

When the eight energy input ports on [Van Gogh]'s side were successfully connected, the situation finally turned around!

The four-dimensional body of the four-dimensional creature finally began to reduce dimensions at this moment!

A large number of huge three-dimensional structures appeared in this starry sky, and then quickly fell into the scroll below!

What this brought was an unprecedented energy explosion!

The energy far exceeded the supernova explosion, directly impacting the warships of human civilization!

ps: Thanks to the little jellyfish on Mars for sending the great god certification *5!

The big guy is awesome!!!

Bad news: There is only one chapter tonight, and the writer is a bit stuck.

Good news: I got full attendance.

Bad news: It will be finished next month, and I will definitely not have full attendance next month.

Better news: I will post as much as I write next month. If I am in good condition, I may post more than two chapters a day, but the release time may not be so regular.

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